Chapter 34: A new storm in golden Valley Garden

Ms. Le Lin hadn't exactly understood Mr. Wei jie's words, but could hear a burst of jovial sounds from the front.

If you listen carefully, you can see that Shi Chong was trying to persuade Wang Yan to drink. Wang Yan had drunk too much wine, and his cup was wobbly.

Wang Yan refused Shi Chong's advice to drink, and I do not know whether Shi Chong was angry because of the farce of the wooden box and insisted on drinking.

But wang Yan was stubborn and refused to drink.

All this is looking at Shi Chong joke, who ever thought, this Shi Chong called dozens of beauty, beauty to persuade wine, not to Drink Wang Yan can not.

Wang Yan's stubborn death is known, naturally is the beauty of the wine sent to the mouth, close your mouth.

Shi Chong eventually is angry, call a few boys, will beautiful ji beheaded.

So, three beautiful women in an instant, blood in the Golden Valley garden.

At that moment, shi Chong and Wang Yan could not agree with each other, and they were about to kill the fourth beauty. The jia Mi stood up and came to Wang Yan's table, held up the wine and drank it.

Wang Yan looked at Jia Mi and frowned, while Shi Chong was stunned.

"Changyuan, what are you doing?" Shi Chong was surprised.

"The world knows my heart. I was the eldest daughter who loved Lord Wang since childhood. Though I have not arranged a match yet, I still remember it in my heart. So this taishan father-in-law will be in the heart, the husband drink, the wise husband drink, is not the best?" Jia Mi smiled and looked at Shi Chong, holding her wine cup.

Shi Chong was speechless for a moment, while Wang Yan frowned and watched the situation change.

The belly fire Of Si Ma Yu is the explosion, just his prince Xian Ma was jialing said that it was good for nothing, and he, the Lord of the prince house unexpectedly overwhelmed Jialing.

And now he's publicly robbing a woman of his choosing.

Since Jaf was married, how could she lose wang Yan's eldest daughter?

I hate my wife when I take her away.

"Ha... I do not know when long yuan, so hypocritical. Are you ashamed of your majesty's eldest daughter, who has nothing to do with you?" "Sima Yu immediately gave a speech in sarcasm.

"Prince, NO matter how hard I am, I dare to stand up, but you have to shut the fire on the shore. Which of you and me is the more qualified son-in-law of Lord Wang, let us decide now." Jammi also did not defend, directly poke Yu's death cave.

After all, Sima Yu is the prince of prince's palace. How could it be possible to stand up and block wine for Wang Yan?

The ceremony of the emperor and minister, also did not allow Sima Yu to demeaning.

"Si Ma Yu yu secretly clutched his fist, and he wanted to kill the wild and unbridled Jiari in front of him!

"Is that so? Make judgment now. Changyuan, do you know who that man is in solitary sight? Since the founding of the Dajin Dynasty, I have never heard of anyone who dares to rob the imperial concubine of the crown prince's palace." A word from Si Ma Yu pushed Jami to the edge of the cliff.

Sima Lun's eyes now lit up, staring at Jammi, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

"Princess? It was his royal highness who went to the Empress jia for marriage. Was it to give up my sister to be a concubine, and make Lord Wang's eldest daughter his wife? But what will aunt think of that?" Jia Mi directly moved out of Jia Nanfeng.

"Ha... Well, you would say that a lonely woman, even a queen, would arrange to live in the prince's palace. Who do you think you are?" "Si Ma Yu had been so angry that his face turned black.

"Prince his highness really good bearing, long yuan is just to ask prince his highness to marry her sister in the end is what meaning, should be so domineer strong marry minister female? Dajin founding up to now, has not heard that the royal family can wanton snatching family girl precedent. Is it possible that your Royal Highness will be the first, regardless of the face of langya's royal family?" Jia Mi now pulled up Wang Yan.

Dragged into the water, Wang Yan, now displeased, but langya's royal family is not to become the cannon fodder of the two plundering.

"Prince Prince, secretary supervisor, the old man has two daughters, if both want to become a husband relationship with the old man, why not go to the palace and make an agreement?" Wang Yan was wise enough to leave the marriage matter to your majesty.

