Just like planned

Miia looked at Kurusu and everyone else, she wanted to warn them not to drink the tea, but she was too late. Because the girls and Kurusu started to have trouble moving after drinking the tea, which clearly confused them, the good thing was even though they couldn't move their bodies. they could still move their eyes, they could hear, breathe, and everything else, they just couldn't move at the moment.

"Don't worry it's just a weak neurotoxin that will wear off in a couple of hours." Mama lamia said while looking at her daughter who was panicking, and trying to make Kurusu move again.

But while this was happening Deomlus was just sitting on the couch while still sipping the tea carelessly. Which surprised the two lamias, after all, everyone else was just sitting in their places without moving.

"This is some good tea, I should visit the lamia village in the future." Demolus said while continuing to drink his tea.

"How are you not affected by the neurotoxin?" The Lamia asked, while her eyes filled with curiosity.

"Oh, I have poison immunity, which means I'm immune to all types of poisons." Demolus said while putting the cup back on the table. "But you did poison everyone else, for which I will have you take responsibility." He continued to speak with a smile.



The two lamia daughter and mother pair were surprised by his words, but Miia's mother was unconcerned with this. Miia felt that this was her chance to keep her mother away from her darling. "Yes, mother, you must take responsibility for doing this." Miia said to her mother.

"Oh, but Miia I was doing this so you could go for a shotgun marriage and then…" While the lamia was explaining this to her daughter, Demolus smiled and decided to interrupt them.

"I apologize for interrupting the explanation of how and what of your grand plan, but I have a proposition. Let's compete, you and me in any activity you choose. If you win you can ask me anything you want, which I promise to fulfill. And if I win well, I'll tell you when I do. And if you win there will be no need to take responsibility for using poison on others." Demolus said in a sweet, but quiet voice making the deal seem all the more enticing.

"Hmmm, very well I agree, but if I win then you will have to become the new communal husband of our village." The Lamia said while shining a bright smile.

"Good, so how will we be competing?" Demolus asked, while showing a smile of his own.

"It's simple, let's battle by mating, we shall mate and the on the get exhausted, and fall unconscious loses. We will see who can last the longest!" The woman said to Demolus, without knowing much about him, if only she knew.

"Good, let's go with that then. And it seems like we didn't properly introduce ourselves yet, so I will go first. My name is Demolus" Demolus smiled and extended his hand so they could shake on it.

"Indeed my name is Liia, I hope we can get along from now on." She said while grasping his hand and smiling.

Miia was looking at this with surprise, but when her mother said in what way the two will be competing, she knew that her mother would lose. And how would she know that, well it was because she would talk with the girls, and Cerea would sometimes let it slip of how good Demolsu was in bed. Surprisingly even Rachnera confirmed it, which made her sure that this was going to be her mother's loss or will it be a tie she couldn't really tell. But, not like it matters much to her, after all, as long as her mother took interest in Demolsu and not Kurusu she was fine with it.

On the other hand, the girls and Kurusu were just there listening to all this. Cerea felt bad for not being able to protect her lord in this situation, she could only think that she had failed as a knight because of her inability to move and be by his side. Kurusu had no idea what was going on as he was just there in Miia's arms who was crushing him, while hugging him closer to herself.

Rachnera decided to sleep, while she was unable to move, Papi seemed to remember something after hearing the word mate. And, Suu was just chilling on the floor while in her blob form, as she looked at everyone with interest.

"Alright then, when do you want this battle to take place, is today a good time?" Demolus asked while tilting his head a bit.

"Yes, let's do it new, Miia, I'm leaving everyone here to you!" Liia said while grabbing Demolus by the arm."Lead the way." She said while her breathing became a bit faster.

Demolus smiled and the two went to a bedroom on the second floor, while Miia was left to deal with all of the unmoving girls and Kurusu. Well, she didn't mind it much. After all, she now could spend some alone time with Kurusu.