The gun

As the group is led by Asami were walking Demolus noticed that most of the members were not really interested in the other survivors but more into what they could take and use from the Shop.

"Hirano how about you accompany the officers while we check this place out for something useful if needed yuse your guns!" Demolus said while giving a suggestion to the group.

Everyone seemed to agree with this so they picked groups and decided to explore the shop. Hirano, Komuro, and Hisashi were going with Asami while Rei, Saya, and Saeko decided to go the other direction.

The only ones left were Shizuka and Demolus who decided to go to where the beds were because Shizuka was tired after the journey and felt like taking a nap and Demolus decided to go with her to make sure there were no pests around.

The guys that were led by Asami were having fun chatting while walking but the jolly atmosphere didn't last long because of the arguing survivors.

"Officer your back so when's the help coming!?" One of the people yelled at her.

"W...well Officer Matsushima said to wait here until she comes back with help so this officer will do anything she can…" Asami stuttered and started explaining things to them but was cut off by a yell.

"You have no right to keep us, prisoners, here! But what you do have is a duty to protect us!" Shouted one of the survivors.

While looking at this scene Hirano, Komuro, and Hisashi started understanding why Demouls was so cruel or strict when it comes to people he didn't know or how he treated others especially remembering how he made Shido an example how he broke his legs and trowed him out the bus window.

The student at the time saw him as cruel or mad but in the end, it was what kept everyone calm and in their places and now they saw why it was necessary to show power in this type of situations.

"They seem to be causing a lot of trouble!" Hirano said to the two guys next to him while observing the situation.

"Yeah, is the group falling apart?" Komuro answered while scanning the room.

"If that was the case it wouldn't be a problem. Groupes are supposed to be together for a certain purpose. And it's not the case with this group they are only clinging to the authority of the police." Hirano said while glancing at the guys.

"But they're putting all the blame on her!" Komuro commented while Hisashi nodded to his statement.

"They realized there's no point in relying on the police anymore. They have realized the police are not the saviors they thought they'd be. So they are placing all the blame on the policewoman." Hirano explained to the two who looked at people blaming and berating Asami.

"But it looks boring doesn't it," Said Hisashi who started smiling at the guys.

"Let's make things more interesting!" Declared Hirano while smiling sinisterly.

"Uhhh Scuse me!" Hirano said while approaching the distressed Asami.

"Can you see we are in the middle of a very important conversation!" an older man said angrily to him.

"I found something you dropped officer!" Hirano said while ignoring the guy and pulling out a handgun which was given to him By Demolus who found one after his morning undead killing the other day.

"It's an officer's gun and the prefectural police use it to enforce the law!" Asami said excitedly while holding the gun and Hirano panicking a bit after all she had her finger on the trigger and he was trying to tell her but she was too excited to hear him while looking at the gun.

"But sadly there are only about 10 bullets left for the gun!" Hisashi said which freaked out the survivors who wanted to order the officer to lead them out of here to where they wanted because she had a gun but hearing how many bullets there were they understood one thing int's not enough to leave this place but enough to kill all of them.

"Wait who are you guys anyway who let you in here anyway" One of the survivors changed the topic realizingthat there was someone else who didn't belong to their group.

"But anyway, the police officer should be with a police officer gun. And I trust you will use it wisely!" Hirano said to Asami while ignoring the others and saluting her.

"I will! Thank you for your cooperation!" Said Asami while saluting him back and saw as the tree guys left the room to let her handle things here.

While the guys were leaving Hirano smiled while seeing the shocked and bewildered expressions of the group of people who were in the room seeing Asmi with a gun.