"Ha... It is very clever of Lord Wang to say so." "Si Ma Yu's face was black," originally, it was because of my insufficient status in the crown prince's palace that I couldn't settle on marrying anyone. Lonely, thoroughly understand, understand!"

"As soon as Sima Yu's temper came, he kicked to the table and turned to the gate of The Golden Valley Garden.

In an instant the feast was ruined and everyone was gone.

Le Lin and Le Guang looked at each other and hurried away after their father.

When Le Lin walked out of the gate of the Golden Valley Garden, Le Guang said meaningfully, "Ah Lin, in the future, You'd better have more contact with him."

Le Lin was still at the moment. Le Mo came over and touched his sister's hair. "Listen to daddy."

Lucky light sigh tone, "today, that wei childe is to you have a heart, later I will not forget."

Le Zhao nodded his head, "little sister, that wei family and my family in the early years of some friendship, you should give more good will."

Music frost is deflated bum mouth, because of tonight's matter tone not good of say: "little sister, walked."

She is jealous, but will not lose reason with the little sister to dispute in public, but because the mood is really bad, will no longer smile relative.

Le Lin looked at the back of her husband's wife, and suddenly remembered the jie whom Dear wife had spoken of when she was thirteen years old. Might it be Mr. Wei Jie?

So, close to the dear lady dear, no wonder, dear sister so unhappy.

Want to catch up with Mr Wei Jie Lelin just half way, but was rushed to Jiami jie stopped the way.

"Crown Prince Xian..." Jia Mi looked at Mr. Wei Jie and said, "You exactly jie today."

"Childe Jia, ridiculous praise." Mr. Wei jie stepped back respectfully and politely.

"Only, you should know one thing, that is, egg against stone, egg against egg." Jia Mi white glancing Wei Jie, turned to leave.

Mr. Wei jie clenched his fist slowly and put his hand to the jie.

A few days later, Jia Nanfeng in the pepper room eventually heard the wind, asked A few words of Jia Mi, doubt Shi Chong did not take the initiative to inform, called Shi Chong reprimanded, shi Chong will be put back.

This put back to shi Chong, faint feeling stone home will collapse, invited Taoist to ask the fate of the recent bloody disaster comments, really worried all day long.

Tanabata three days later, the King of Taiyuan, Wang Hun because of the pain to eat a few drugs, but ointment stone brother.

Mr. Wei Jie was practicing calligraphy in his study. Hearing the tragic news of Wang Hun's death, the pen was broken on his finger tips. His fingers trembled and he clenched the corner of the table and looked at The Qibo with incredible eyes.

"Childe, this doctor all came, be afraid be you don't go again, all can't see too master last side." Seven Castle had tears in his eyes.

"Father..." In short, Wei Jie ran to the grandfather's room, which was full of descendants of the Royal Zao, in the back kneeling is home, pei's nephew and his second brother Wei Zao.

"Is Schopko here?" Wang Hun put out his trembling hand and searched wei Jie.

"Father..." Mr. Wei jie kneeled down and climbed all the way to the jie, and quickly gripped Mr. Wang Hun's bark-like hand.

"Uncle treasure... Those days, my grandfather knew you had been wronged. Don't be sad..." Wang Hun slowly slow breath, "my uncle treasure is the dragon sparrow in the clouds, how can those people sarcasm a few words is destroyed? Just remember... The Royal family will always have your back."

"Father..." Mr. Wei jie tightened his lips and trembled as a whole, tears streaming down his face.

"Don't cry, don't cry, my grandfather is old and will go." Wang Hun looked at Wei Jie with a happy face. "Although Shu Bao is not a descendant of my family, I could hardly be happier to have a grandson like this. If the grandfather is gone, they will certainly help you."

Wang Hunlao looked at Wang Ji, but his voice was still worried. "Wu Zi, your sister Wang Luo and Wang Huai are poor people. Don't be contemptuous when you bring these two treasures of wei and Pei."

"Father..." Wang Ji's eyes whirled and his voice trembled.

