
As the two of them were finally out of the warehouse Smith seeing them waved her hand for everyone to put their guns down while approaching the couple who were slowly walking in her direction.

Demolus seeing what was happening smiled while continuing to walk towards them. It didn't take long for them to meet face to face, Tio and Zombina were relaxed while starting to talk with him while Manako shyly looked at him and continued to watch Rachnera. Droppel on the other hand was just there yawning and looking tired.

Time passed by and Rachnera was done answering the questions which didn't take that much time. But there was one question left what will they do with her now after all without the exchange host she couldn't really stay here.

"Oh, she'll be staying with me!" Demolus said when the question of where to put her was raised.

Smith smiled after all for her if Demolus took her with him, she would have less paperwork than to actually transfer her back to where she came from. Even if some other officers disagreed it didn't matter much after all the most important decisions were on her shoulders, and everyone knew that she was someone who would actively avoid doing paperwork.

Smith would even hide out at their place while leaving the M.O.N. team to deal with all the paperwork she was supposed to do. And no one said anything about it while still knowing what was going on.

It didn't take long for them to figure everything out and go back to their jobs. Demolus took Rachnera with him home while doing so they continued to talk while still holding hands. Rachnera was really happy at this moment she has never felt like this before and just holding his hand made her feel all warm and fuzzy. She knew what she was feeling, she decided to talk with him at night while every other resident at the house would be sleeping.

Of course, he told her about everyone who was living there and could tell she wasn't happy when he mentioned Kurusu who was human. It took some time but he managed to convince her not to do anything to him explaining that there were many humans and not all of them are trash.

As the two were finally home everyone met them with different reactions and Kurusu was out shopping right now. Rachnera was surprised after all non of the girls showed aversion to her while Suu and Papi even showed interest in her carapace covering her body parts. But it didn't take long for them to go and do their thing forgetting about Rachnera.

Miia, Mero, and Cerea welcomed her in while showing her around. Cerea felt happy after all she could tell that she might get a sister and she knew that she needed help to take down the beast at night. Miia was being herself while not trusting the Arachne too much after all she was being careful feeling chills from time to time when she turned her back to Rachnera.

Mero on the other hand acted like a proper lady while introducing herself while thinking that Rachnera was some sort of crab who came from the same homeland just like her. It took some time but after showing the house to the new resident everyone went to the kitchen.

As the group entered the Kitchen they saw Demolus cooking while Papi and Suu helped him well-tried to help. What was the most surprising was that The two trouble makers listened to him while trying to do their best which was surprising. After all, they listen to no one but Demolus which made them question why it was like this. Miia and Cerea had to babysit them from time to time when Demolus was busy or away for some time and they learned the hard way that it was almost impossible to control the two.

"Mero let's go for a swim after lunch," Demolus said suddenly surprising them while Mero smiled.

"Alright then let's do just that, I was planning to suggest it myself but it seems darling was faster," Mero said while not minding the stares from Cera and Rachnera directed towards her.

"Can Papi join!" The ever-excited harpy started jumping around.

"Suu too!" said the slime girl while raising her arms in the air.

Cerea and Miia were surprised again, after all, Suu has never spoken before and now she did which made them wonder when will the surprises end.

"Sure, but you will have to bring a bucket for Suu after all the pool in Mero's room is big and we don't want her to suck up all the water or to jump into the pool just like that you don't know what might happen," Demolus said while he fried some chicken.

It didn't take long for Demolus to finish making lunch when Kurusu returned with bags full of all sorts of foodstuff. As he was back Rachnera and Kurusu looked at each other when Demolus introduced each other. And for the most part, everything was going great.

Rachnera just couldn't trust humans even if this one was a nice one but in the end, decided not to do anything but to trust Demolus whom she wanted to trap in her web and do unspeakable things but she would still need to wait till later.