End of The Holiday (28 January)

~He has no reason to be jealous. But I wonder why he act like that~

There will be an end to everything, including holidays. University would start soon and the hectic life would begin. Happiness and laughter during the holiday became a memory that was saved in heart.

Evelyne was sitting behind her laptop in her study room. Sometimes, she let out a hard sigh. "This is gonna be tough." She wasn't working, just staring at the screen with empty eyes. Her screen showed a calendar, marked with her schedule.

After a while, slowly her hand moved the mouse and she reviewed her schedule. She was adjusting her schedule in university with her ongoing project and activities. "Huft a new semester comes, another chaotic life will follow."

With her left hand holding her head and the other hand clicking on the mouse, she checked her schedule carefully. "All classes I have are in the morning session and my tutorings are all in the afternoon. Perfect. Now, about the writing."

She sorted out all of her writing plans and the deadline. "Whoa, I still have this lot of writing to be done!" She said to herself and covered her face with a long sigh. "Huft… I always take every writing project I find without thinking twice," she massaged her head.

She slowly moved her writing schedule to wherever she found empty space in the schedule. "It should be at night… Wait, but I have another writing at this hour, so this one should be here…." Talking to herself was her way to feel better.

After three hours of adjusting and preparing her schedule, Evelyne was finally done with everything. "I hope everything will work well," she scrolled through the schedule once again.

While she was doing it, she looked at her schedule during the holiday, the one that already passed and brought back memories.

'31 December to 1 January: Staying at the villa with Victor'

That was her first schedule for this year. "The best new year I have ever had so far," her mind traveled to the past event. "Well, now I remember it. It was so shocking that he asked me out during the new year."

Victor wasn't a big fan of going out or spending holidays outside. He would rather stay at home and have a good rest than hang out. Yet out of the blue, he asked Evelyne out for the new year and stayed at the villa.

Of course, Evelyne was shocked at that time, yet nodded at the same time. She had no plan as well and just like him, she rarely went out to spend her leisure time. Honestly, that was her first time staying out with a friend.

Turned out the new year became her best ever. Spending time with the person she had her heart on, enjoying the time watching movies and fireworks. After all, it was true that her best place was anywhere near Victor.

The memory continues as she scrolled her calendar.

'10 January, meet with Elanor'

That was their first meeting this year. Both of them hardly match their schedule since they were busy. Well, Evelyne was busy with her project while Elanor was busy resting with her boyfriend. Elanor really had a good time during this holiday since Evelyne's uncle gave a lot of days off to Jovan, Elanor's boyfriend.

Another memory was their double date. That day, Evelyne cooked together with Jovan which made the sibling jealous. She could understand about Elanor since she 'borrowed' her boyfriend. But Victor? Was he really jealous?

She really had no idea about Victor. "What am I thinking about? He has no reason to be jealous. Elanor must be simply teasing him. Huft… I don't want to tie him with me. He has spent too much time worrying about me without looking at other girls because of that foolish accident. He has to find the one who he really loves and will love him back."

The memories kept coming to her mind. All the time she spent with Victor was so precious. She cooked for his meal, he took care of her and made sure she was in good condition, and their laughter. It became more special as Victor couldn't visit and spent time as often as he was because of their hectic life.

"Oh right, I have some recipes that I haven't tried yet!" She quickly opened her recipe note. There were at least ten recipes that she hadn't tried and had no time to do so. "Huft… need to make time for that." She pouted her cheek as she read the recipes.

Enough nostalgic with the holiday, her mind went back to reality. "Right, I submit my data for the innovation competition. I hope I will have my team any time soon." She checked her email and got no notification about the team.

"Is it because they were afraid to be on my team?" Evelyne sighed. "But even students from other faculties or batch are afraid of me? Impossible! At least people who want to participate in the competition have the same perspective as me!"

Among her friends in her faculty, Evelyne was known as an ambitious cold girl that no one dared to approach her. That was why it was hard for her to get a teammate for a team project.

"Whatever, I hope I can get someone soon. If not, then I will give up the competition and do something else." She closed her laptop as she finished with what she was doing.

"What should I do on the last weekend I have on holiday?" She dozed off as she rested her body down. "Well, I have the tutoring class and code to be finished. But is that all?"

She wanted the last day of her holiday to be a bit special, but it seemed impossible. Because of her projects that need to be done, tomorrow would be the same holiday she spent together with Victor.

"Should I try the recipe tomorrow? Well, I think I can do it, as long as I have the ingredients. I forgot all the ingredients already and whether I have it or not."