WebNovelThe Manor45.45%

The Classic Beginning-

They sat on the dining table. The food laid- an amalgamation of Leonard and Merlyn favourites, who seem to be bristling with joy as the fond memories flooded in. Apparently, his Aunt had a luggage filled with clothes, necessities for travelling, as it was a completely normal to carry around for a trip when you have come to visit or bring your stranded family member back. He suspected foul play, not to forget he felt tricked.

He looked at his scheming Aunt, who was talking amicably to an Ms Josephine, who had served here for more than sixteen years now.

Turdley was looking at this new development, unsure of what to feel. It felt good to see Sire with a companion and that too such a sweet and caring one. He did not suspect Merlyn of any foul play, Emerald and Merlyn were as close and thick as any blood sisters could be. Emerald was older by almost nine years, and her love was ever protective for the little girl Merlyn had been. They had grown up like that too, sometimes bickering, fighting and then by the next hour taking up the next gossip on town.

They were the light of the family, the manor shone with their laughter and fights. Those were good days.

He looked at his Sire- always in the shine of light; darkness has its own unfamiliarity. A quality.

"Nothing seems to change here." Merlyn said as she nibbled the cheese toast.

Leonard was sipping his soup, allowing the warmth to spread. "I agree."

"What do you want to do after dinner?"

"Don't you want to rest? You covered a long distance."

She shook her head, "let's do something. Do you want to go manor exploring with me?"

Turdley made an audible gasp, which he tried to cover, Leonard looked at that, his Aunt did not even turned her head to Turdley; she kept her gaze steady on him. "What do you think Leo?"

He looked at his Aunt's eyes, for the first time, in her easy demure and easy smile, he saw a flare, not anger but something dense which needed to be dissipated and luckily he had been waiting for the same.

He gave her his first genuine smile, "Let's."

Turdley was wrong; he did smell a foul play.

As if she could hear his thoughts, Merlyn turned her head to him, "Dear, can you order everyone to have early night, we have some house hunting to do." She then added with a grin, "you too, Dear. If you know what I mean."

Foul, it stank.

Somewhere above,

For a fleeting moment I felt like I was in the centre of the universe, everything revolved around me, everyone spoke about me. I was not a speck of dust, flying with many but a single individual component consuming all to be just the one. Why? What is with all the sudden curiosity?

Signing internally, she looked down at the scene below, the moment already dimming. A plan. She had to improvise.

"Where do we start?" Leonard began.

"Shush." Merlyn said.

"Shush? May I know why? What are we even doing- I-"

She gave him a look, "you literally defied it." She breathed, "Just give me a moment."

He looked on. They were standing on the first landing, and she had craned her neck to look at the above floors. Although, he personally believed he would be more befitting for the task. The problem stayed- he was still oblivious what she was looking at, there were just spirals of steps. The entire household was dispersed, they were happy to be let off early, Turdley had not looked happy. He actually looked sour, but abided nonetheless. Leonard was stunned by this showcase of emotion, so he did feel things. He was too good at hiding. It did not make him very comfortable. Lies. He could lie easily. Aunt did not seem to like Turdley; he had seen the look they had shared. Turdley had been blank as usual, but his Aunt looked fierce, which was unlike her. She had the deposition of those bright, cheerful younger sisters seem to grow up as.

"Focus lad." She tapped him lightly on the head.

"I am." He said rubbing his head.


"Focussed." He said strangely feeling like a little boy. He was not pouting or frowning like one, was he? He was definitely frowning and she was smiling. Smirking and I am the lad.

"Should we tiptoe up?"

"Why do we have to tiptoe?"

"It fits the environment."


Devoid of shoes, heels, or even slippers, they padded upstairs on bare foot. Despite himself, he felt the familiar tingling and cold as they ascended one stair after another.

No, we were not exploring the house; the plan was to explore the floor.

Third landing. To be specific.

He looked at his Aunt, wondering if his feelings were mirrored.

Far from it. She still had the wonder in her eyes, the vibe of nostalgia and an urge, a need to reach the floor. As if she already knew what was there, as if something, someone was waiting for her. For the first time, he did not know what to expect, for the first time he did not know what he would see if he turned back.

She stopped just where he always did, on the last step of the second landing. He stood right by her, his steps used to cease right there.

Funny, there was an embedded fear in him that one day he would reach and will stand facing a wall. As if somehow she would rush away, figure out a way to detach herself and run far away. Far from here.

Funny, today was that day.