Chapter 12


my body became alert and I sat up straight in my sleeping chambers. what I had used to cover my naked body was covered in a cold sweat, my body shaking from the distance. I had only heard about it from others and it felt terrible. the need to vomit had overwhelmed me. My whole body shook uncontrollably before I finally succumbed to sleep and even then I woke up a few minutes after.

That's when I heard the beeping sound of the locator. I was uncertain if my mind was creating up a fantasy.

It continued.

It was real.

My soul soared.

Throwing the covers back, I raced over to put on my slacks, grabbed the locator and ran out of the house. Many of my tribe were walking around and moved out of the way when they saw me running. They had no idea what was happening but they moved quickly and because of that, it took me less time to get to the transporter hanger.

When I got to the hanger, I went straight to my ship and a small smile broke out on my face.

"You think I was gonna let you go alone?" Derek said with a smirk, his arms crossed, leaning against the door. he was one of the youngest of the warriors but also his dedication put most of us to shame.

I slowed down and laughed when I saw his rucksack. "You are going to be the chief someday and that means keeping your ass alive." When I tried to speak, he put up his hand and stopped me. "I know you're a big strong boy and can take care of yourself but I will not be able to live with myself if something happened."

"Big strong boy? I'm older than you. Ha! if anything, I should be calling you that."

"Come on then, do you want to get your mate or not?"

"Of course I do."

He cheered, causing me to let out a bellowed laugh and walked past him to get her up in the air.

"All I'm saying is that I better be at the top table at your wedding. For one, I'm closer to you than Marcellus. Two, I know more about the humans than most." Derek argued his point across as we passed into the territory close to where we found Ava. first, we would have to find a safe place to put the transporter and walk on foot.

"This is only because you visit the human city to lie with the females there. Your obsession with them is borderline insane." I said while manoeuvring around the buildings.

Derek shrugged his shoulders and said nothing and looked back at the map of the area and could see where the locator was bringing us to.

"I think we should put it down over here- it is closer to where the locator is and we won't have to walk far." I looked quickly and nodded. It was closer- less to walk and it was open so we could see if there was ever an attack. Quickly changing the direction, I set it on autopilot and stood up from the pilot's chair and collected my weapon and continued to walk towards the door. Derek was close behind. He remained quiet from our conversation and at this point, we had other things to focus on.

As the ship settled it shook and groaned when it landed slowly and the light to open the doors lit up and I hit the button. When the doors opened, the air outside pushed dust into the exit bay. I squinted and shielded my eyes from the bright sun and began to walk slowly and carefully outside. Derek followed close behind weapon in hand; the buildings in the surrounding area stood tall and archaic amongst the nature that had claimed the planet.

Such a beautiful sight to look upon but also ghostly.

Peering at the locator in my hand, Derek and I moved further into the city.


Packing my father's was harder than I thought it was going to be. Journals, clothes and other trinkets I had never seen before but I still packed them.

I swore never to touch my father's things.

That didn't last long though. I put what I thought I could Salvage into my bag and made sure that I could carry and travel efficiently. Grabbing my knife and my bow, I stamped out the fire. There was no need for it. The weight on my shoulders, felt like it was started to get lifted. Father wanted me to move on and find a home for myself away from this secluded place. I was too terrified to leave this place but now... It felt like this happened for a reason. If Zorn was part of that reason, then I was going to take it. First thing first, Zorn. And then... I think it was time to see if I had any relatives that could be alive.

With that thought in mind and everything packed and ready, I made my way out, breathing in the fresh air. sinning around slowly, I surveyed the sky for Zorn's ship, as I could hear a low hum in the distance. He had to be close by and with the locator, I would be found easily.

I leaned against the wall and waited. I don't know how long I waited but when I saw figures walking in my direction too small to see, I began to wave and shout that I was here... but when it all went dark and someone grabbed me from behind, I screamed and tried to kick out. someone else grabbed my legs, preventing me from kicking out. A bag or something type of fabric smelt like rotting meat. I could hear them grunting as I fought as much as I could.

A strike to my stomach caused me to cry out. I felt like I was going to vomit. My head was pounding.

If they had the locator, Zorn would be walking into a trap.