The escape

While killing zombies and moving as a group they decided not to engage in combat if not necessarily, well everyone except Demolus, he would kill if he saw one of the corpses in front of him after all the more he kills the better the reward he will get, well that's what he thought.

"KYAAAAAAA" They heard a scream rushed to where they went while Demolus was tinking while exhaling 'Yeah more zombie to kill nice but why would you scream like that was it on purpose to attract more zombie or is this some sort of defense mechanism for girls'

when they reach the place of the scream they saw a group of students fighting zombies well 2 girls and 3 boys to be exact and only one of the boys was trying to fight them off with a baseball bat while the other 2 just stood there for some unknown reason.

And everyone started killing the zombies to help them out Hirano with his self-made nailgun Saeko with her bokken, Rei with a mop handle made spear the same as Hisashi and Takashi with his bat. While Demolus was staying near Shizuka and Kazu just in case.

While they integrated with the team Demolus was thinking that it was soon time to let loose when they exit the school and the zombies start swarming them.

When they reached the school entrance they noticed that it was filled with zombies and started planning what to do well, everyone except Demolus.

"Let me take care of this bunch," Demolus said while standing up but was stopped by someone grabbing his hand.

"Be careful" Shizuka looked at him worriedly while Saya tried to convince him not to go this recklessly while some watched this with cofusion Saeko was waiting with anticipation to see him, kill zombies, again which made her excited for some reason.

Demolus after telling them to calm down and watch started going down the stairs and as he reached the first zombie the slaughter started he was killing them faster than any of them ever could after all, and he was done in no time at all while the one who saw him kill for the first time were slacked jaw.

After clearing the zombies near the entrance Demolus called the others with his hand movements to come down and held the door open for them with Saeko who appeared near him first.

"BANG" While everyone was leaving one guy who was carrying a big metal pole hit the metal railing of the stairs by accident which caused the sound to echo throughout the school.

"RUN!" Takashi yelled for some unknown reason. And everyone started running well except for Demolus.

"Why did you yell like that?" Saya questions him on the spot.

"Saya Berate him later now run to the bus while I and the others who have a weapon at hand make a path" Demolus Inerupted Saya's Questioning.

Demolus started charging right at them and smashing their heads apart one by one with a smile he was actually enjoying himself. while they were moving forward toward the parking lot he noticed one guy getting bitten to death and a girl running to him.

'Meh can't help him now anyway' Demolus was thinking while continuing his killing spree.

"Hey don't stop running you can discuss everything when we are on the bus" Demolus declared loudly for everyone to hear because Saya was slowing down because of the girl who ran back to the boy who was being eaten.

As they heard him they started speeding up and reached the bus. Demolus decided to kill as many zombies as he can while others board the bus. when they were all boarded Demolus started walking to the bus while killing but they heard someone asking for help.

"Help!" Shouted a group of students and one teacher who was non-other but Shido.

Demolus turned his head and when he saw him started to think of ways to kill the creepy thing. while not really caring for the other student.

As everyone else noticed them Rei had a different reaction to others you could see that her eyes hollowed for a moment, while everyone else started arguing if to help them or not.

"We won't be able to drive through this many of them if we wait"

"Just run them over," Takashi said

"The bus will roll over if we do that" Saya reprimanded him.

As Takashi was going to jump off the bus to help Rei stopped him.

"We don't need to save him" Rei exclaimed.

"Rei what's your problem?" He asked her.

"We should just let him die" Rei anweres angily.

While they were arguing Shido's group was running to the bus when one of the students sprained his ankle and asked Shido for help while grabbing his leg.

"Oh, I see it seems that's it for you" While kicking the kid's face Shido said to him.

The zombies approached the boy and started eating him alive while Shido walked away.