
After Demolus and Kurumu chatted with the villagers, they went towards Kurumu's house where Ageha was waiting for them. Demolus and Kurumu entered the house and were greeted by Ageha, who was only wearing purple-colored underwear, and a white apron.

"Mom! What are you wearing!" Kurumu shouted at her and started complaining.

"Well, can't you see?" Ageha answered with a smile, as she winked towards Demolus.

Kurumu tried to get her mother to dress up properly, after all, she knew her better than anyone, and she could tell what her mother wanted to do. But what her mother didn't know was that it wouldn't be her who devoured the handsome-looking boy. But the boy would devour her instead without leaving anything behind. After all, Kurumu knew how amazing Demolus was in bed, and she would sneak into his dorm room from time to time.

Kurumu knew that her mother would join his harem if this continued, and she didn't know how to feel about it. But at the same time, she knew that there was no one better than him, she wanted her mother to taste defeat in bed, but at the same time, she felt conflicted inside. She accepted the fact that Demolus has a harem, but this was her mom, she had no idea what to think at the moment.


After some time, Ageha relented and got dressed, while Kurumu and Demolus drank tea while sitting on the sofa. While they were chatting, Ageha returned from her room, but this time dressed up, well, at least she was wearing more than just some underwear. She was wearing a bright red miniskirt and a blue woolen sweater. And as she entered the living room where Demolus and Kurumu were drinking tea, she smiled and sat down next to them on the sofa.

"So Demolus you never told us what kind of monster/yokai you are," Ageha commented while batting her eyes at him.

Kurumu, on the other hand, also wanted to know what he was but would forget to ask, as she had so much fun with him it would just slip her mind. She, too, remembered him, calling himself a demon from time to time, but then she looked at him and listened to what he was about to say.

"Well, I'm a royal incubus," Demolus said while smiling without care.

"Pfffff!" Kurumu spat out the tea she was drinking and started coughing. Ageha just froze and smiled while her mind was a mess.

Demolus was looking at the mother-daughter pair and waited while the two calmed down, as he patted their backs, which helped the two calm down.

Kurumu was confused, she knew that the incubus race is extinct, but Demolus was not an ordinary incubus, he was royalty? She was thinking that Demolus was of royal blood and he was a prince, while not understanding that it was a title of a higher race than just an incubus.

"So you're a prince?!" Kurumu exclaimed excitedly.

"Oh no, the royal doesn't mean that I'm a prince, it only means I'm stronger than an ordinary incubus. Let me explain so, for example, take an ordinary soldier and think of him as an incubus, then a high-incubus would be a sergeant, while the royal incubus is the general." Demolus tried to explain how the title royal would fit into his race.

"And it determines one's power, basically!" Demolus said while smiling brightly.

"I see, but I have never heard of this before, and the terms of High-incubus and royal incubus have never been used before," Ageha said while thinking of what Demolus has just told them.

Demolus now realized that he would need to explain that he is from a different world and such, so the two could fully understand why he is different from other monsters/youkai.

"So you are like the strongest of the bunch!?" Kurumu asked with excitement in her voice.

"Well, in this world I would be the strongest incubus," Demolus said, while the other two looked at him with questioning looks.

"What do you mean by this world?" Ageha asked, while Kurumu listened.

"So it's like this....." Demolus started explaining to the girls that other worlds existed, but he didn't tell them about his system or that he was human, he didn't tell them about their world was fictional, he knew he would sound like some sort of lunatic, and there was no reason for them to know of this.

So, in the end, he explained that he was from another world and that he was here to become stronger. He told them about his world(Monster Musume world), how everyone was living there and how it all worked. He told them about some other races of creatures that didn't exist or were extinct in this world. He even told them that other succubuses are living in the world from where he came from.

And after a long explanation, and many questions Kurumu was worried and asked him a question of her own.

"So does that mean you will have to leave someday?" Kurumu asked while her eyes were getting a bit wet.

"Yes, but don't worry, I should be able to have everyone come with me if that's what they would like, of course!" Demolus said while smiling.

"But I will only come and pick you up when I have everything ready to house you. And don't worry for you, it will feel like a couple of seconds while for me it will be a bit longer," Demolus said, while Kurumu jumped on him and hugged him while burying her head in his chest.

And so Demolus could only comfort and talk with Kurumu, of what would be in the future. And in the end, he had to promise many things to her, while time passed and everyone started calming down.