Chapter 1

'It's the year 2050 and it's been 10 years since the great war between humans and c

Cloptexes, with humans losing the battle the Cloptexes attacks have only increased with thousand injured and some dead, though they don't seem to attack humans their ferocious attacks towards object seem harmful to that of humans; because of this humans withdrew to living underground to escape the Cloptexes. Government officials from around the world have come together to put an end to these verminous creatures with the new uprising technology.  No one knows how these demons arose but we hope that with this new technology we can put an end to them for good...'

"Will you switch off that television? Can't you see I'm trying to sleep?"

"But this is important. You know that Hina is going to the surface today for the first time in ten years since after the battle. I have to know how the condition is up there and as her grandfather, you have to know too".

"Why should I bother myself with something like that? If she wants to kill herself so be it".

"Don't be like that".

"Grandma, Grandpa, I'm off," I said pulling my dark hair into a ponytail. "So tell me, how do I look, do I look considerable enough?"

"Yes, yes, especially as you wore the white gown that I bought for you, it fits you perfectly!"

"Thanks!" I exclaimed hugging her "Grandpa?" I stared at him "I'm off".

"Why do I care? I have already lost two grandchildren to the Cloptex, why not more?"

I winced and dabbed a tear. That's why I'm doing these. I have to avenge them.

"Whatever, do what you want!" He grunted as he rushed out of the room.

"Don't mind your grandfather, just go and be safe okay. Your parents wished you luck".

I smiled as I yelled out "okay and thanks" while running to catch the next transporter to the surface; living underground isn't that bad, But the way the population is declining if we don't move above soon it might be an end to humanity. I quickly jumped into the elevator catching my breath and logged in 'Kirigashi District' to the communicator

'Kirigashi District, are you sure of your entry?' the voice asked

"Ye...yes," I stammered.

'Okay, hold tight, we would be entering Kirigashi District in t-minus 10 seconds"

"Okay" I held onto the railings as the teleporter rattled, making me nauseous.

'We have arrived, if this is your first time, I suggest being cautious, every man for himself, never forget that, good luck.'

I jumped down from the teleporter landing safely on the ground and looked around for any sign indicating where I'm headed too

"Hey, is this your first time here?" a voice asked

I turned around to see a Light purple-haired girl with shining purple eyes staring at me

'Yes, you too?" I asked smiling nervously, it was the first time I have ever talked to anyone since after the human decided to live underground

"Me?, no, my parents work for the corporation, so I practically live here"

"That's cool, then are you here for the participation of the new technology?"

"Yeah, I'm on my way there, come let's go," she said dragging my hand "You're going to love it here, well that's if you get in"

"Hmm, I hope I do"

"Me too, I know the steps are hard but I have to do it," she said arching her fist, "by the way, my name is, Misaki Toujou"

I smiled. "mine is Hinata Akari, please call me Hina"

'The gates are closing, all participants should report to the e-centre hall, I repeat all participants should report to their e-centre hall'

"We have to hurry," I said dragging her hand, "being late isn't a promising thing"

We ran toward the e-centre hall, showing the guards our passes and entering the room, it was huge and spacious, with diamond-encrusted columns, the room looked highly elegant.

'let's take a seat, over there", Misaki said pointing to a pair of floating seats,

I followed her and sat down on the seat that was comfortable but highly unstable to be sat on, but I didn't have time to focus on that when an unusual group of people entered the hall, everyone eyes were on them, as they carried an atmosphere of domination as they went to the front of the room, one of them walked forward as she drew a gadget that looked like a Silver fragment and placed it on her forehead, and then suddenly it felt like a tiny indicator was inserted into my brain and then I heard a voice

'Welcome New Participant to the launch of our newest technology, we have designed weapons that would aid in combat with the Cloptexs, with this technology, our world will no longer be a cell to us, this technology can only be used by willing people, we don't assure your safety, because it has never been tested on an actual human before so only step forward into that chamber if you're ready for whatever destiny that awaits you

There was a huge silence as a mood of panic filled the room, we might not actually survive if the device is used on us, and then suddenly it dawned on me, what if it fails and I die, then my siblings would have died in vain trying to save me, I felt so stuck when a boy with black hair got up and entered into the chamber, then red-haired twins followed suit, I got up and looked at Misaki as she sat down shivering.

"Are you coming?"

She looked up "Yes... I have to do this" she muttered as the two of us entered the dark chamber

We walked through the darkness until we saw a glint of light, which led to a white room filled with gadgets and devices, shortly a pinked hair girl entered, she looked around nervously as she came towards us

"Hi…my name is Himiko Yatabe," she said pushing a hair that fell backwards, her pink eye staring blankly at us

"Hi, my name is Misaki Toujou, but you can call me Misaki and her name is Hinata Akari," she said referring to me

"Please call me Hina" I gleamed, I was happy, so far I have made two friends, this has to be a record or something

"Okay, I was a little scared at first, but seeing you guys entering gave me a little motivation, so thanks" She blushed tugging on her black long skirt

"Oh, my goodness," Misaki said hugging Himiko "I was scared too, but thank goodness Hina talked to me"

Then three more boys strode into the room, they looked interested enough and then one of them came towards

Himiko, "So you did it, how courageous, was expecting you to quit halfway," he said pushing his glasses to the ridge of his nose.

I glared, he was pissing me off, then Misaki appeared and stood in front of Himiko, "Who the hell do you think you are talking to her like that?"

"It's Okay" Himiko tugged on her sleeves, "He's my best friend, he just has a rude way of saying things"

"This pink-haired glass dude is your friend"

"Hmm, His name is Kaito Tanako"

I looked around the room when suddenly that voice spoke, 'Looks like only nine teenagers out of a hundred will participate, how thrilling, may all of you enter into the corresponding compartment with your name identified above', and then unexpectedly nine doors unfolded, I smiled at my friends and went towards my compartment when the dark-haired boy lightly brushed passed me and entered the room with the name 'Haruki Shiba', I didn't know why but the name sounded familiar to me, I looked up and realized I was the only one left as I opened the door and entered into the compartment, I looked around, the room was filled with devices and unusual tools and in the middle was a black seat with green streaks, I sat down, as the voice said, 'Now, all participants are seated, may the transplant begin", as I fell into a deep sleep.