Maria (1 March)

~ Victor is the best for me!!! ~

It was break time when Victor called his sister, Elanor to have a meeting at a restaurant nearby. There were things he wanted to discuss with her regarding a problem that disturb him for the past few days.

"Just what that girl wants? She out of the blue texted me randomly," said Victor, starting a conversation with Elanor. He showed the chat history on his phone to Elanor. "I have blocked her contact before, yet she keeps having her way to contact me."

Elanor took Victor's phone and read the chat. Her eyes were wide open as she found the conversation there was quite interesting. "This girl really is something. Don't tell me you still like her," commented Elanor with a no as the answer she got. "This would be a problem once she knows about Eve," she added.

"E-Eve?!" Victor was shocked when Evelyne's name was brought up. "Why did you bring her name here?" He protested, without realising that his face turned quite red.

"Huh? Why are you so red? Did something happen between you?" Elanor winked a few times, teasing her brother. As she wanted, Victor's face was redder, which was fun to see. "Seeing that your face is that red, something good happened, right? If so, what do you think will happen if Maria learns about Eve? She's mad about you, you know."

Victor nodded his head, trying to calm himself while answering, "I see…" He was then silent for a while. "Now that I think about it, where does she study now?"

"Hmm, how could I know? Go find it yourself!" Elanor shrugged and started eating her meal. Her pasta was cold already since she didn't eat it right away.

"Ela!" Victor groaned with his eyes glared at her. "How could I search for it when she would think I'm still into her? Can you do it for me?"

Elanor thought about the request Victor made. "Only if you pay for this pasta and juice."

"Deal," Victor agreed quickly.

After taking another bite of her pasta, Elanor opened her social media and began searching. The search started from Maria's account and the photo posted in it. Then it continued to anyone who tagged her, her friends, anyone she could find. She scrolled and clicked her phone seriously with her detective instinct. "Found it!"

Victor quickly moved closer toward Elanor. "Here, look at this." Elanor gave Victor a closer look at her phone. "Isn't that mean… Maria and Eve…"

Victor was completely muted. He didn't know how to react to what he just found. "It's the worst of the worst scenario." He sighed and rubbed his face.

"Then, the only important thing is your attitude. How do you actually feel about Eve? Don't you think it's time to be sure about it? And if the worst possible scenario happens, what will you do, especially to Eve?"

It's a once in a lifetime for Victor to agree with his sister's thoughts, but he really was. Yet no matter how hard he tried, every time he thought about his feelings, Evelyne's words from last night rang in his head. 'I like you.' He didn't even know how to face her properly after what he said to her.

"Oh gosh, what actually happened between you two? Your face is red again you know," teased Elanor. "Did you confess? Are you a real couple now?" She sounded enthusiastic to hear the complete story.

"No! It's not it! Thank you for your help, I will think about your suggestion. Now, just eat and go, break time is almost over," Victor tried to change the subject.

On the other side, in her room, on her bed, Evelyne was so angry with herself. Her morning class had ended and the next class would be in the afternoon, so she could return back to her apartment to rest for a bit. Since the morning, she couldn't focus at all and the reason was what she said to Victor last night.

"How could I say that to him!" She shouted and pinched her pillow then buried her face in it. "Why? I'm so done!" Not only pinching her pillow, Evelyne also punched, kicked, she was literally abusing her pillow. That was a sight that no one had seen before. "Even this morning he was more silent."

Suddenly she stopped her abuse. Last night's memory came to her mind. After she confessed, Victor smiled and gently stroked her hair. Calmly he said, "Hey, isn't it a bit unfair for you to say it first? But, here's my answer," said Victor as he took a deep breath. "I like you too." From his eyes, Evelyne knew Victor wasn't lying but was he meant the same with her?

The more confusing part was what he said afterwards. "But can you wait for a little while? I promise to properly tell you anything after I sort things out." What did he want to tell? What things needed to be sorted out?

"Was he mean as a friend? Yet isn't stroking my hair way too much if he meant as a friend? Wait, how long should I wait for the things he wanted to say?" She was puzzled. "No, the thing is, why did I confess?" A name then popped up in her mind. "That's right. Rainier. He keeps showing himself to me, so I want to fix my mind that Victor is the best."

Speaking of the devil, a notification came to her phone. Quickly, she opened it, yet it was a text from someone she completely didn't want to have a conversation with. He was Rainier, the one who reappeared in her life.

"What does he mean by 'How are you? Do you want to meet sometime?'? We don't have anything to do anymore, do we?" She tossed her phone away, without any intention to reply to the text. Her mood was completely ruined just with a two-sentence text.

"Ah, Victor. I hope things are going well between us."