Chapter 4: anger at shame

"This worship post was suddenly angry, Le Jia girl threw on me, really a little childish." LeLin frowning looked back, but saw Wei Jie slowly coming, the liquor dirty clothes on his body, appears to be as weak.

But even so, he is still holding a neatly folded rice paper, step by step, young and colorful.

"Uncle Bao, you haven't changed your clothes. How about you catch a cold?" Mr. Sima Ying stared at Mr. Wei Jie's rice paper, lightly raising his eyebrows. "Is it possible that there are articles in this letter?"

"As you know, I am always sick and weak, and I cannot easily throw away a healer who can take care of my health. It was the next post to worship the doctor, who ever thought that a heavy rain, wet my worship post, angry my doctor, naturally is to accompany a is not." Jie Wei Yang lips jia smile, slowly toward Le Lin, the rice paper handed to her hands. "Miss Le Jia Jie, I Jie since I worship you as a doctor, I will not give up halfway."

LeLin looked at the rice paper in his hand and raised his head somewhat puzzled. She just was vexed, willful a, destroyed worship post, according to the truth, Wei Jie the angry is.

How can you personally deliver a new post?

Surprised, I heard the jealous voice of Jaffe behind me, "Shu Bao, after everyone else has given you a look, how can you still be so humble?"

That distressed vision, as if just be humiliated person is her general jia fu.

"If you have a disease, you must be polite and virtuous, and you must be respectful. Girl of the Family, but?" Wei Jie did not see Jia Fu Jie a glance, Le Lin and a step forward.

"So, Wei childe re - post?" Le Lin Jie playing with the hands of rice paper, bright as a star light let Wei Jie's smile also followed brilliant.

Jia Fu angrily walked a few steps faster, pushed Le Lin away and looked at Mr. Wei Jie, "Shu Bao, I know you exactly, have always been Nianhua Jie smiling, never so humble."

That is a kind of look in disbelief, but also a kind of her Jaffe in the mind of the moon instantly collapsed pain.

"I am who I am, never decided by others." Just Jia Fu pushed Le Lin a Jie, let Wei Jie's heart also follow unhappy, his tone is very distant.

"Jaffe said slowly, so slowly that one might think she was about to cry." Are you going to fail me?"

"Jia Jia NvLang, you and I have not a half part of the relationship, how to live up to two words? A girl's reputation is more important than Mount Tai, so think twice before you export." Wei Jie's words are that kind of cool thin, let Jia Jie's heart are colic up.

"I think I have something for you, but I do." Jaf no longer calls herself "concubine" but "I," her heart full of holes. "So good..."

Jia Fu's eyes turned from desolation to hatred, lifted his eyes and looked at LeLin with hatred.

Crown Prince Sima Yu?

LeLin turned his head and looked at the fresh clothes, angry horse young Lang's Sima Yu.

It is said that the most outstanding son of the present saint is the wise prince of simayu, king of qi, who is better than taofu.

Just walking from a distance, every twinkle and smile is a painting.

"Uncle huang, long time no see, how are you recently?" Sima Yu sighed with long sleeve and looked at Sima Ying, his face full of warm, "Shu Bao, not seen for three days, you have let Gu sit up and take notice."

This ridicule made Sima Ying laugh, "Shu Bao, look, this nephew of our king also think you turned the stars today, I'm afraid this auspicious day is not good enough."

"Uncle Huang, if you say so, Uncle Bao is afraid that the rouge in the snow will make him blush." Sima Yu smiled to himself, "But, Shu Bao, if you don't go to change this wet gown, maybe you will really be ill again."

Mr. Wei Jie said with a smile, "This is exactly right. The wet clothes are really cold. I'll change my clothes first."

They were also in a hurry to change their clean clothes and went away in an instant.

Lelin was walking forward, but he was bumped by Jaffe. He staggered a few steps to stability, listening to Jaffe's indignant voice. "A good dog is out of the way."


So angry?

I'm afraid that jia fu still don't know wei jie the ability of the guy with a poisonous tongue.

If he tries to make a quarrel with others, he will make women lose face and cry with shame.

Today is happy, spontaneous, but also a childhood accumulation of evil.

Since the dream is the old enemy, Jaffe just come, she waits to take action.

LeLin stroked the hair, lazily said; "Let's go and get dressed. It's June, but we'll be cold at last."

"Yes, girl."

Just after changing her clothes, LeLin played with the porcelain stove in her hand. The porcelain stove in her hand smelled slowly, but it also had the effect of keeping out the cold.

Walking to the side of the bamboo forest, a drop of rain fell on her hand, the palm of the rain with the sunlight, refracted the light.

Looking at is clear and clear, but also faintly has the color of seven colors.

Le Lin mouth, it seems clear things, also not, water to clear no fish.

"It was a good idea of you to stay here and be quiet. You have been teasing my son like that, but what fun?" Mr. Wei Jie's voice came, and she turned to see his eyes on fire, anger and the anger and indignity she had teased three or four times.

"Wei childe why this statement?" Le Lin took a step back, pretending to be puzzled.

"Don't understand? I don't know why you are so inclined to play a trick on him. Therefore, watch carefully, savor." Mr. Wei Jie's eyes with the whirlpool, the whirlpool is full of calculations.