"You must answer me." Wang Hun looked at Wang Ji uneasily.

"Father, you must protect your sisters and nephews." Wang Ji cried and nodded.

"So... I was relieved... Relieved..." Wang Hun smiled and closed his eyes slowly.

All cry as a regiment, Wei Jie is cry tore heart crack lung.

During the wake, Wei Jie accompanied Wang Yu kneeling in front of Wang Hun's coffin, burning paper.

Mr. Wei jie, who could not believe that uncle Jie was jie, suddenly stood up and asked Wang Yu, "Cousin, how could uncle Jie's medical slag be?"

"Uncle treasure? What are you?" Wang Yu looked at wei Jie.

"Outside ancestor does not resemble medicine stone brother brother reach, a few days ago I just offended jia family, blink of an eye, outside ancestor does not treat and die, I do not believe!" Mr. Wei jie seized the hand of Wang Yu.

"What do you mean?" Wang Yu suddenly realized.

Golden Valley park, Wang Yu some things temporarily left, then heard Jiaming and Wei Jie dispute, just know that day things.

"Outside ancestor is to be harmed by jia jia place certainly, be like at the beginning with jiao uncle and pei Kai uncle." Mr. Wei jie said with jie.

"So... Go..." Wang Yu called the boy to inform his father, and quickly took three days to the residue.

Wang Ji put this matter in his mind and invited a doctor, but no one found the mistake.

Mr. Wei jie shook his head incredulous, he was a jie.

What a coincidence! Grandfather must know the truth! Must be!

Mr. Wei jie packaged the slag and hurried out of the Palace.

The night was thick now, and he was running on the beam alone, instantly throwing off the seven and nine castles behind him.

A few jumping and moving, Wei Jie jumped on the high wall of le Jie's home, straight to the two-story boudoir of Le Lin.

He opened a second-story window and jumped in.

The light sleep of Le Lin was awakened by the sound, she asked, but he covered his mouth.

She frowned, her black hair cascading down, and looked at him.

Late at night, Wei Jie a filial dress, and she is the jie covered body.

Such a meeting let Le Lin really surprised.

Wei Jie could not tolerate More than lelin thought, put the hands of the slag shook.

Lellin smelled the smell, but was the residue of medicine?

What's going on here?

Mr. Wei jie whispered in her ear, 'I am sorry, Le Jia Girl, to barge into your room at night. There's something I have to do today with the family girl. Please, do help."

Le Lin nodded and pointed to cover his big hand.

Mr. Wei jie loose, put the slag on the table, turned around, but saw Le Lin put on a dress, standing aside.

"Wei Childe is dressed in filial clothes, but what happened at home?" Lelin had a foreboding.

Mr. Wei jie's voice sank a bit. "Just before Zi Jie, my uncle died."

The farm...

She's frozen. Is she gone?

Did the Jays do this to you?

She didn't ask the outlet, just turned the medicine residue in front of her, "this medicine residue can be shown to other doctors?"

"Yes, but they say there is nothing wrong with it." Mr. Wei jie clenched his fist, "But I don't believe it."

"Have you got your prescription?" Ms. Le Lin fetched a small copper scale and looked at Mr. Wei Jie, palm jie upward.

Mr. Wei jie took a prescription from his arms and gave it to Ms. Leland, who could measure the residue inside the drug residue according to the prescription.

Half an hour's work, and the same answers as the doctors.

The medicine is real and effective, and there is no added poison.

"Impossible." Mr. Wei jie shook his head, but he could not believe it.

"Wei Childe don't worry, let my concubine think again." Lelin frowned and looked through the residue. She put it on the tip of her nose and sniffed.

When she caught the black medicine, she stopped in a strange way and looked at the black root in her hand. She took a gold hairpin from her dressing table and cut the root, only to find that it was already full of white silk-like mycelium and small yellowish to tawny rapeseed seeds.

"White silk disease of scrophora." Lelin's eyes narrowed.

"What does that mean?" Mr. Wei jie seized Leland jie by the wrist. She could find the symptoms, right?