
"She has internal injuries, she has....." the doctor was stating condition of Lia and Bo was listening to it while looking at the closed door of the room from time to time. She and the doctor went out to discuss the condition and as Lia went to sleep during the checkup, it was easy for Bo to leave the room for few minutes.

"This is the number of Psychiatrist, make sure she takes the session, Psychiatrist is a lady so she will be comfortable and make sure she has lots of fluids in her diet and eat something light for now, porridge and soup is fine." The doctor instructed and after finishing he left to attend other patients.

As soon as the doctor left Bo rushed inside the room and sat near the bed. She held her hand and looked at her face that was covered with bruises yet Bo found her beautiful, specifically her eyes they were as blue as the sky but covered with clouds of pain and fear, she was adamant on clearing those clouds one day.

"w...wat...water." Bo jerked from her sleep when she heard the raspy yet enticing voice, she was sleeping with her head down near Lia's hand, it was very uncomfortable position but she had no heart to even go to the couch and sleep, she wanted to be near Lia all the time.

Bo looked at Lia who was awake and looking at her, Bo got up from the chair and filled the glass of water.

After the water was consumed, Bo was about to make the bed in sleeping position but Lia stopped her saying that she wanted to stay like this for some time.

Lia was looking at Bo with fascination yet hesitancy, she wanted to ask so many questions to her but was to scared to do so. She felt sparks in her hand breaking her from the thoughts that were swirling in her mind.

Lia looked at Bo waiting for her to say anything but what came out of her mouth made her feel dread, she didn't want to talk about it, she didn't want to feel about it.

Lia started trembling, he eyes started overflowing with tears and the monitor started beeping rapidly, Lia had so much fear in her eyes that Bo regretted asking her the question, she should have kept her mouth shut, she thought.

Bo tried to sooth Lia but it was like Lia was trapped in another world, a world where there was pain and sorrow.

Lia was remembering the day when everything went downhill for her, the day when she was betrayed, the day when she was thrown away, the day when she realized she was alone in this world and no one will hear her screams. That guy will...

She couldn't even finish her thought, she saw dark all black but something strange happened, she saw red among the darkness, she felt sparks tingling her body, she felt those spark comforting.

She felt that red colour encouraging, as if someone was waving a red flag to indicate that she reached her destination, indicating that this destination is not going to give her pain.

She reached out to that red and opened her eyes, everything was blurry at first then she saw a beautiful face that adorned those shiny red hair, the doe eyes were showing worry and regret. Bow lips were quivering with every sorry that they spoke, the soft nose was turning pink due to crying and those ember eyes with red rim were briming with tears.

Lia lifted her bruised hand with great difficulty and wiped those tears and with a shaky voice said "I have no family." and she lost consciousness.

Bo was trembling while adjusting the bed, the picture that unfolded just now was agonizing, as soon as Bo asked Lia about her family or if she needs to call someone everything went down hill, she saw dread in her blue eyes and then she started screaming loudly asking why and saying to not to leave her alone.

The nurses rushed to the room listening to the screams wanting to stabilise her but one growl from Bo was enough for them to hault their steps. Bo gently took screaming Lia in her arms and started rubbing her hair in a soothing manner, she called her name with so much love and warmth that even the nurse's heart melted.

Bo was constantly calling Lia back and saying sorry again and again, soon those agonizing scream died down and Lia opened her eyes. Everything came to a sudden hault, Lia kept her eye contact with Bo, she lifted her trembling hands and wiped Bo's cheek while whispering something and as soon as she finished her sentence she passed out.

Luckily Lia didn't thrash around, just sat there and screamed or else her stitches would have been disturbed again but those screams were so traumatizing that Bo was shook to her core.

When Lia said she has no family Bo made a promise to herself she will be Lia's family, Lia is the only one who will bring good in her life and she will make sure that her Lia will get all the strength she needs to fight her demons. Bo will be Lia's home.