The Little Witch's Intimidation

"Hmm~? Shut up, you say. Do you not wish for me to resume with my racial descriptions, then? Oh my, how rude. It was you after all that requested for me to do this."

Grazier got up from the leather chair she was sitting on and then moved in front of Solis. Her amber eyes looked up at him, seeping into the windows of his soul. He didn't know why, but Solis instinctively felt deep apprehension when he gazed back at her, almost like a mouse being stared at by a snake.

"I-I, ugh…" he unconsciously gulped in fear while shivering inside from cold sweat. "I-I'm sorry. I stepped out of line… Please, continue."

"Are you sure~? You won't be mad at me and act so rude again, will you?"

Though her voice was always pleasant to the ears, yet currently he could sense iciness laced over her words. Why was he feeling such abject terror right now when all she's done was directly look him in the eye? But even so, his instincts were warning him of how dangerous this cute girl standing before him truly was.

"N-No… I won't."

Therefore, he could only bow his head to avoid her gripping gaze that tightened his heart. As a result, the chilling coldness he felt inside diminished somewhat.

"I'm still a scary witch, you know~"

Without him noticing, she gently whispered those words directly into his ear. With the unexpected stimulation from her breath, Solis snapped out of his reverie and hurriedly looked around him. Then, he saw that Grazier was already back to sitting down on her leather chair.

"Let's keep our conversation warm and pleasant from now on, okay?" she smilingly said.

"Yes… I deeply apologize for my behavior before. It's a faulty personality of mine whenever I'm playing video games."

Ever since he was convinced that he was without a doubt inside the VRMMORPG world of Fatal Fantasy, Solis' habit of switching personalities when playing a game instantly clicked. It was a hidden side of him that he did not wish to reveal to anyone in the real world.

According to those who knew him in real life, he was seen as a perfectly good person who could apparently do no wrong. But, to those who could recognize him in the numerous video games he's played, he was actually a notorious scumbag player that most people resented. Because of completely holding in all of his stress, anger, and frustrations in real life to create the "perfect person" that everyone sees him as; he desperately needed an outlet to release the pent-up negative emotions that he's been harboring from deep within.

Thus, video games had become his stress reliever where he could let loose and go absolutely buck wild. Besides, nobody would know his real-life identity anyway since he was not stupid enough to give away his private information to another player.

Grazier watched him perform a deep bow in order to sincerely express that he was truly sorry for what he did. Witnessing this, she gladly nodded her cute little head and said,

"Mm. Your apology has been accepted; all is forgiven. Now then, where were we?"

Out of nowhere, she did an abrupt snap of her fingers and a teacup and saucer materialized in her hands. Grazier took a sip from the brew then turned to look at Solis to ask him a question.

"Do you mayhaps want some tea, too?"


But before he could give an answer, the same teacup and saucer were already taking form in front of his eyes. He hurriedly tried to grab it and somehow made it in time to do so.

"Now that's the good stuff~"

He could hear Grazier say giddily in between her sips. Obviously having no choice in the matter, Solis cautiously gave his tea a quick taste. When the contents of the brew flowed through his mouth, it was surprisingly delectable as it made him widen his eyes in shock.

"Wow. It's actually pretty good."

"Hmm~? What do you mean? Of course it is, obviously! What did you expect?"

"Umm… This is embarrassing to say, but I thought you would've poisoned it or something to teach me a lesson for the way I acted earlier…"

"HUH?! Didn't I say to you that all was forgiven?! Sheesh, what do you think of me some cold, heartless individual who can't be trusted with her words?" Grazier pouted.

Solis didn't dare to answer that question of hers and just displayed a manner of a gentleman focusing on slowly savoring every drop of his tea. She noticed that he clearly wanted to avoid the subject, which could be considered a landmine, so she didn't pursue him over the issue.

In fact, Solis was replaying the words she whispered to him over and over again inside his head, and it caused him to quiet down.

"Ehem," Grazier cleared her throat before speaking. "Whoo~ I really needed that tea break to help clear my throat a bit. You do realize that giving long expositions can be quite tiring on your voice, right? So please forgive me for pausing the descriptions for a while."

"No, it's okay." Solis replied.

"Are you done with yours as well?"

"Mm. Where do I put this?"

"Don't worry, let me."

Grazier snapped her fingers again for the last time. Subsequently, both the teacups and saucers on his and her hands vanished into thin air.

"Magic is quite a wonderful and convenient thing, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is."

Hearing his perfunctory response, Grazier couldn't help but giggle slightly.

"Well then, where were we again?"

"You're done introducing the Wind Elf, Vampire, and Speed Devil races to me. I wanted to learn about the Agila Vastaya, Lobo Vastaya, Merman, and Red Orc, too."

"Ah, yes. So, the Agila Vastaya is a part of the several different Vastaya Races residing in the Demon Continent. The Vastaya Races are a group of diverse demonic spirit animals, and the Agila Vastaya is an eagle demonic spirit that excels in aerial combat. Agila Vastayas are very deadly when in flight and practically rule the skies of the Demon Continent. They use wind and space magic to travel faster, or even instantly, from one location to another. A speedy flock of birds is what I would describe them."

"Hmm... I think I like them a lot. The Agila Vastaya Race sounds overly powerful."

"Mm. I guess you can think as such. But there are countless items and magical arts out there that can effectively counter them. If you do choose this race, just hope that you won't come across a Magus skilled in Sealing Arts."

"I'll keep that in mind. How about the Lobo Vastaya Race? What are its specialties?"

"As I've already stated, the Vastaya Race is a diverse group of demonic spirit animals. The Lobo Vastaya Race is a wolf demonic spirit that is extremely durable and quick on its hind legs. Oh, and I forgot to mention that the Vastaya Race has a special ability exclusive to them. It is called Bestial Metamorphosis where they transform into their full demonic spirit form, and it is said that the Lobo Vastaya Race has the deadliest attack damage during Bestial Metamorphosis."

"And what about the Agila Vastayas?"

"Naturally, Agila Vastayas will be the fastest when in Bestial Metamorphosis."

"So, let me get this straight—they both excel in speed and damage respectively. Is that correct?"

"Yes, but it's aerial speed and physical damage, to be more precise."

When he heard this, Solis raised an eyebrow at her with a questioning look on his face.