Chapter 10


Ava turned away and sighed. Her shoulders slumped and they began to shake.

"Trust has got me nowhere."

I took a step forward.

"You can trust me, I swear on my life."

"But you're only acting this way cause of this so-called bond we have." I could tell she was fighting the bond and trying to make sense of it but my people have never really put much thought into it. Once the bond is made, they cannot separate and even if they tried to, it would cause them to become unstable.

"Then let me prove it isn't." I walked over to her and knelt, my eyes meeting users on equal ground.

"How?" She scoffed and the tears flowed freely down her cheeks. " You took me from my home. The only place I felt safe. There were stragglers around but I was surviving."

My head hung low. I felt ashamed. It was true, I did take her away from what she had known forced her to come here. Maybe she should be with her people. They would be able to give her what she wanted most. A place to belong and call home.

"I just want you to live without having to fight for food. For warmth. Fighting to stay alive isn't living. It's a lonely path Ava and I can not see you struggle anymore. "

"You promise?"

I nodded quickly and cupped her face.

"I promise."

She squared her shoulders and placed her hands on mine. Her delicate small hands gripped mine firmly.

"There's something I need to do, and I know you will say no but if you let me, I'll come back here with you."

I waited for her to continue. Every part of my being shook as I forced myself to stay quiet. "I need to go home."

"If that is what you want, I will promise to wait for you." Forcing myself to say those words felt like venom on my tongue.

She laughed and she smiled at me.

"So you won't try and come after me and carry me off like you did last time?"

It was my turned to smile and laugh along with her. Watching her body relax while we smiled at each other brought me comfort. Humans always had a way with their emotions. They were easy to notice and distinguish from one another and taking my time would pay off. To show her how much I did truly care for her, with or without the bond, I had to prove to her my worth.

"My instincts want me to but for you, I will endure." I let my thumbs to actress her cheeks and I almost broke my promise there and then when she softly glance at my lips and I saw her bit her bottom lip. "I'll wait until you want me." She shyly smiled. "And when you do, I will take you and you will know the man I am."


A few of my trusted brothers had escorted Ava out of the community to where I had taken her. It was hard to control the urge to confine her to my home was too overwhelming, but mother remained with me to control me and that was the one thing holding me back. however, when Ava turned to say goodbye, the look on her face made me realise that it would be ok in the end. her smile.

"I still believe that this is a bad idea, Zorn." mother stated and sighed loudly. Her eyes followed mine and watched as the ship became a speck in the distance. My body had already started to feel the strain on the bond. I attempted to breathe slowly to calm my heart. It slowed but I still felt the emptiness. My cock began to throb with need causing my body to heat up and I cupped myself to try and ease the pain. It rubbed against the fabric and that made it worse. Mother turned her head and walked away with the warriors following her, leaving me alone. That was going to be the only way I was going to survive the time apart.

I just hoped by the time she decided to come back to me, I wouldn't have already gone insane.