
Time passed quickly and it was finally time to see the test results which were posted in the schoolyard. Test yes this is a school after all and Demolus had to take some tests too. He didn't know how well he would do but he knew that he would pass. He had to go to school in his first life too, so he kinda knew most of the things that were being taught to the students.

Right now Demolus was walking to the board of test results while holding hands with Moka and Kurumu. Everyone looked at them, after all the best-looking guy was with the best-looking girls, holding hands and walking. Everyone made way for them especially after they heard the rumors of Demolus beating an S-class monster.

Where did the roomers come from no one knows. But even if guys were jealous of Demolus, no one cared about it. Girls, on the other hand, were fainting seeing him and if some guy said anything bad about him he would undoubtedly be beaten by the girls.

As Demolus and the girls looked at the board and saw their results, Demolus was surprised to see his results after all his results were pretty high up there. He was in second place which he really didn't expect. Moka was thirteen in the overall rankings which was considered really good.

Kurumu on the other hand buried her head in the chest of Demolus while hugging him. Deciding no to look for her score he patted her head gently.

"Kurumu you know if you didn't do too well on the test I can always help you to study. All you need to do is ask and I will give you some private lessons," Demolus whispered into her ear while teasing her.

"Really?" She asked him while still not lifting up her face to look at him. Kurumu was blushing hard after all she was good at attacking but when she was attacked she would just lose.

But their moment was interrupted by someone screaming and shouting about something. As Demolus looked at what interrupted them he saw a small girl with a hat of a witch while three dudes were looking at her in a distasteful manner.

But the moment the witch made a rock hit one of the guy's heads. The one who got hit was furious and attacked her. But he was interrupted when his hand was caught by someone, and the next thing he knew was that he was flying before he hit the ground.

Demolus on the other hand was smiling, after all, some more reusable blood bags were always great to have. And they interrupted him which made him think of them as such. After he was done with the trash he looked at the girl only now realizing who she was.

"Are you alright?" He asked her while thinking what to do right now.

"Yes, oh thank you so much you really saved me. My name is Sendou Yukari!" She introduced herself. She has short black hair and purple eyes. At school, she does wear a uniform, but instead, a witch's typical outfit or properly, "witch's outfit", but she still sports the same uniform skirt. She wears a black witch hat that droops down sometimes, a pink top, and a pink corset. She wears the green checkered pleated short skirt all female students wear, and wears bright pale yellow over-the-knee socks, and brown shoes.

Demolus looked at her and had no idea what to do with the girl in front of him who for some reason looked at him with sparkling eyes. He knew one thing and he remembered correctly the girl in front of him was 11 years old right now.


Demolus was walking down the corridor while Yukari was following him everywhere he went. So he just looked at her and asked why she was following him around.

"So Yukari, why are you following me around? Do you not have anything better to do?" He asked while stooping and turning in her direction.

"Well I don't really have anyone else to hang out with, and you are so cool especially when you sent the guy flying with one move. You are handsome and strong and you care about your friends! There are rumors that if someone tries to mess with you or Moka or Kurumu they always end up in the hospital ward. So I wanted to be your friend too!" She declared while blushing in actuality she really liked Demolus and wanted to date him but was too shy to tell him that. So instead she asked to be friends.

"Well fine but you have to stop pranking everyone and making trouble!" He said while thinking about what to do with the child in front of him.

"Fine!" she said while pouting.

Yukari was happy she actually managed to make a friend and someone great just like her. After all, she knew she was a genius after she entered high school just when she was 11. She had thought of herself as superior but when she was in the presence of Demolus she knew how weak she actually was. She was smarter in academics then anyone else but how would that help her?

Especially after she learned how strong he was and how he still treated his friends. She was thinking that Moka and Kurumu were his friends while not understanding how the relationship between the three worked.