Meeting new people

Demolus took to the sky, as he revealed his wings, and soon he was floating above the clouds. He looked at his system, he wanted to see what the system wanted him to do next.

[World: Magi]

[1. Conquer a dungeon. (Complete)

2. Gain a Djinn. (Complete)

3. Master the power of the Djinn

4. Meet a character who is important to the plot of this world]

Demolus looked at the tasks and was surprised, a bit after all these tasks were easy to complete, right? Demolus decided to just go in a random direction, it would bring him to an important place eventually, right? Even though he could have just bought a map, well it was far more fun exploring on your own, than just going and doing things like a normal person.

But then he felt some sort of power emanating not far from this place, he could feel it. Therefore he started flying in the direction of this strange power he felt. Soon he was floating above some sort of mansion-like building, but what surprised him was that in the courtyard from where the power was emanating. He could see a woman with black hair and glowing red eyes, and a boy who was attacking her with a spear. He was covered in some sort of strange aura, while a barrier was blocking the boy's attack from reaching her.

But then the woman moved closer to him, as their power exploded sending the boy flying back, but before he could hit anything Demolus decided to grab him. The boy looked back to see a red-haired man with big black bat-like wings holding him, by his clothes. The woman on the other hand was confused, and unlike when she was facing the boy, she felt far more alert than before.

"This seems like fun, mind if I join in on the fun?" Demolus asked with a grin.

"Who are you, and what do you think you are doing?" Some old man shouted but was ignored.

Hakuryuu Ren was caught by someone in mid-air, when he was seen flying back, he was sure that he would suffer great injuries, but it didn't happen, someone caught him, and stopped him.

But it wasn't the end of his surprise, as he saw the man, his blood-red hair fluttering in the wind, and big black leathery wings coming from his back. But Hakuryuu could only think of the man as someone like Morgiana, the girl he had feelings for, he thought of this man as a Fanalis, even though he had wings.

"And who might you be, to even dare and interfere in our family's matters." The woman asked.

"Oh, right let me introduce myself, my name is Demolus." He said while smiling in the direction of the woman.

Gyokuen Ren is a slim, youthful woman of average height. She has pale blue eyes, which turn black and glow red when she reveals her corrupted side. She has short, dark blue hair, with two long braids tied in loops. She has thin eyebrows, a mole on her chin, and usually wears red lipstick. She also wears a small hat decorated with a flower-shaped jewel, and floor-length pink and white robes. She is noted for being a great beauty.

And right now this woman was standing in front of Demolus and her son, who he had just couth.

"I have never heard of you, but I asked who, are you, you aren't human, no what are you?!" Gyokuen asked once again.

"Oh, so you can tell, huh? Well, it doesn't really matter, more importantly, should I call you Arba or what was your name again?" The question made the woman open her eyes, she looked at the red-haired man who descended onto the ground as he placed the boy on his feet.

Most people didn't understand what they were talking about, some had questions, and others were scared. But the woman spoke again. "My name is Gyokuen Ren, and it seems like you truly do not know who I am." She said while looking at him, with a sinister smile.

"Oh what a beautiful name, it suits you." Demolus said while smiling.

Everyone was tense, they didn't understand what was happening even Judar the magi was confused, he couldn't see through this man.