Chapter 25: Maintenance personnel jie but offend a body injury

Lelin swallowed, she really did not know what to do.

If the picture is Mr. Wei jie, perhaps all the efforts just now would have been in vain.

If wei Jie is not painted, who can replace him temporarily?

She really is more and more embarrassed, such as shoes abyss, take a wrong step, doomed forever.

"There's a pavilion in the Golden Valley Garden, where you can paint. Come on, rocker girl." Wang Xuan led the way, and they followed him.

Lelin stopped where she was, angry at the pain in her face, but wang Xuan's annoying voice said, "What? The lady of the Band is afraid to paint? Since I have seen it with my own eyes, it must be true that a musical girl can paint, isn't it? What you have just said is false?"

Loose lips... Sure enough, the words came back to her in circles.

Wang Xuan was just retaliating against her for talking nonsense, which reflected wang Yan's deeds. Wang Yan's only son Wang Xuan could not let her go?

It seems that today out of the calendar, the whole bad luck?

Lelin bit his teeth, just, spell is.

Wei Jie side by side accompanied Le Lin walked forward, two people all the way dont talk to each other.

Only occasionally, Wei Jie will glance at Le Lin, the corners of the smile never faded.

Wang Xuan laid the paper, grinned the ink, and handed the brush to Le Lin. "Le Jia girl, please."

Lelin took the pen, but refused to write.

"How? Is the Lady of the Band not remembering him?" Wang Xuan smiled very satisfied, "or, imagination, really difficult?"

"Don't be in a hurry, my Lord. He is a charming man. If you are in a hurry to draw, even if it is only a picture, but not a charm. Therefore, I had to remember it carefully so that I could be a good god." Lelin defended himself.

"How long, then, must the lady of the Music write?" Wang Xuan was clearly impatient.

"How about one stick of incense?" Lelin made his promise.

Wang Xuan looked at the boy, the boy burned incense, "then wait for you to stick incense."

Wang Xuan flung aside her robe, sat down on one side and whispered to Wei Jie, "Uncle Bao, can you guess who the beauty in this painting is?"

Wei Jie turned his teacup and smiled at the corners of his mouth. "I'm not the roundworm in her stomach, how could I know?"

"But the little woman has been threatening everything. Don't you wonder what she'll draw next?" Wang Xuan raised his eyebrows, but saw that Le Lin had already drawn the outline of a woman on the rice paper.

"A woman, obviously." Mr. Wei jie smiled.

"Is that fear? Wang Xuan asked in a funny whisper.

"To be exact, I don't want Le Shangshu to be involved in it because of her momentary whim." Mr. Wei Jie could see fully.

"Uncle treasure, this woman does have some of your charm." Wang Xuan's eyebrows twisted. "I'm afraid this Lelin is going to expose you."

"I'm afraid the drama is yet to come. Why are you so anxious?" Wei Jie leisurely drink tea, eyes fell on The Lolin body.

"I owe you all my kindness. Bad friends." Wang Xuan laughed.

"I'm never wrong about people, Eyebrow, and believe me." Mr. Wei jie tapped the desk and said, "Please arrange a private meeting with Shi Chong later. There are some things I need to inquire carefully about."

"Good." Wang Xuan nodded.

This wick incense, Lelin is finished painting, people came, but see the painting is a woman, between the eyebrows and eyes, much like Wei Jie.

People jie jie looked at Wei Jie, a woman and a man.

"Miss Roca, is this a female version of your uncle?" Wang Xuan pick high eyebrow, "just this world which have qiao if the woman of uncle treasure?"

"My Lord, is this man really Prince Wei? Look carefully." Lolin raised his chin and looked at Mr. Wei jie. "This woman looks just like you, Mr. Wei. You could explain yourself and you could be perfect."

"Oh? This is your painting, and you want to explain it? What is that?" Mr. Wei Jie apparently did not intend to honor him.

Lelin heart a burst of broken read, she is really good people as donkey liver lung.

Lelin can't help, can only be hard to scalp, personally said, "this woman ling water and up, not standing on the shore, this shore is luo water bank. It is well known that cao Zhi, king of Wei, wrote an ode to the Goddess of Luo. I was afraid that the only one I saw that day was God Luo."

"Loros? Wang Xuan laughed. "You say this woman is the goddess of Luo? But when did this Luoshen become the appearance of Shubao?"

Faced with the doubts of the public, Lelin explained: "The people of the world paint the most to seek divine resemblance. Prince Wei was born to relegate the immortal, and was born in the former residence of luoshen, so he was naturally affected by some divine spirit. Only, this woman is not the appearance and wei childe imagination, this face a tear mole, Wei childe did not."

Lilin's eloquent appearance made Wang Xuan laugh, "Shu Bao, did you charm me by making a dress? That's ridiculous, oh..."

Wang Xuan punctured Lelin's elaborate game.

Sure enough, langya wang's children are not vegetarian, see through her trick.