"So I worship the doctor in public, because I can not dodge it?" Le Lin nodded at a glance.

"After all, there are not many people who can know exactly what the childe hidden disease is. My son is so nice that I have to guard him." Wei Jie eyes abrupt as an eagle peering on prey general, sharp kill.

"Original be, I trampled childe's dead acupoint, look for a dead end road." Le Lin voice just fall, Wei Jie instant grasped her wrist.

Le Lin looked at Wei Jie, he grasped her wrist hard, but her heart was hit open, inside the blood.

The fire burned... O... Let her forget him...

This is how frivolous, just can let her obviously dead heart, but soft heart?

This pair of slightly ice hands, the dream and her ten fingers hold each other, a total of west window candle shear.

The cherry lips have said in a dream of a lifelong covenant with her.

Originally, intergenerational, people such as Momo, Wushirenfei.

He no longer loves her, he no longer pity her.

For a moment he was like the god of death, pulling her into the whirlpool of darkness.

Pain... Seems to pain the heart, but also seems, already dying, no waves.

LeLin bright eyes instant such as death, Wei Jie hands light some strength, on a stranger woman jie hand, "you should know, in the family, I Wei Jia is less than Wang Xie, but is also the high house. Since you know my secret, you must know your own end."

Wei Jie words let Le Lin looked at him, Jie eyes inch sweeping Wei Jie's facial features, from the eyes to the lips, without a pass.

Like once more to know Wei Jie general, she slowly nodded, "Wei childe said very much, but I only poor family, father had the honor of high school and Jie, into the gentry, but after all, with the family, when the door is wrong. They know how to make a living."

Le Lin knocked off Wei Jie's hand, is still the haughtiness of appearance, but this haughtiness with the real refusal and away.

Mr. Wei Jie frowning, looking at Mr. Le Lin, always felt like he had lost something. "Le Lin, you are..."

"Mr. Wei can rest assured. I have no taste for sneering into other people's secrets, and I am not going to let yours become an object of conversation at dinner." Le Lin turned just to go, but Wei Jie pulled sleeve.

LeLin glanced at his sleeve, raised his head, eyes cold, "Wei childe, men and women are not close, please you, respect."

Jie Wei Jie's hand strength, head also don't go back forward.

At this time, the rain in the hands of LeLin had been her grip into water stains.

Mr. Wei Jie looked at his hands with confusion, just to hold her sleeve, why flash a high-rise burning fragments in my mind? And this tall building small window, and why she died in the bath of fire like?

Is this a nightmare?

Book drying festival, not as clever as the festival, but also a good season for women to show their skills.

In the past, the book festival is always two people in a group, take the petals to make powder rouge, to ya to celebrate the festival.

Because of this, the pair, often a man and a woman, are drawn for a match.

And the pair of men and women, if the love is deep, the family will personally post, for their marriage.

Therefore, the women are heart, and the childe team, knot on a good marriage.

Today, in charge of the matching, is exactly Wei Jie's aunt Mrs. Wei, Mrs. Wei is not only calligraphy great, but also fair and selfless.

Jia Fu was infatuated with Wei Jie, with hope in her eyes.

"Chen Zi Mao number, Wei Jie, Le Lin."

LeLin is drinking tea action stopped, she looked up and Jie Wei.

As if the heart had a sense of harmony, Mr. Wei Jie also looked at her.

Two people line of sight interweave, common stay leng, then common lower the head to go, as if nothing had happened of drinking tea.

Jia Fu resentful stare to Le Lin, but heard from behind, "Si Yu, word noon, Sima Yu, Jia Fu."

Syma Yu? My aunt's most hated prince?

Jia Fu looked at Si Ma Yu, although the prince is also a pretty good appearance of childe, but not her Jia Fu heart of people. Furious, Jaffe clenched her fists.

"You word Yin number, Sima Ying, Le Shuang."

Le frost to see just LeLin and Wei Jie on the look, the heart below some jealousy, but the thought of his own legitimate identity, and the attack can not immediately, but still because of the childhood to love the sister and sweetheart more close, and raised a little idea.

"Gentlemen, it's a good time to pick flowers and make rouge when the rain has just lifted. Take your baskets and pick the flowers you like to make this superior rouge."

When Mrs. Wei said this, all the boys and girls in the room picked up their baskets and went to their partners.

Mr. Wei Jie playing with the basket of flowers in his hands, looked at the side of the exprestionless Le Lin, "This is unique, really strange."

"There are so many people who want to match you. Why should I make enemies to attract the wind?" Le Lin picked up the basket, "The bamboo forest is many tung flowers and mallow, when is the best rouge, I wonder if childe Wei would like to go?"

"As you have said, I will gladly promise." Wei Jie like intimate close to Le Lin, wanted to force Le Lin backward, but did not think she would not move.

"That's good." LeLin took the basket of flowers and went towards the bamboo forest.

Jaffe's face has been twisted, she grunted coldly, "the bamboo forest is full of insect snakes, be careful to bite the foot."

Sima Yu mouth with a smile, the Jia Fu, or the kind of domineering.