The party starts

Finally, in the evening the preparations were all done for the celebration, there were all sorts of dishes on the table. Everyone was finishing placing things in their places and of course, there were guards on the lookout who couldn't participate in the festivities. And for security reasons, the party was held inside the biggest building in the vicinity.

The party was going to start in the big hall which was filled with people already. The hall was ready for the party as every nook and cranny was filled with ornaments while the tables had lots of food on them and let's not forget the drinks.

One might think that this is a waste of food and other resources, but this was necessary to lift up the spirits of the survivors who lost their family members or some other who needed to relax a bit after all most of the people here knew how dangerous the undead could be while some didn't understand or didn't want to understand.

And as for Demolus, he didn't really care for the food after all he could bring some back from the other world at some point so he didn't really worry about it. As the people were busily moving from one e place to the other to prepare everything some were just hanging around.

After some time everything was ready and the party could finally start and it was actually a really simple one after all they didn't really have the clothes or anything to make a sophisticated one so it was mostly eat drink and have fun quality kind of party.

The party was finally starting while some sad guards were sitting near the gate on the lookout.

"Haaaa, why are we here again I wish I was there right now and having a drink maybe wooing a girl or so," one of the guards said while exhaling.

"Oh shut up! We are going to be changed after two hours and will be able to have some food and drinks too just wait after all the beginning isn't the best after all the party should get moving after some time," The other one said while looking in the direction of the mansion where the party was taking place.

"Tch, yeah but what about the women all of them will be picked up already and I really want to find some lonely milf to spend my time with, in the party!" guard 1 rebuked

"Pffff hahaha you… you pfff" Gourd 2 started laughing.

"Hey, why are you laughing!" Guard 1 felt fluster when his friend started laughing at him.

"Henry with your face and with how brave you are, remember that one time when you fainted only after starting going in the direction of a girl you wanted to chat up!" Guard 2 said while making fun of his friend.

"Ha, and what about you, you got shot down every time you asked a girl out.." As Henry started going about his friend's embarrassing moments.

"Hey, at least I could talk to them, unlike a certain someone!" Henry said while smiling at his friend with a smirk.

"HEY you two shut up and go back to looking around you can talk later!" One burly guard said while walking past them after all he wanted to enjoy the party too but was on duty so he thought if he focuses on his duty time would pass faster and the next shift would arrive faster.

As the guards were working the party was starting people started having fun the party was fairly quiet but you know how it goes after people started chatting and there was some noise but not enough to bring the undead to them.

People started drinking and eating and some men tried wooing some mothers who lost there husbands or some other single ladies well they tried but most had no luck they either got ignored or rejected immediately.

The women on the other hand were having fun chatting with each other while some annoying flies buzzed around who mostly got ignored by them.

It was only the beginning of the party and Demolus was having fun chatting with the girls but most importantly he had to keep an eye out for Shizuka after all with how she was he worried for her even if this place was safe from the undead humans were different after all.

As everyone had fun Shizuka who drank a couple of glasses of some punch got drunk and Demolus had to lead her to her room to rest while she clung to him the whole time while pushing her breasts against him.

As the two reached her room they entered and after a good hour, Demolus exited the room alone leaving Shizuka in her room to rest after all how could he do nothing while she climbed herself on him while being tipsy.

As Demolus was returning to the party he saw something he didn't expect to see but he smiled and stepped forward.