But it was the only way she could think of to save the end.

"Is that so? Goddess luo? Do I also have the face of luoshen? This is really strange, but also interesting. It's just... Lady of the Family, I can't bear your praise." Mr. Wei Jie also did not intend to accept Mr. Lin's goodwill.

Can let her say that she saw Wei Jie and Wang Xuan jie broken sleeves split peach?

She didn't dare. She didn't have the guts.

What should she do now?

Panic let her bite her lower lip, she looked at Wei Jie's eyes, the first time with a soft.

She did not want to harm her father, and she knew the lesson of the mouth.

Wei Jie looked at Le Lin so bowed like, the heart light sigh.

Ben wanted to tease her a lot, but he didn't. A single tear, suspended, upset his calculations.

"But... This kanyuan eyebrow son saw that woman, is not the goddess of Luo, but my little sister. Some time ago, the little sister fell ill, and she took her to sanqi medical center specially for your doctor to feel her pulse. Be afraid that day the music home girl only remembers the income of cotton rouge, forget to see that day the woman that see a doctor is surname Li." Mr. Wei Jie succeeded in resolving le Lin's embarrassment.

WeiJie little younger sister, and the world knows who lived only two people, one is WeiJie WeiZao.

But Mrs. Wei, Wei Shuo but has a daughter, and Wei Jie jie is quite similar.

The world also knew that Lady Wei invited Lelin into the house, and naturally met Wei Shuo's daughter.

They slow down to explore the eyes, also lost interest, each disperse, Jaf is wang Xuan to see the future brother-in-law Jami excuse.

At the booth, only Wei Jie and Le Lin.

Wei Jie clapped his fingers gently on the painting, did not look at her, "After this incident, can you understand the mistake?"

His voice was not loud, and his tone was husky and sunken, clearly angry.

"Childe Wei, don't be angry if I was naive." She naturally knew that Wei Jie accused her of being quick and furious.

"If you show your cards before you know the strength of your opponent, you will be cornered even if what you say is true. Do you know, Lady Le Family, that man's words are terrible? It is not man's words that are terrible, but the man who has the right to have them kill you?" Wei Jie finally raised his head to look at her, eyes full of condemnation.

Her heart shuddered as he slowly folded up the painting, his words of reproach continued, "Remember, there are many things, do not exceed your capacity. More often, don't be impulsive, so that today's things, again. How will you get along next time without me?"

He heaved a sigh, as if he felt helpless to her.

"Prince Wei, don't you vexed your concubine?" She was surprised, just threatened to threaten the person, but Wei Jie.

This Wei Jie is how can forgive her, but also teach her?

"Ha... Do you think so?" He moved a few steps closer to her, and looked at her with warm eyes. "Whatever I think of," he said, "is just a child's play and a laugh. But if not, if you move, you'll be crushed."

She swallowed. Did he make her an insider or an outsider?

"I don't understand..." She dared not think, lest he should say the latter.

"Musician girl, I never let a stranger come near me. You flirted with me a few days ago, flirted with me in such a way... Don't... Never think, tease me, the consequence how?" He grabbed her by the wrist, looked her in the eye, and said something that made her swallow.

He said... If you hit on him, you're responsible?

She had to. Jaf made her do it.

Don't... She stumbled into something?

However, she and he is the character of eight incompatible, afraid there is no good marriage.

The dream scene came again, the pain swept through my body, and slowly I heard words, some unfamiliar, some familiar.

"Uncle, why did you fail me? Have you forgotten what you said about a man who would defy the world on your behalf?"

"You have been faithless before, wei jia, can not tolerate you."

"What about you?" She looked at him almost imploringly, expecting him to say yes or no.

But he did not say a word, to and fro with silence, and she did not even shed a tear.

Perhaps, this is the greatest sorrow than dead heart.

"My father once said that I am the treasure of the family, the treasure left to him by his mother. I wish I could be a daughter at home and a treasure when I marry. Dad also said, my husband, when the world to love to sex. But... Daddy, the eyes are not good, and finding a husband for me is not a good man... Not a good man... Ha ha..."

"LeLin..." Finally, he could not bear it, and uttered a voice, which contained not to give up, but also contained the determination, "It has come to this, the end has been decided, you stay..."

Lelin's fingertip trembling, that dream, she saw him marry others.

She remembered the morning, the sound of gongs, colorful silks, red lights, firecrackers, congratulation, emcee, all hundred years of good harmony.

But she alone, standing in the shadow, watching him as the bridegroom, watching him holding the red silk, the red silk end is no longer her.

How vile that she could not look away and follow his steps as if they had been married?

She sank down with her back against the tree, and, despite the rain and the wet clothes, hugged her knees and sobbed.

Turns out, after nothing, she can't even cry out loud.

No... She can't get emotionally involved with him, or she'll burn herself to the ground.

She flung his hand away. "No, don't..."

He frowned and looked at her as she ran away, his palms still warm and confused.