Team meeting (8 February)

~Only if everyone works like this, my life will be in a complete peace~

Evelyne usually studied at her uncle's restaurant whenever she was tired from her study room and wanted a new and fresh view. Moreover, when she was too busy she couldn't make lunch or dinner for herself, or when she just simply wanted to eat Jovan's delicious food.

This afternoon, she was visiting her uncle's restaurant to have a meeting with her team for the competition. Bryan had found them other teammates to make the project work and they already met online. The meeting this afternoon was meant to design and decide the work timeline in more detail.

After five minutes of waiting, Bryan arrived at the restaurant. "Sorry for making you wait for too long," he said as he sat in front of Evelyne who was changing her focus from her phone.

"No problem. I haven't waited for long. Let's wait for the other," she replied with a professional smile. "Oh, do you want to order something? It'll be on me," she continued as she took out her laptop and turned it on.

"I was thinking of treating everyone for today's meeting. This is our first meeting in person after all," answered Bryan, making Eve let him do it.

Not a long time after that, two of their teammates, Felix from Computer Engineering and Bridget from Architecture, came. "Sorry for making both of you wait. We need time to figure out our way here."

"No problem. We just arrived here too," Bryan smiled at them and offered a seat.

Evelyne also smiled at them politely. "So, only one person left? Is he… Rainier?" She guessed. She already knew Felix since they came from the same major, and Rainier was a boy, so she could say the girl was Bridget.

"Yes. I will try to contact him." Bryan took his phone out.

Silently, Evelyne was wondering who was Rainier. His name was familiar to her ears, making her think he was the person she knew a long time ago. The thought of the same Rainier would come, making her heart pound so fast in nervousness.

"Oh, guys," Bryan's voice caught his teammate's attention. "Rainier cannot come for today's meeting. So we will have our discussion here. He'll follow the result of the meeting." Relief and curiosity became one and filled Evelyne's heart.

"Is that so? Then let's get to each other first. I'm Felix, from Computer Engineering." Felix started the conversation.

"Hi, I'm Bryan from Architecture, same with Bridget," Bryan also introduced himself and Bridget. "Rainier came from Electrical Engineering. We will meet him in the next meeting."

Lastly, it was Evelyne."I'm Evelyne, from Computer Engineering like Felix. Let's work together."

After ordering some food and drinks, they started to talk about work. "Hmm, so we will make a smart house that can be controlled digitally. There will be a smart roof and computerised tools to manage the whole area." Bryan started the discussion.

"Yes. I will deal with the tools and program them. Don't worry about it," said Evelyne confident, reassuring the other members.

"Great!" Bridget said enthusiastically. "Don't worry about the construction and design as well. Bryan and I will take care of the construction."

Bryan sipped his drink and added. "Actually, we don't need to worry about anything besides our part. I'm sure we're capable enough to handle our part."

"Agree. Well, let's talk about what each other needs." Bridget took out some paper and pencils. "Let's start with the basic design. We also need to mark where we will hide the electronics and install the sensor."

"I think we also need a place as a control room," suggested Felix.

"Hmmm… We don't need a specific room with it. Just make it the same with the electrical control room or the security," commented Evelyne. "Maybe we can make it here. It won't catch much attention even though it's the center of the whole house." She pointed to a place with her pencil.

The four of them were busy designing their project for hours. There were tons of requirements they needed to reach and consider the efficiency they wanted. There were times they argued because of the different needs, but fortunately, everything was solved one by one.

"Finally!" Bridget threw her pencil on the table and leaned her back on the chair. They finally found a way to deal with any problem they had. The electronics part was also covered as both Computer Engineering and Architecture learn some basics of it.

"Hmm, so. Bridget and I will focus on tidying the design up and choosing the materials. We will inform you about the calculations soon, as we need to consider some other things." Bryan confirmed the work he had to focus on.

"Yep. Evelyne and I will focus on the system. Maybe we will need some discussion with Rainier since we deal with electronics components," replied Felix.

"So, when is the deadline?" asked Evelyne. "Since the competition deadline is 20 days, maybe next week?"

The others were silent for a while, thinking if they could make it. "Next week will do. The paper will also be finished by then, I guess."

"Agree. I have done my part. Only need some small revision about it," added Evelyne. The other members also agreed with the deadline and were confident they could make it on time.

"Good. So now, we only need to enjoy the food and talk?" Bridget smiled as she bent closer to the table.

"Sure! Everything is on me, so enjoy the food and drink here." Bryan answered, raising everyone's mood. "About Rainier, I will tell him about the result and

"I will ask them to make something special," Evelyne also smiled. She took her phone and messaged her uncle, asking for special food. She added that she would give extra payment after the meeting.

As the food came, the conversation flowed between them. They shared their experience and tried to get to know each other better. The type of conversation that Evelyne liked. Where everyone could work together and provide each other advantages.

'Only if everyone works like this, my life will be in a complete peace.'