Preface: Dream Vision

LeLin went over and poured Ning Yunzi a cup of tea. "Master," he asked doubtfully, "are women in this world going to die because they are abandoned?"

Ning Yunzi paused as he drank his tea, then replied, "No, unless she felt that it would be better for her to die if she left that man."

LeLin blinked and nodded thoughtfully, though he did not quite understand. "Master, will the dream come true?"

Ning Yunzi put down the teacup, the heart has understood the heart of the demon, then answered: "dream, if you want to come true, it will come true. If you want to change, you can try your best. It's up to you."

LeLin nodded his head, then she understood, and asked: "Master, drunk wind building seems to be quite expensive, you are usually so thrifty, can you make a fortune?"

LeLin thought to himself: My master is not thrifty, but in fact stingy.

Ning Yunzi laughed complacantly, "Do you think that because your master dangled POTS to help the world and gave medicines to the poor, I really want to live on this? I have a family."

LeLin asked curiously: "master, how do I not know? What is it?"

Ning Yunzi looked at Le Lin. "What do you think of this little head?"

LeLin wronged blinking big eyes, with wronged small appearance, "master, I also want to go to drunken wind floor please eat, I also want to have a family, but I don't know how to have, so good master, you have to teach me."

Ning Yunzi looked at his little apprentice's smart appearance and laughed, "Just, I have some industries in Luoyang, Wuxing and Qiantang. You can walk with me and learn."

LeLin hurriedly stood up and punched Ning Yunzi on his shoulder. "I knew Master was the best to me," he said. "I will learn hard."

to Le Lin thirteen years old, Le Lin will Ning Yunzi's hospital, wine industry to do more and more prosperous, Ning Yunzi in addition to the accident, and the rise of the idea of deep talk with the little girl.

At last, on the night of August 18, Ning Yunzi asked Le Lin to cook a few dishes, and the two men drank together.

"Ah Lin, you are thirteen years old now. You should be a big girl now. It is always wrong to follow the teacher like this. And after your father's letter, hoping you'll come home, I fear tonight will be the last dinner for you and my apprentice." Ning Yunzi light sigh, just want to end will give yourself a refill, Le Lin hastened to Ning Yunzi continued good wine.

"Master, what language are you talking about? A Lin followed you these years, accustomed to relaxed and comfortable free days, and then said the master one, also need A Lin to accompany, A Lin will not go back." Lelin shook his head and made no intention of going back.

"Not going back? You again two years will be Ji, this Ji girl should according to the door good marriage, you follow the master side, so far has not learned the girl home ritual, you now do not go back, wait until when?" Ning Yunzi reprimanded a sentence, after seeing LeLin disappointed eyes, and soft heart, "again, the master is a man, you are Yuefu wife, all day so accompany in the teacher side is not appropriate. If you go back to the house in the future, you will say that you are in weak health and cannot go out of the house, so you do not see outsiders in the house. Don't say that you are traveling as a teacher, do you know?"

LeLin is to know the master is for their own boudoir reputation is so tell, she followed the master since the age of eight, although the master did not have what kind of control for her, but eventually gave her a medical skill and alongside the body of the martial arts, but also taught her how to shape shape color. Before the person of color, how to deal with.

In these five years, she always understood too much truth, which she could not know all her life inside the high walls of Yuefu. For her, this is the most precious wealth, but also the most close to the body of knowledge.

Just like when she was ten years old, she thought that Master had taught her some top-secret medical skills and that she could practice medicine to save lives. But did not think, because of the women's clothing, even in the master medicine house, but was still sick humiliated scold, scold her to pretend to be a master apprentice, flaunting deception, so that she flustered away. Wait to the next day, put on the boy's clothes, the person who scolded her, unexpectedly changed his face, followed her behind, left a "little doctor", right a "doctor" called her, because the teacher that day is not willing to practice medicine, told the public, she this little apprentice can sit for a day. So the man begged her to take a look at it sometime.

At this time, she realized that she was just using the master's reputation, because of the identity of a man to get other people's attention.

At first she didn't understand why being a woman was taken so lightly until, at the age of twelve, her master taught her how to be a merchant. The skill of a merchant lies in the skill of resisting the heart. Between pushing the cup and changing the cup, she saw through the heart, understood the world and understood the situation in one year. Also because of that a big dream, also tangible form color. The color of the people, so in her day to observe, after the night to figure out, she is to become the people praise the young tycoon.

