
Mizore has long light purple hair, blue eyes that has a bit of purple at the top (her pupils are not black, but they are blue), and she is always seen with a lollipop in her mouth that helps maintain her body temperature. At school, she does not wear a uniform, she wears a light brown pleated checkered skirt, a white sweatshirt with long dark blue sleeves with a black singlet underneath, a yellow pendant, long dark & light purple striped stockings with white shoes, and a belt tied to her left leg, but it is unknown what she keeps in the front pouch of her sweatshirt.

When she transforms into a Yuki-Onna, her appearance does not change, but her hands become wrapped in ice (which become ice claws) and her hair also transforms into ice sometimes.

Demolus remembered her well, after all, she was one of his favorite characters back in the day when he was reading manga and watching anime. He was a bit excited at the moment, as he smiled and looked at her.

Mizore was very much confused at the moment, after all, she was about to confess to the gym teacher she had a crush on. But he attacked her and was telling her what kind of things he was going to do, how no one would believe her if she told someone, and much more. She started to panic she didn't know what to do, as he head was a mess right now.

But then a handsome male student appeared out of nowhere, and bitch slapped the teacher. She could see his long crimson hair sway in the wind as she, picked up his scent, his scent was so calming and sweet. It helped her calm down as she looked at what happened to the teacher afterward.

She saw how the teacher, who was acting so high and mighty, was trembling in front of the first-year student. She saw how the crimson-haired student separated the teacher's head from his body. She saw blood spurts from the teacher's headless neck.

And before she knew it, he was offering his hand to her. It was the first time that someone cared for her at least a bit, she couldn't help and blush as she saw his eyes gently look towards her. She was mostly always alone but maybe now things would change.


Demolus was accompanying her back to her room while the two were talking. Demolus listened to her story of what actually happened and was surprised, a bit, by what she had told him. But now everything was over, so there was no reason to worry about it.

"Umm, Deomlus you are a member of the newspaper club right?" Mizore asked him while the two walked.

"Yes, I'm a member, but why are you asking?" Demolus asked her back while answering.

"Well, I've read some of your articles and some were from a lonely person's point of view and the other ones were not, why is that? Are you like me and alone too?" Mizore asked him, while looking at his face.

"Well, I was alone at one point, there were times where it was just me ad no one else, but after some time, I met someone who helped me realize why I was alone." Demolus started telling her about himself, while looking at her.

"And, right now, I have friends, people I love, And that's why I wrote some articles about different things and views," Demolus explained.

"But you are alone are you not?" Demolus asked Mizore.

Mizore nodded to his question and looked at him, while Demolus looked at her and said. "Then become my friend Mizore! Join our newspaper club and create new memories where you are not alone!" Demolus said while giving her his arm to take.

Mizore didn't know how to react in this situation, but decided to grab his hand and move forward with her life. And without realizing, she changed her fate by meeting Demolus, who in the future would show her something more than she could have wished for.

Well, Demolus didn't expect that, Mizore would try to freeze him when he offered her to be his friend. Well she fail, because Demolus was stronger and knew fire magic, but he did panic for like half a second when she took his hand and tried to freeze him. Well, all is good that ends well right?

"You know you should stop trying to freeze me, it's not going to work. And why are you trying to freeze?" Demolus asked the girl who was holding his hand while the two waked and tried to freeze him.

"Well, if I manage to freeze you in a block of ice, you will stay with me forever, after all!" Mizore said while smiling innocently.

He had no idea, what she was thinking about so, Demolus decided to look at the rewards, he got from the gym teacher, whether it was worth keeping the body. And to his surprise it acutaly was.

[sample: Full body]

[Race: Kraken]

[Rank: A]

[Class: High]

[Reward: 6x Random box of randomness, Energy unlocking serum(Known World)]

[Energy unlocking serum(Known World)- Unlockes an energy type, from a world host, has traveled to before. One-time use item. for example, the energy could be Chakra if the host has visited the Naruto world.]