When everyone was finally safe behind the wire trap fence Shizuka was about to thank the leader of the group who helped them but Demolus was faster.
"Thanks for the help" Demolus raised his hand while smiling which looked weird while he was covered in blood.
"Of course, because it was for my daughter and her friends" While removing the helmet the leader said, and to everyone's surprise well except Demolus everyone was surprised to see Yuriko Takagi.
"Mom!!" Saya exclaimed loudly and started running to Yuriko and gave her a big hug while crying her eyes out.
Demolus seeing the mother-daughter pair decided to go check on everyone else and looking one more time to the other side of the fence decided to go out alone when he can to exterminate as many of the undead as he can after all he wants the best possible rewards and he still needs to figure out the extra tasks with the question marks.
While Demolus was looking through everything they had at hand Yuriko asked Saya who was who because she couldn't recognize some of them while she could see the school uniform that Hirano was still wearing while others had already changed out of them and picked other clothes.
"Saya, who are your friends are they all from your school?" Yuriko asked while looking around.
"Yes everyone is from school well I'm just not sure about Demolus he was at school when the incident happened, but he saved us he made proper plans and worked on them and now we're here well not everyone because we split up there was not enough space in the car so the other had to take the school bus but they will be arriving here eventually" Saya started talking excitedly after all she now knew that her mother was alright and she felt so much better while Yuriko took notice of the Demolus not being part of school part.
"Oh, it seems you were in good hands all this time I'll have to thank him personally so which one is this Demolus you speak about?" Yuriko asked her with a smile.
"Demolus is the guy with the long red hair well he's mostly red now" Saya answered with joy in her voice which was noticed by her mother.
While the mother-daughter pair were chatting happily Demolus was finishing up with everyone.
"Hirano how many bullets do we still have that are usable," Demolus asked the chubby guy.
"We still have 123 pistol bullets, 153 riffle bullets, 25 sipper bullets, and 56 shotgun shells" Hirano reported.
"Not bad but we can't leave the Humvee here like this" Demolus voiced his concern.
"You don't need to worry my men will take it with them and for now you can go with us" Yuriko showed up from nowhere and commented which got everyone's attention.
"I see then I will leave everything in your capable hands then" Demolus smiled at her.
When Demolus smiled the women and the girls in the group blushed a bit after all he was weary handsome even if he was covered in blood from head to toe.
"So we can go back then while group B-1 will retrieve your vehicle while you can follow me to our cars," Yuriko said while smiling.
Demolus nodded and they started moving and climbing into the cars when they all were seated and ready to go they set off and the ride was short after all it only took them 10 more minutes to reach the Takagi estate.
And as they finally reached the estate they witnessed how huge it was and the gates had some size to it later it was a mansion after all.
When they stepped out of the cars wee met by Yuriko again and now she was dressed differently which surprised them and Demolus looked at her again and nodded as Yuriko has long, light purple hair that wears her hair down and has it much shorter in the front and pushed to either side of her face and purple eyes. She has a slender figure and dresses in a style that resembles the typical aristocratic attire which is a thin red dress, a white cloth wrapped around her arms and mid to lower body, and a silver necklace with a small charm on the front and lipstick.
And everyone was wondering how and when did she change her attire.
"I Yuriko Takagi welcome all of you to our home" Yuriko exclaimed while giving an elegant bow to them.
Everyone was excited seeing more people while Demolus was thinking otherwise.
'This is going to be a pain in the ass to deal with all those retards who deny reality and can only talk all day long well whatever I need to think what will I do next'
While Demolus was thinking to himself everyone was happy to take a rest after what happened to them not long ago and with a welcome, they entered the Takagi estate.