Task complete

Demolus smiled happily looking at the task and decided to act on it. "Kurusu you go home first you still have to go back before the trouble makers wake up and decide to go out and search for you while I will go with Centorea and go after the pickpocket we will be back home soon don't worry oh and call smith and inform her of this too bye"

As Kurusu started hurrying home with all the groceries I turned to Centorea.

"Centorea can I ride on your back it will be faster that way," Demolus asked because he knew that centaurs are a proud race and won't let just anyone ride them.

"Well, thou agreed to be my master if you truly mean your words I must allow it" She declared.

"Of course Centorea on my name, Demolus I take you as mine knight" Declared demolus.

Centore visibly relaxed and let Demolus mount her, and the two started the chase of the criminal scum.

It didn't take long for them to catch up and as they noticed the pickpocket Centorea like the righteous knight she is started shouting at the criminal to stop.

"Hold vermin!" Sounded her voice as you with the sound of her hoofs hitting the concrete.

"Vandal do not resist thy fate!

"Should you heed my warning....thou will taste of my blade and drink the dregs of thy sin!"

And Demolus wondered are all centaurs like this, and started imagining an army of Centoreas running and shouting knightly lines like she did before and seeing the jiggles of the breasts it mas be heavenly he thought.

the chase continues Demolus holds Centoreas waist to not fall and the chase was almost over but no the pickpocket drove through a pile of water-filled barrels which started falling right at them. Centorea swung her sword and cut the barrels apart, but got her white blouse wet which became see-through.

Demolus as a gentleman took it upon himself to fix this so he grabbed her breasts and held them tight.

"Centorea focus we are chasing a criminal I will hold and hide your breasts so no one sees them don't worry about your breasts I will keep them safe, you only need to focus on the criminal. Demolus said sternly

Centorea was startled when he grabbed her breasts but for some reason, her breasts felt really good when he touched her. She felt happy, confused, excited and wanted to slap him away but he was her master now and tried to help her so Centorea let it be and chased after the criminal.

And the chase continues Demolus was happy holding those amazing breasts he could feel his blood start rushing down below but he held on.

The chase didn't last long because they swiftly captured him and handed him to the agents who appeared out of nowhere and it seems they were sent by the bureau of cultural species exchange. Demolus dried Centoreas blouse using magic to heat his hands with his elemental magic which he forgot he had.

Finally, everything was in order and Demolus with Centore started going home while enjoying each other's company and Centore for some reason started acting really bashful.

"Ummm m….master please call me Cerea those close to me call me Cerea," Centore asked

"Sure Cerea you can call me whatever you want as well" Demolus smiled caringly at Cerea which caused her to blush and wiggle her ears a bit.

Centorea suddenly grabbed his hand and pressed it on her breast.

"Master can you…. feel the intense pulsing in my bosom?! I have been touched by destiny!!" Centore stated and closed her eyes 'indeed just as in the Grecian myth in which the hero Heracles met Chiron the wise….' Opening her eyes and leaving her thoughts she happily smiled and looked at Demolus once again.

"Japanese magic is most impressive….. to think that I have truly found my destined master," Cerea said with a smile on her face.

"Cerea I must say I am truly blest to have you acknowledge me as your master, after all, if you didn't acknowledge me you wouldn't have let me mount you I am really happy you did too. Demolus spoke with happiness and joy visible on his face and voice.

While walking Demolus decided to hold her hand no matter how lewd it was and took her hand in his while they were walking together which surprised Cerea but she didn't say a word she blushed so hard her face was red and you could almost see steam coming from her ears.

They really liked spending time together Cerea never experienced anything like this before she felt happy and held his hand a bit harder not wanting to let go, She felt this moment just the two of them walking was blissful.

When they finally reached home they were met by Kurusu, Miia, and Papi the two of them were surprised to see me without my demonic futures and Papi with a tilt of her head which looks really cute asked why don't I have my wings and horns or tale for the matter.

And after a long explanation of what happened and how I am a bit of a Shapeshifter. But Cerea was a bit concerned and I had to explain how I am an independent being and can actually take others from the exchange program under myself.

After a long discussion, we had lunch and I decided to help Kurusu out with some chores while the girls argued about who was better Miia was telling Cerea all about how amazing her darling was while Cerea was praising her master to no end. It was amusing to watch.