5th Level Authorization District

After Demolus was done talking with the old mage, he was actually given a place to stay, where he could experiment with magic. He was permitted to enter the library of the school, and the public ones without any restraints. Because usually only the staff of the school and the higher-ups could read certain books about magic, but he was given permission to read, and learn from them too.

Because of this Demolus could spend his time learning new things, and surprisingly he did find some interesting concepts of utilizing magic. like incorporating more than one spell at the same time, which could create a more powerful spell or it would fail with an explosion. While he had time to learn he had time to discover what he could do with the Djinn, he had gotten from the dungeon.

And he discovered that if he had the pipe in hand he could actually communicate with Zasmia his Djinn. Who was delighted that she could actually do that, after all, she like other Djinn's didn't expect to actually be able to communicate with her chosen king's candidate. Normally the ones who were able to beat a dungeon, couldn't communicate with their Djinn's as they didn't have a way to supply them with energy to actually manifest, like what the magi could do.

But unlike everyone else Demolus could utilize his yoki, which was a type of life energy, meaning that yoki as an energy source worked for every living being. It meant that he could supply a dying person with yoki, and by doing so he would be preventing his death for the moment or until he stops supplying the said person with it.

"Zasmia, What kind of powers do you possess? I was wondering what kind of things I should be able to do with your power?" Demolus asked while sitting on a couch, and flipping through a book.

"Hmmm, you should be able to do many different things, but you should start by mastering the Djinnequip first. Only then would you be able to access more of my original powers. So don't worry too much about it for now, and it shouldn't take you all that long to actually master it, as you are improving faster than I thought possible." Zasmia said while Demolus continued to flip through the pages of the book in his hand.

"And my powers aren't that amazing until the later stages, so do your best to discover everything, kay?" The Djinn spoke in a manner as if she didn't want to tell him her powers at least for now.

"Well, I guess it's fine I'll learn of your powers while I learn to control them, but why do you stay in the metal vessel and don't come out? I'm sure that I'm supplying you with enough yoki to be able to materialize, right?"

"Yes, but I don't really see the need to do so, as this is more...convenient."

Demolus knew that there was something wrong, but he didn't bother asking, after all, they weren't all that close yet. So just trying to ask about it might seem rude, so he held back, as he picked up a cup of the and sipped a bit before placing it back on the table.

Demolus knew that master Djinn Equip would be difficult for him. To achieve a Djinn Equip, a Dungeon Capturer must use their Metal Vessel to allow oneself to become one with their Djinn. This is done by compressing the Djinn's power onto themselves. And Demolus had never needed to actually do something like that, he mostly had to use Yoki to cover himself in but this was different.

After all, the Djinn is still a foreign entity, and using someone else's power is different from using your own. Which made it difficult for Demolus who was used to doing everything from within himself or with his own energy that already existed within him. But according to Zasmia, he was doing great, and it wouldn't take more than a couple more weeks to be able to master Djinn Equip.

While Demolus was doing his own thing, the main cast of this world was doing their own thing. Aladdin discovered the 5th Level Authorization District with Titus and another boy by the name of Sphintus Carmen.

Sphintus has dark skin, medium-length white hair, and green eyes. He is rather short and of average build. He usually wears his pet cobra, Kukulcan, coiled around his neck, but he wraps around Sphintus' staff instead when the latter uses Magic. Sphintus wears a long, white off-the-shoulder tunic, even under his academy robes, the collar of which is decorated with golden eyes, as well as triangular gold earrings, a gold headband, and the gladiator-style sandals characteristic of his people.

The three boys discovered the 5th Level Authorization District. And what they saw shocked them as it was their first time seeing something like this. The 5th Level Authorization District is a hidden underground city under Magnostadt's Capital, the Academy City. It holds a population of 200,000 individuals, two-thirds of the population of Magnostadt.

The people living here are deemed worthless by the 4th Level Authorization District and above, as they are replaced by magic tools for efficiency, and the people who failed their business or who couldn't pay their taxes. Only the ones who are doctors, scholars, and magicians are allowed to live on the surface.

The people who live in the 5th Level Authorization District are used as the power source for the magic tools that are being used by the 4th Level Authorization District and above. So people who are born in the underground city have frail bodies and can not live more than a few years.

The people know they are being used as a power source so they take their time to relieve themselves with drugs, alcohol, and sex, they also don't have to work and pay for food or medicines as they receive them from the Government.

But it looked more like some slums and the boys didn't know how to look at this, as they could feel their magoi being absorbed while they were in this place. as they realized what was its purpose. The shocked looks on their faces showed that they didn't expect to find a place like this as Aladdin steeled himself to help these people.