set up?

"yes it's a curse, but it's used by people who study black magic. you use words and your own energy to actual use it. it's not an ability your born with. it's taught and you have to speak it...anyway now that we're all on the same page" before the nurse could finish i butted in jumping off the blue bed running my hand through my hair out of the stressfulness of the situation.

"page? huh we're not even in the same library!", i huffed out crossing my arm.

"calm it kid, let her finish" Arthur said with an eye roll at my 'dramaticness'.

"this spell is very hard and dangerous but if you do it one time it comes easy, black magic gets addicting..someone put this spell on you..this spell makes you give into your emotions and your abilities take over as you spiral out of control, down the rabbit hole never to come out" the nurse exclaimed.

"wow..make me feel better" i lightly touched my infected shoulder thinking over the words she just said.

"what she's basically saying is this spell is nearly impossible to do but super effective well...usually." Arthur said eyeing me down as he continued, "all we know is that it requires physical contact with the kid, the person who can make this kind of spell is dangerous so we need you to think of who came in physical contact with you".

so i kinda get it but still, what's the point in this. why would someone do this to some dumb kids, what's the end goal.

"i..i don't know I'm sorry I've got nothing" i mumbled out.

"maybe they covered it up with some type of amnesia spell of some sort?" the nurse questioned unsure of her words looking at Arthur for confirmation.

"it's possible for a normal case maybe, i said normal..normally they would go insane within and hour of that spell being casted on them, we can bring them back to being normal but on one condition. if you only had the spell placed on you for atleast a day, any longer than that then we can't help them" Arthur said as he got closer examining my shoulder.

"what! I've had this thing a lot longer than a it's untreatable"my body had chills all over it after hearing this piece of information.

"again, calm it jack..i said normally that's what would be the case, see this spell is like a parasite that infects the brain. usually that's what it is..but it hasn't taken over your mind. so that's what this kind lady is here for, she has a healing ability that's gonna see what's happening in your body...she's actually Stella's mom"he said the last part shyly as a blush slowly and ever so lightly appeared on his face only for him to clear his throat.

now this was interesting.

a smirk slowly formed on my face easing some of the stress.

"ok let her examine me" i said calmly trying to hide my peaked interest.

she giggled lightly understanding the situation but choosing to ignore it and placed her small cold hand on my shoulder within seconds a warmth calming sensation washed over my body. her hair slightly floated as a green opaque aura covered her body. my attention quickly diverted back to the love struck eye patched man

i chuckled catching his attention with a raised brow

"do you need a hand" i said shifting my gaze to the nurse indicating that he needs to take his shot.

"does it look like i need your help"he annoyedly said back.

"do you really want me to answer look like a love struck kid in highschool. you stare at her a little to long just to wanna be her friend" i spoke teasingly.

"i will kick you out" he growled

"ngh yes sir sorry sir",i chuckled nervously, soon enough the nurse's hair went down and her hand slowly moved from me taking away that short lived safe feeling.

"well uh...can i talk to jack...alone" she said with a smile that was trying to hide a nervous look.

Arthur stared me down for a couple of seconds then sighed and walked out of the room sliding the door shut.

"listen's not impossible to get rid of this, it'll just take time" the older lady spoke with ease

i got up and began to put my black shirt back on.

"ok that doesn't sound bad".

"the issue is your ability jack..lightning, as you may know it's not a common ability it's a strong ability and the only thing that can cancel it out is earth but. its also a dangerous ability. the ability puts alot of stress on the users spirit eventually shattering it leaving them like a vegetable, if the physical toll doesn't take them first....your ability is fighting off this cursed spell, but..i don't know what the cost is, it could kill you. it could help you. i don't know. but i can confirm that the more you use your ability the more stress your gonna put on this curse. so take it easy until it goes away, your ability can rid of it naturally. again i don't know at what cost." she spoke to me calmly yet curiously.

a sigh could be heard from my mouth as i began to walk to the door opening it. "thank you for your help miss, oh while you were analyzing my body Arthur said something about wanting to talk to you at supper about a serious matter" a mischievous smirk appeared on my face as i slipped out of the room not giving her time to answer back.

i looked around the identical hallways and a white haired man is no where to be scene.wellllll shit!

now to began my journey on finding my way out of this hell hole.

..why does he have so many guards anyway..i mean i know he's rich but is he that rich? does he have that many enemies?

....where the fuck am i...

after walking around for what felt like 10 minutes i finally came to a familiar set of door, the dinner room i had tea in with Arthur.

(Arthur pov)

as i was asked to wait outside i spotted two girls sneaking their way inside.

"ähm" i said clearing my throat making my daughter and her friend since childhood jump.

"ohhh dad your home, you losing weight, your looking amazing" Becca nervously blabbered out.

with an eyebrow raised i looked between her and a scared Stella.

"look i told her to be home earlier but she wouldn't listen Mr. Arthur" Stella spoke as her head lowered in shame which made me chuckle lightly.

"it's ok girls just be more careful ok, call and check in..i know y'all are capable of protecting yourselves but still, i don't want a repeat of what happened a couple months ago." the more i spoke the colder my voice got thinking about the time my daughter was held as hostage due too my own personal affairs.

