Demolus hearing the signal through the communication device given to him by Smith acted. He made sure that the hostages were safe before going after the two closest orcs. As he appeared out of nowhere the orcs panicked and forgot to use the firearms they were holding in their hands, which gave Demolus the time to knock the guns out of there hands with a kick.
As the orcs dropped their guns, without thinking much they started charging at him which wasn't the smartest idea. Demolus, seeing them charging at him, jumped over them and hit their necks which knocked them out.
Demolus was surprised how easily he knocked them out and wondered if he was that much stronger than them or were orcs actually weak. As he was thinking he led the hostages out through the back entrance from which he actually came inside the building, to begin with, he heard gunshots.
He of course wasn't alone in this mission; he knew who the others were but he hadn't met them yet. And as he led the freed hostages out of the building he informed the others that the hostages were safe. And as he did so he could hear the store tremble and entered the store again just to make sure everything was going well.
Well, it seemed he had nothing to worry about but seeing the destroyed store made him think who will have to pay for this. After all the store walls were full of bullet holes the shelves were destroyed and turned into firewood. But he took a deep breath and continued searching for the others and the orcs that were left if they were left.
And he didn't need to look for anything after all. The first thing he saw after the destruction was a big yellow armored suit. And he approached the one wearing the suit. And as he did so he saw the other four orcs laying on the ground unconscious.
As Demolus was about to introduce himself the door was swung open by Smith and some other people who entered inside to take the orcs into custody and to fix things here.
"Demolus-kun come, let me introduce you to the team!" Smith said while motioning him to come over.
As he approached the group they were actually posing like some superheroes or something which caught him off guard. But after taking another deep breath and calming down he decided to introduce himself first.
"Nice to meet all of you. My name is Demolus and I'm an incubus!" Demolus introduced himself while smiling at the group of girls.
"Nice to meet you my name is Doppel and I'm a Doppelganger!"(she is actually a Shapeshifter but tells everyone, and calls herself a Doppelganger)
Doppel's default form has the appearance of a small, petite young girl. Her skin is dark, she has very long light-colored hair and black sclera. However, this is not her real form. It's unknown what her real form looks like, but is implied to be very eldritch, being called a "faceless existence". Indeed, Doppel herself admitted that if humans were to see it, "their mind wouldn't be able to handle it".
"Hey, there my name is Zombina Let's get along!" Said the zombie girl whose belly was full of bullet holes.
At first glance, Zombina seems to be an ordinary human but, on closer examination, her skin is stitched together and is various shades. Her body appears to be a patchwork of parts sewn together. In addition, the iris of each eye are of different colors, and her teeth are all sharp and pointed. Her hair is dual-colored, red in the front and black in the back. She also has big breasts and is slender and curvaceous.
"Nice meet you too, I'm Manako." Introduced herself the one-eyed girl.
Manako as a Monoeye has one eye instead of two, she has short, shoulder-length bob-cut purple hair and wears her standard M.O.N. uniform most of the time.
"Hello my name is Tionishia and I'm an ogre," She introduced herself with a very gentle smile while munching on some cookies.
Tionishia is a very tall woman with tan skin and long flowing hair. She has fangs, pointed ears, and very large breasts. In fact, her breasts are even bigger than Kimihito's head. One of her most noticeable physical features is a single large red horn in her forehead, which connects directly to her skull. It is said to be quite sensitive.
Demolus started chatting with the girls but at the same time, the leader of the orcs stood up and started insulting everyone who was there saying that he surrendered and that they can't touch him if he surrendered.
But Demolus didn't care as he punched the orc right in the face knocking the guy out cold. And seeing him do so, most people started cheering.
As everything was finally being taken care of by the police and M.O.N.(Monster ops: neutralization) organization. Everything calmed down and Demolus and the girls started chatting but it didn't last long after all Zombina had to take out the bullets that were stuck inside her body and to do that she needed to go back to their base.
Demolus said goodbye to them and was on his way home. But this time instead of walking or running he decided to stretch his wings and took to the sky at great speed and it didn't take him long to reach home.
Hey, guys, could you recommend or give some suggestions to which world The mc could go to next.