Valentine edition (14 February)

~ Today is a special day ~

Today was Valentine's Day and since Evelyne stepped foot on campus, she had received a lot of chocolates. "E-Evelyne!" Called a man. "Th-this this is for you…." he said with a shaking voice of scaredness combined with awkwardness. His hand held a chocolate bar and he offered it in front of Evelyne.

Since there were a lot of eyes watching at them, Evelyne had no choice but to accept. "Thank you." She smiled politely and took the chocolate on her bag along with other chocolates she accepted then continued her walk to her class.

A lot of people were following her, curious how their chocolates would end. When Evelyne arrived at her class, her eyes spotted Maria who was sitting. "Evelyne!" Shouted Maria when she noticed her arrival.

Evelyne walked toward Maria and sat beside her. "How much chocolate do you get?" Asked Maria once Evelyne had a seat.

"I'm not sure. I didn't count them," answered Evelyne, who didn't even care about the chocolates she got or who gave them. She opened her bag and checked the chocolates she got and counted.

Looking at those many chocolates, Maria pouted her face, jealous. "Wow… you got so many of them! I don't even get one!"

"Do you want them? I'll give you all," said Evelyne as if it wasn't a big deal. Well, it was really nothing for her. She liked chocolates, but accepting one from those people was a bad idea for her. She didn't want to give them hope that she didn't mean.

"Yes! Thank you Eve! You're the best!" Maria hugged Evelyne as she received the chocolates.

Contrary to happy Maria, the boys who gave those chocolates were grumpy. They were watching Evelyne from the class' door to see whose chocolates were eaten by her. But, she didn't eat one of those and gave them to someone else. Disappointed, they left the class one by one.

"Well, that's expected from her." "I will try my luck next moment." "I wonder if she actually has someone in her heart." "No way! Who could dare to approach her when she's that cold!" Those boys tried to joke over their sadness. At least that happened to everyone.

Evelyne heard everything and was triggered when it was about someone in her heart. Yes, there was someone in her heart, but she never told anyone about him and was willing to keep it a secret for an unknown time.


That day's class went as they had to. There was no problem at all until the class ended and Evelyne went home. So her mood was great for the day. What made it more good was she had a plan with Victor this night after his work was done.

Right after she arrived home, she took a bath, a special one. She took extra care of her soap's fragrance, her shampoo, and when she was done, she took the best dress she had. She made sure that she looked perfect even though she wasn't wearing any heavy makeup.

She was ready when the clock showed 6 pm. Time for Victor to come and get her. Just as Evelyne expected, when she checked her phone, she got a chat from Victor. He was waiting in his car at the parking area, so she only needed to go down.

After checking her appearance in the mirror, Evelyne left her unit and went down to get Victor. Once she was at the door, she saw Victor's car parked. Quickly she got out and approached that car then entered it.

"Hey Vict!" She smiled as she entered. "Where will we go?" She frowned. Victor just finished his work at the hospital, yet he was wearing a nice neat suit. He really made a good impression and succeeded to make Evelyne blush.

Victor smiled back at Evelyne. She wore a blue dress this time as well, her favourite colour. "I won't tell you. That's a secret." His lip curved, as he looked at pouting Evelyne.

"Alright, alright." Evelyne put on her seatbelt and sat straight, without looking at Victor anymore.

Looking at how cute Evelyne acted, Victor patted her head before he started his car's engine and started driving. He brought her to a restaurant that was fifteen minutes away from Evelyne's apartment. "Here we are," said Victor as they entered the area.

"This restaurant?" Asked Evelyne confused and shocked.

"Uhum… Do you not like it?"

Quickly Evelyne shook her head. "No. It's not that!" She raised both her hands as well.

After parking the car, both of them entered the restaurant. "I have booked a private room. Here's my booking receipt." Victor handed a piece of paper to the receptionist and the receptionist started processing everything.

While Evelyne, her face went blank due to the shock she got. They were at a fancy expensive restaurant and as if it wasn't enough Victor booked a private room. How much money did he spend on all these? Wasn't it such a waste?

"Sir, your room is that way. Enjoy your time here," said the receptionist as she handed the receipt back to Vitor.

Both Victor and Evelyne then walked to the booked room. "Hey, Vict," called Evelyne as they were quite far from the receptionist. "Why are you wasting your money on this!" She whispered.

"Wasting? What do you mean? I thought you'd like it?" Victor asked her back. He prepared everything specially for this moment. He wanted Evelyne to enjoy her time there with him. "Oh, here's our room." They had finally arrived at the booked room. Victor checked the note and opened the door of their room.

"Whoaa…." Evelyne's jaw dropped at the luxury of the room. The room was painted in white theme, with some gold accent from the ornament and the utensils. "Beautiful."

"So… I was right? You like it, right?" Victor smiled as he took a few steps toward the chair. He took out the chair, letting Evelyne sit on it. "So, tell me. Do you really like it?"

Evelyne nodded her head. "I really like it. It'll be weird if I don't. But, you don't have to spend much money just for this! I hate it if you spend so much money just to please me!" She protested.

Victor knew it, yet he also wanted to give her the best he could. She had been busy lately, so enjoying such luxury once in a while like this wouldn't hurt right?

"No problem. I can afford it this much. So please just enjoy your meal and your time. It's a special day after all."