Chapter 31: The matter of our covenant

"Prince Wei..." Le Lin, under pressure, called again.

As if he had just heard, he came back to himself and slowly looked at her. His eyes were clear now, warm as jade.

Unfortunately, this warm and moist appearance, warm her heart, let her rather anxious to pull out the foot run, and he separated thousands of miles.

"Huh?" Mr. Wei jie said softly.

Just a "HMM"?

Is she going to say more?

Just what again?

She took a deep breath, and was about to go, when she heard his voice, like a chiming bell, "It seems, musician girl, that there is no written contract, though it is agreed upon, about the hospital."

What? Did he make her sign it?

This thought he forgot his abhorrent, did not expect, unexpectedly hot pursuit.

"Ahem, ahem..." She choked on her own saliva. "Wei, what do you mean? My concubine did not understand."

She decided that the man would not keep his deed.

Just, disappointment never let her miss.

"Well, is it true that the le Jia girl promised to go back on her promise? Aren't you afraid you'll be too fat to marry?" Mr. Wei jie took out the lease from his arms and gave it to her.

Sure enough... This guy is mean.

Never forgot about the contract.

"Prince Wei... Today is Tanabata, afraid is so talk about money, hurt feelings." She avoided it when she thought she could.

"In this way, tomorrow I will eat some beans and thank the musician girl for her treachery." Mr. Wei jie nodded approvingly.

She took a deep breath. This guy is really nasty!

"Prince Wei, what kind of words are you talking about?" She quickly grabbed the soon-to-depart Wei Jie, dragging his sleeve, like a wag puppy.

He cocked his chin and leered at her, pretending not to know. "Musician girl, what are you doing?"

"Wei zi, my concubine was shocked by the fierce conversation between his Highness and Jammi. I didn't think clearly and said something crazy. Don't take it seriously." Her back socket was really itchy and she rubbed it hard.

"Is it? Wei Jie looked at Le Lin jie skeptically.

"Really, really, I was too distracted to notice what I had said." She nodded her head like garlic.

"And this contract?" He looked at her in the middle of his sentence.

"Signed, of course, signed." She quickly nodded, very clever to follow him, "But Wei Childe, there is no ink here, how to sign? I didn't mean to put it off, but I couldn't..."

Mr. Wei jie smiled faintly as he spoke, "You jie came that day with sweet ink and asked me to pay tribute to the doctor and jie. I think this little toy is very good, so... I made one too."

Did you make one too? She did not react, saw the seven castle accurately appeared in front of her.

Is this seven castle deliberately squatting nearby, waiting for his master to call, immediately manifest?

It's irritating... It's really irritating...

She took a deep breath, calm, calm.

This boy must be revenge that day she forced him to worship the doctor below the thing, when is really stingy bar!

"Wei Childe, when you really do everything, you can't leak anything." She almost gritted her teeth.

"Now, musician girl, sign your name." He opened the ink box, fetched a fine brush, covered it with ink, and handed it to her.

"Thanks a lot." She took the pen and stamped her name on the paper.

Mr. Wei jie, on the other hand, took the time to write his name jie, and this was the first time that his name could be put together with her.

She glanced at the words and turned her head, unable to look at them.

This is a real loser.

"Seven fort, you close the contract, canglang building wait for me." Wei Jie will seven fort jie, leaving only them.

Ms. Wei Jie turned round, with a shudder. Even though the contract had been signed, what could he expect?

"Le jia girl, the folding gallery on the water, what mei zi has done..." He paused, looked at her, and said nothing more.

What? He's got a conscience?

You know how much Mei bullied her for him?

It was a fierce brow that drove her back and made her cry under the eyes of all.

I'm afraid the rumor will be back in the air tomorrow.

"The world knows it is interesting to talk about, but no one knows the pain of the person concerned. This..." Mr. Wei jie sighed deeply, but shocked her heart.

How did the devil know what she was talking about?

Is this guy not only a mind reader, but also a telephonist?

She looked at him with some fear, but heard his golden chime bells with a touch of pity, into her ears, "I have been taught. You trust... Since then, as long as I am around, no one would dare to treat you so lightly."

She looked at him in surprise. What the hell was that?

Just a few words from his heart, and he wants to protect her?

How nice is that?

Or are you gonna make fun of her in a roundabout way?

She looked into his eyes, probing and puzzled.

He took her hand and placed it in the middle of hers.

She looked at the wooden box. Why was it so similar to the one she had brought with her for the spiders?

The more I looked at it, the more I looked at it, it was exactly the same.

"Ah Lin, remember that whoever asks you later, this wooden box is the original one. As for the others... Leave it to me." He patted her cheek with a sudden smile. "Do you know?"

"Oh?" She still did not understand him, but saw his smile grow even wider.

"Just remember that." Mr. Wei jie also gave little explanation, just took the jade jie from her hands, "This jade jie, I first put back, next time, I will give you."

Huh? And next time?

I don't want anything to do with him this time.

