Chapter 8


When I awoke the next morning, I left the room silently to let Ava sleep a bit longer. It appeared she may not have been having enough sleep and was physically exhausted from trying to survive alone for so long. After she fell into a deep sleep, I made sure not to wake her and crept over silently to her sleeping figure and held my breath as I lifted her into my arms, careful not to wake her and for her to try and hit me again. When she rubbed her cheek against my chest and continued to snore I smiled and placed her down with care. I was glad she didn't wake up and would hopefully sleep in a little. She looked safe and warm; Constantly having to look over her shoulder, keeping herself safe... the thought sickened me.

I knew we were pulling into the entrance of the parking bay when I had got to the exit of the ship. Everyone was gathering to leave.

Derek stood holding his rucksack and bowed his head at my approach. The other warriors stood around Dago. protecting him and stood alert as soon as the back of the ship opened. the air from outside blew in and settled once the doors were fully open and the warriors and Dago were first to leave. I could sense that he was anxious about meeting his mother but unfortunately for him, he could not avoid this and i knew mother wouldn't allow this either and as soon as they were about to enter the main building, mother came running out, followed by our sister. Tears that they tried to hide came falling against her cheeks and she began to sob violently. Dago could only look down in shame.

"My son, you are hurt. let's get you to the healer and get you something to eat." she kneeled in front of him and he had no choice but to look her in the face. "You must be hungry."

His eyes came alive at the mention of food and smiled happily at mother. "Is Ava joining us?" mother tilted her head in confusion and looked at me as i exited the ship.

"Who is this you mention?" she asked and i gripped my wrist when mother looked at me. She somehow knew i was involved and i quietly cursed at how intuitive she was.

"Ava is human. She found me and took care of me until Zorn arrived. She's Really pretty, mother, even more so when her face is healed too." Dago continued as mother still looked at me. Even though i was in charge, she was still intimidating. I guess that's why Father loved her dearly before his passing.

"That still does not answer my question."

"She's my mate, mother," I announced and heard my sister gasp behind mother. mothers face remained unchanged throughout it. "She's currently sleeping and needs her res-"

"Who's resting?" Ava called out from behind me. Mother quickly looked in her direction and I saw it soften when she saw the state of Ava's infected scar. It looked better than it did the night before. Our healer on the transporter must have given her a shot to help the process. I still looked sore but at least it was healing faster. Her hair was out of her face and she had cleaned her face from the looks of it. Her clothes were still filthy and I cursed silently when I remembered I didn't get her any clothes to wear. She placed her knife back in her boot before she walked towards me and glared. " Lock me in that room again and I'll cut you." Everyone remained quiet. Stunned that another being had said something disrespectful to me and I hadn't punished her. In our culture, mates respected each other, so to have her talk to me like that would obviously shock everyone.

"How did you get out in the first place?" I asked and a smug smile appeared on her face.

"I found a loose panel on the wall and ripped out some of the wires. That appeared to open the doors." Everyone was silent and were astonished at the apparent accomplishment. Mother, on the other hand, broke out into laughter and clapped her hands. "Oh, human... That definitely brings back memories of my childhood. I guess i should be calling you daughter." She glided over to Ava and grabbed her hands and began to guide her away from me and towards the main house. My heart sang when Ava look her shoulder and looked at me as if asking if it was alright to go with her. I nodded my head and watched when mother got her attention again as they walked through to the main building.

"You have got to tell me about the place you grew up. Your parents must be proud to have raised such a willful female." Their voices faded as I stood there and let my body relax. Mother had stolen her and I probably would have the chance to see her today. I think that's what she needed anyway. To get her mind off things and relax and get used to her surroundings.

"I guess there's no punishment after all?" Dago said as he began to walked away with our sister, Solari. She just shook her head and caught up with mother and my mate.

I guessed this was a good thing that mother seemed to like Ava.

I just hoped that Ava would come to trust me.