After having a blast killing zombies left and right Demolus and Saeko were going back to the Takagi estate to rest and get something to eat while chatting they learned about each other more than before they talked mostly about mundane things, hobbies favorite colors and such, and the time just flew by.

Without noticing Demolus and Saeko arrived at the estate as the two were having fun just talking and joking around. Saeko started trusting Demolus more and more after all he showed her his true self as she showed him herself the two were bonding and trust between them grew.

As the couple entered the estate no one stopped them mostly because of the incident with Hirano and the guns and everyone thought that this guy will point a crossbow at you if you as much as talk to him and He didn't mind it after all the fewer people approached him the more time he can spend on the things he wants to do.

"Demolus-san, Busujima-senpai!" they heard someone shouting for them and started looking around and they noticed Kazu Ishii running with all his might to them and he was slow like really slow.

"I think the undead walk faster than he is running right now," Demolus said while Saeko giggled at his remark.

"Huf Huf Huf Everyone is waiting for you to join and have a discussion of what are we going to do next," Kazu said while huffing and puffing trying to catch his breath.

"Umm...sure lead the way" Demolus had no idea what the guy was talking about but decided to check it out anyway.

The three of them arrived at the dining hall after walking for 10 minutes or so and it was surprising for Demolus to see all of the main people here for some unknown reason.

"Yo, so what are you guys doing here and why were you waiting for us?" Demolus asked everyone in the room as he looked around spotting Shizuka and wawed at her with a gentle smile.

Shizuka noticing Demolus and seeing him wawing at her she wawed back with a smile the two were looking at each other while the rest were confused well except Saeko who surprisingly smiled and nodded to herself.

"We were waiting for you because we want to know your opinion about some matters." Said Hisashi.

"So what are you waiting for do go on," Demolus said.

"You see we are planning to leave this place, after all, all of us are treated like kids and no one takes us seriously there are delusional adults here who can't see reality how it is and it's either we integrate with them or leave and so most of us decided to leave this place. And let's not forget that some of us still want to find their families" Hisashi tried to explain while gesturing with his hands.

"And how does this involve me?" Demolus asked.

"Well, we wanted to ask for your help finding the families of those who still don't know what happened to them and your opinion on us leaving this place" Rei interrupted Hisashi and said loudly.

"I see I can understand wanting my opinion on leaving but why ask me for help in searching for your families and why didn't you ask the adults for help?" Demolus asked the group.

"It's because they can't help all they can give us is empty promises of finding them but they are too scared to leave this place further than 100 meters after that it's like the danger zone where everyone is scared to go unless it's Souichiro Takagi and some of his men most other adults are useless and are scared to go anywhere without him," One of the students who was in Shido's group said loudly.

Demolus was surprised he didn't notice that it seems almost all of the students who belonged to Shido's group are here and it seems only one or two guys are missing because there were only girls left from that group.

As the group was waiting for a response from Demolus a blinding light started shining through the window and captured everyone's attention and some of the students who were taping their phones witnessed as they stopped working altogether.

"Well shit, that's an EMP blast" Demolus cursed while thinking how could he forget about this happening.

"Umm, what does that mean?" Komuro asked

"HANE, it's also known as a high-altitude nuclear explosion. Gamma rays from the explosion of a nuclear warhead in the upper atmosphere scatter electrons from the atmospheric molecules and crate Compton electrons. The Compton electrons accelerate and spiral along the Earth's magnetic field, generating an electromagnetic pulse that travels a very long distance. Such effects are lethal for electronic systems, An electromagnetic pulse travels through anything that could work as an antenna and fries integrated circuits" Saya explained how the phenomena which is happening works while seeing everyone's faces she decided to say it differently.

"So basically right now we can't use any electronics," Saya said so everyone could understand what she wanted to say.

"What? so that means we can't use cell phones anymore?" Rai asked with surprise in her voice while everyone looked at her weirdly.

"Enough chitchat let's go outside and see what is happening outside because if electronic devices don't work that means this place might be in trouble and we need to look into it before it's too late!" Demolus said loudly for everyone to hear.