"Prince Wei..." She was about to refuse his next wish, when she saw him moving on.

Mr. Wei jie was barely halfway across the room when he looked back at her. "Le Jia Jie, the banquet is about to begin. Better go as soon as possible."

She's dumb. Go early? Where to go? Surging wave built?

When we arrived at the Canglang Building, we saw that everyone had chosen a straw mat to sit on. Next to each person was a boshan stove burning wormwood to repel mosquitoes.

There is also a big ice mirror around everyone, ice mirror ice has melted.

Perhaps it is the relation that the sun of this MAO dynasty still is blazing, let a person have some thin sweat secrete, more some are afraid of heat, it is to rely on one corner of ice mirror, coddle with coolness.

In the middle of the meadow was a crooked stream with wooden loins in the middle.

This is... Nine streams?

At this time only one, after the seat screen, screen partition mat.

Even if it was reserved for her and Mr. Wei jie.

Embarrassment froze the smile on her lips.

The more she tried to escape, the closer he clung to her.

Feel around piercing the line of sight, she sat strong and calm screen, staring at the front jie Jie wei jie back, projected a resentful eyes.

How did this guy get so involved with her?

It never rains but it pours.

She could not speak coherently, but he coughed, turned his head slightly to her, as if he had eyes behind him, and said, "Musician girl, your eyes are going to poke holes in me."

Huh? ! Did he have eyes in his back?

The surprise made her swallow. It was wonderful.

It's like a monster.

She shuffled back, lowered her head and held a cup of tea to soothe herself.

It was Lu Zhi's voice. "Lu Xun, lu Xun and Lu Kang are closer to you than to you?"

Lu Ji, styled Shi Heng, was born in the Lu clan of Wu County. He was the grandson of Lu Xun, the prime minister of Sun Wu, and the fourth son of Lu Kang, the grand Sima. Together with his younger brother Lu Yun, he was called "Erlu", and together with Gu Rong and Lu Yun, he was also called "the three princes of Luoyang".

Since the first emperor destroyed the Eastern Wu, the eastern Wu old general will be people have been teasing, Although Lu Ji is the Golden valley garden 24 friends, but always bear the brunt of people from time to time.

Lu Ji raised his eyebrows and looked at the counsellor of King Sima Ying of Chengdu. He sneered and did not give Half a face to Lu Zhi, "Just like you and Lu Yu and lu Scepter."

The character of Lu Zhi was zidao, great-grandson of Lu Zhi, general of North Zhong Lang in the Eastern Han Dynasty, grandson of Lu Yu, Son of Lu Ting, wei Wei officer.

Lu Zhi's face looked pale and laughter was heard around him.

Mr. Wei Jie Jie stood up and shook his fete jie with a look of pride. "This fete jie is the best and tastier. I wonder how prince Lu could put on the je ne sais in the Jiangdong Area comparable to this?"

Lu Ji said, "Thousands of miles of water shield, unsalted black beans."

"Oh?" Wang Ji obviously didn't believe him. "Really?"

"If you have the opportunity to uncle Son-in-law, as jiangdong product on a product?" Lu Ji looked at Wang Ji and stood up.

Mr. Wei jie looked at Lu Jie, mouth smile raised, eyes please turn, blinking eyelashes tell his thoughts.

O... Is this guy trying to set someone up again?

Lulin curled his mouth.

"Now that everyone is here, why don't you girls take out your wooden box and see which of these spiders has spun the most webs?" The conversation was broken by Wang Yan's voice, and for a moment people turned their eyes to the girls present.

The maid, who was standing by the girl's side, took out a wooden box and opened it one by one. All the spiders inside were full of webs.

And the one who spun the most was Jaff.

Jaf lifted her chin proudly.

But when Le Lin's maid opened the wooden box, it suddenly burst into a green flame, and instantly the flame set the box on fire.

Is it ghostfire?

The seventh day of July is Tanabata, but July 15 is the Hungry Ghost Festival!

This Is the most horrible month of July... And she's right in the middle of it?

It was clearly designed by someone.

Who is it? Jia fu?

Lelin moved her eyes to Jaff and looked at her inquiringly.

"Musician girl! You got a ghostfire on your big day? Could it be you?" Jaf said with trembling hands, singing and writing beautifully.



"Is this a provocation?"

Many young women together with the family jie quickly stood up and walked in the opposite direction to Lelin, leaving Wei Jie sitting in front of her, drinking tea slowly, seemed unfazed.

"Shubao, you are weak, go away!" Jaf stamped her foot, anxious for him.

"Oh? Is that so?" Mr. Wei jie put down his teacup and looked at Ms. Jaf. "How could she say that the rocker girl had the wooden box exactly as she did when she set fire to it?"

Was that why he had handed her the identical wooden box and told her to put it away?

The wei jie in process of setting up a business?

But who is invited into the urn? What kind of a show are we going to make?

And she, was she already used by him?

Use to say, sweep the heart, let her inexplicable some heartache.