People at this time only know that she is gentle and gentle, the jade fox with the sword hidden in the smile, but they do not know that she is actually through the people.

Later, she opened a branch of the hospital in Qian Tang for her master, and relaxed a little. She went to this restaurant to eat some tea in coarse cloth, but she did not think that because of the texture of the clothes was not very delicate, and was humiliated by the small two of the running hall. The next day, invited by a friend of the merchant, she came to the restaurant again for a talk. This time she wore a silk and satin gown. Because of its superior quality, and because her friend of the merchant was Qian Tang's high gate, the young lady nodded and twitched, and was as flattering as she could be.

At that moment, she just understand, this world is very realistic, people only take a fancy to identity, dress, surname, gender, these four are indispensable, and she also finally understand what is sophisticated.

LeLin sighed, his thoughts back, to their own master poured a cup of wine, red eyes looking at Ning Yunzi, slowly said: "master, the words, a Lin dare not from. Just master, you to me is not only the edge of the master and apprentice, more father-daughter feeling, even a Lin back to the government, also do not want to be unfilial to the master. The teacher should know, one day as a teacher for a lifetime as a father."

Ning Yunzi looked at the eyes of LeLin, also followed the red eyes, so raise five years of children, day after day in the side, is so close and warm, how he willing to? But a Lin is a girl after all, the girl is big, he can not stay.

"Ah Lin, being a teacher is also very hard for you. However, after all, this fate is the fate of the fate of the fate to go, gather and scatter have a life. If you really do not want to be a teacher, please put this jade pendant away and hang it on your neck. If there is a crisis, it can save your life and let you and my teacher and apprentice meet again by destiny." Ning Yunzi took out a jade pendant from his cuff and handed it to LeLin.

"The master..." Le Lin's tears burst from his eyes instantly, shivering with his lips, looking at Ning Yunzi was reluctant to give up.

"Ah Lin, you have always been a clever girl. The teacher thought you were too thoughtful at first. Later think you and medical predestined relationship, is to teach you to learn some medical skills alongside the body, but did not think you really have medical talent. Later see you come back in the restaurant, depressed, like a change of a person, they want to teach you business, this thought to transfer your mind, but did not think you have business talent, will be the industry of the division of so good. However, because you are a businessman, my teacher has to say more to you." Ning Yunzi sighed lightly, and finally the deepest words of the bottom of my heart, by wine strength said out.

"Please, Master." "Le Lin respectfully said.

"I don't know what you saw that day, but from that day on, you seem to have changed. If it is not for the teacher to get along with you every day, know you or you, really think you changed a soul in this skin. You sometimes transparent, like an old man of 40 or 50 years old, let the teacher often frightened. Therefore, my teacher still wants to tell you that you are still a woman. Even if you are as transparent as an old man, you should not easily show your intelligence in front of others. Sometimes it is better for you to hide your ignorance, and you should keep in mind." Ning Yunzi not rest assured of charge way.

"Master, I have written it down." LeLin stay leng for a moment, wiped the tears, nodded, she remembered the master's kindness.

"You can't just remember, you have to keep it in mind. After all, you are the wife of the family, practicing medicine for business was despised by people, if you do not convergence edge, wood show after the forest, the wind will destroy it. Don't you know that the teacher can't bear you to suffer such an accident?" Ningyunzi earnest words long say.

"Master, I will remember in my heart that I will temper my temper and pretend to be a woman who knows nothing about the world." Le Lin swore his head in general.

"In this way, the teacher is at ease." Ning Yunzi rubbed LeLin's head and said, "We will meet again by destiny. Don't be sad because of your temporary separation. Prepare some bags for tomorrow's meeting."

Ning Yunzi and her eventually is the teacher apprentice fate to do, even if she all kinds of do not give up, but after all took the teacher's token, lonely return to Yue Fu. Her father Yue Guang, because of her boyishness, stayed at home for three months and learned some of the girl's family etiquette and rules.

However, her ordinary sister Leshuang is a gentle girl with a good sense of understanding. She grew up with Leshuang under the daughter of Aunt Cen, and naturally she was close to her only sister. Occasionally, she would bring some small things back to make Leshuang happy.

However, after the death of their mother, the three brothers were the same mother as her. Since the death of their mother, the three brothers preferred her as the only sister, and often ignored the thoughts of Le Frost.

Even so, Le frost or will accompany Le Lin to play, with the appearance of the elder sister hurt her this unimodal son.