"yes sir we understand" Stella bowed her head out of respect.

"now it's kinda late, shall we eat supper" i smiled changing the depressing topic making the two girls smile.

(Jack's pov)

seeing he wasn't in there i walked out of the tea room and was speed walking through the halls until i came across these bamboo style double doors, assuming they were these exit i walked in... without think I'd learn my lesson.

"who the fuck are you" the women screamed as she wrapped the white towel around her tan body tighter, her hair was white like the towel she held but it shinned more due to it being wet.

"l-listen ma'am i didn't mean t-" before i could finish a silver knife was thrown at me and i barely managed to dodge it... where she got it from i have no idea.

"GUARDS" she yelled as she grabbed her second knife and began to run at me.


i started sprinting Down the hallway with this naked women chasing me, only having a towel barely covering her parts, with a knife..not the most ideal situation to be in.

i could hear her foot steps slowly gaining on me as i could hear more gathering...shittt not the guards as well.

"get this perv" the white haired lady spoke with anger causing some guards to block infront of me and she was behind me, the only place I could go was into another set of doors to my left. and no i didn't have time to knock on this set of doors either.

right before the lady could grab the back of my shirt i rammed my body through the doors causing it to bust open. even though I thought this was a smart way to get away it turned out to be hopeless. the lady tackled me to the ground where she was sitting on my back and holding my head to the ground with the cold steel pressed against my neck.

"who are you pervert and why were you peaking at me", her voice held nothing but coldness enough to chill you to the bone, her white hair was long enough to touch the ground while she was doing this.

"ngh ma'am listen it's a misunderstan-" she interrupted me again by shoving my head more into the ground.

"guards get me my brother" she said with venom which only caused someone to laugh.

"I'm already here Yuki" Becca's dad laughed out as he scooted his chair back from a table and walked over to us, his foots steps sounded huge listening too them from the ground.

"this perv was watching me change", the white haired female whom i presumed to be named Yuki said.

"dad was he your guest? is that who Frankie was talking about", Becca asked with an eyebrow raised as she walked over to us aswell.

"yes sadly, now sis...with all do respect, i think the last thing he wants to look at, is you. now please get off our guest" the elder brother said with a sigh as she began to slowly get off me finally allowing me to breathe.

"thank you" i huffed out while Becca grabbed my arm and helped pull me up.

"on second note" the eye patched man said as he looked at me and his daughter having skin to skin contact.

"on second note nothing nothing, nothing at all" i nervously smiled as i yanked my arm away from Becca making her laugh at my childishness.

"sooooo someone gonna explain why you have a perv as your guest around Becca" the aunt defensively said not buying any of it, she swayed to one hip putting all her weight on it as she crossed her arms.

"let me explain before it gets even more misunderstood" i laughed nervously.

"old man here was helping me with something and he left. and this place is huge, so i was trying to find my way around. you think after what happened with Stella and my cousin that i would learn to knock but i didn't and just walked in and yep...if i would have known you were in there i never would have barged in ma'am" i said slightly bowing showing my respect and dearest apologies.

"hm ok i forgive you kid but i do have a question" Ms. Yuki said causing me to look up at her.

"what happened with Stella" a small smirk was on the ladies face

as i began to open my mouth to speak a female came up behind me and clamped her hand over my mouth keeping me silent.

"nothing. nothing at all, nothing happened" a nervous Stella said not convincing the white haired lady to much.

"uhhh huh" Ms. Yuki said with a raised eyebrow."well it's none of my business but i can get more info about the subject later, until then. let's eat I'm starved". the white haired lady said as her stomach growled, helping me realize that we were in their dinning room and o interrupted there supper.

"mhhhh" i tried to say through Stella's hands that were a little clammy due to her nervousness.

"oh yeah sorry" her hands moved away from me slowly as she went back to her sleep still holding a blush.

"tch, you wanna eat with us, none of us got much at the restaurant and we're still hungry so, even though it pains me, will you eat with us." eyes patch man said as he sighed heavily as if he was being forced to say those words.

Becca looked at me with a inviting smile that basically said come on and just do it...and i was...until i remembered something that i set up, which probably isn't the best to be here when it goes down..

i looked at the simple old clock they had on there wall and let out a sigh that could match Becca's dad's.

"i would love to but i gotta go like i gotta leave, it's getting late and everything, thanks anyways. i bet the food would've been lovely. no, more than lovely, i bet it would've been amazing" i said as i slowly began to back up to the door to leave.

"dad why is he rambling..he never does that..he's freaking me out, Jack are you ok" Becca suggested with a slightly raised eyebrow.

"oh me, yeah of course why wouldn't I be" i grinned with a odd look on my face, Andddd before i know if BAMMM

the door opens again but this time..this time a pretty lady in her 30s walk in...Stella's mom.

"oh jack, good to see you again" she grinned softly as she continued to talk "i was informed that you need to talk to me about some serious matters" she said walking to Becca's dad.....i may have forgotten that i tried to set them up.

and with that

i ran for dear life trying to find the way out of this god for Saken house.