Meeting the nurse

His abrupt leaving startled them he was so nonchalant about it they wondered who was he but snapped out of it and moved on to the roof. Demolus was surprised to meet them so soon but had no interest in them and it seems him being here already saved a life.

While exploring the school Cemolus was killing zombies left and right and he was surprised how weak these zombies were and how easily he killed them and most of all he surprised himself because he did not react to blood and guts, brains splattered everywhere he even felt happy was it his demonic sides influence.

Demolus decided to kill every zombie he encountered because the more he kills the better the reward. while he was happily murdering zombies he encountered yes more zombies and so the hunt continued.

Finally, after some time, he found the nurse's office and smiled he could see a mass of zombies surrounding the office and started killing them painting the hall red with blood and brains.

After finishing up with the zombies he slowly opened the door and entered coming face to face with a boy with glasses and no other than the nurse Shizuka Marikawa.

Shizuka is a very tall buxom woman with ridiculous curves and her physique is most pronounced by her humongous breasts. She has waist-length blonde hair that has several bangs coming down into her face, two bangs come down at the sides running all the way down that also frames her face and hazel eyes. She usually appears to be sleepy whenever she makes an appearance, but under special situations, she has a serious face that she puts on.

"well hi there my name is Demolus may I ask for your names," Demolus asked with a sincere smile.

"H..hello my name is Kazu Ishii nice to meet you" The boy answered with a bit of weariness in his voice.

"Oh, I'm Shizuka Marikawa nice to meet you Demo-kun" Shizuka answered him with a smile of her own.

while they were getting to know each other a girl entered the office and was a bit surprised to see someone unfamiliar who wasn't a teacher nor was he a student.

The girl was Saeko Busujima.

Saeko has straight and shiny thigh-length straight purple hair that has a triangular fringe at the front which barely touches the ridge of her nose. She has blue eyes, is quite tall for a Japanese girl, and her relatively long limbs contribute leverage to her powerful sword swings. In the manga, one of Saeko's physical features which are often is her lips, which have a shiny pink appearance.

When Saeko entered the office Demolus introduced himself and filled in on what happened until now.

"But we should leave soon Shizuka can you pick some medicine we might need Kazu can carry some" Demolus politely asked Shizuka with a smile.

"Alright just give me a minute" Shizuka replied and started selecting medicine and putting them in a bag.

"So where do we go from here" Asked Kazu

"We are going to the faculty room to get keys for a car or two to leave this place" Demolus answered.

"Can you drive?" Saeko asked Demolus

"Yep no problems with driving, and maybe we could take the school bus it would be better more room to store things like food supply or more people" Demolus mused while answering Saeko.

"That's a good idea but we should hurry"

"We can go now I'm done," Shizuka said

"Alright there's no time to lose" Demolus agreed and they departed.

While they were moving Demolus took the lead and killed every zombie he encountered with a smile of pure joy which was noticed by everyone Kazu got scared while Shizuka thought he was happy to finally go out of the cramped nurse's office not that it was cramped.

While Saeko was surprised to see someon smile while killing and wondered was he like her perhaps.

while moving Shizuka actually tripped and fell but Demolus was there to catch her so he did and he could feel her pillow-like breast pressing against him and he enjoyed it while helping her get on her feet.

"Thank you" Shizuka tanked Demolus with a little blush on her face as she was embarrassed to trip and to make it worse demolus scent which was really nice for some reason made her blush even harder.

"What your wearing isn't exactly made for running," Saeko said while approaching Shizuka and Ripping the side of her skirt for her to be able to run. while Demolus was looking at the part where Shizuka's purple lased panties show a bit.

"Hey, it's an expensive brand!" Shizuka protested.

"Your clothes or your life which is more important?" Saeko asked her


Hearing some sounds they stopped talking and listened where the sound came from.

"Is that from the faculty room?" Saeko asked

"Let's go there no need to waste time" Demolus took the leed and everyone followed after him.