Chapter 38: Design shi Chong, trigger pepper room fights

Wei Jie looked at Wang Xuan, the Lang ya King Sima Rui and Lang Ya wang jie have always been friends, and this Sima Rui is the grandson of Sima 伷, Sima 伷 and his grandfather Wei Zhao, Shanyin Yanghu had been the comrade in arms in the joint attack on Wu, with robe Zhi Fu, over the years have correspondent.

In the young, grandfather Wei Guan often take his alteration and his second brother Wei 'ao, in lanling, to Lang Ya to pay attention to Sima 伷, and he often play with Sima Rui.

Although we haven't seen each other for a few years, we can always be childhood friends.

But after all, Sima Rui was not a legitimate member of the royal family, but Wang Xuan said sima Rui was...

"You should know what Jing Wen is capable of. Why don't you let Jing Wen help you?" Wang Xuan put words to Wei Jie that as a result of the sudden death of the ancestors of the anger away.

He began to think seriously. Sima Rui and Sima Ying were also closely related, and Sima Lun was very close to Sima Rui.

If all this let Sima Rui to cooperate with him... Even... There's some chance of winning.

"Mei is quite right, but I neglected it." Mr. Wei jie's assent made Wang Xuan smile and put her heart at ease.

When Le Lin came downstairs, Wang Xuan looked at her with a rather ugly look. "Le girl, do you remember the promise that The Golden Valley Garden made to me today? Don't let the fourth person know."

"The prince is relieved." She is just a visitor who has just come, left out and right ear into the main son, why has become wang Xuan's eyesore again?

"That's good." Wang Xuan glanced at Lelin and turned away.

Mr. Wei jie played with his teacup and thought carefully about the next events. Still in the process of thinking, Qibo said a few words softly in his ear, and he finally stood up, "Le Jie girl, I have his business today, so take leave first."

Le Lin looked at the back view of Wei Jie. The gentleman came and went exactly as a gust of wind.

But this wind, it's a great tease.

Just into the prince's palace, but saw Si Ma yu angry smashed everything within reach, the ground was scattered, he was not enough, still looking for something to smash.

Mr. Sima Ying, who stood beside him, reluctantly put his mouth away and gave Mr. Wei jie a quiet gesture.

Looking to the left, Wei Jie saw Exactly the sima Rui whom Wang Xuan Gang had mentioned. The nirvana in fire King Sima Rui was much more handsome than when he had met him as a child.

Sima Rui felt the vision of Wei Jie, turned and he looked at them, two people nodded.

At this time, Sima Yu saw The arrival of Wei Jie, and immediately shouted at him: "Wei Shubao, you are prince Xian Ma. Why have you called you so slowly?"

"Your Royal highness, Uncle Bao has been on leave since the death of his grandfather yesterday." "With these words, Sima Yu took a deep breath. He had wanted to find Wei Jie, but had nothing to say, which was really infuriating.

"Wei Shubao, what kind of matchmaker are you? Let wang's daughter marry someone else? Do you know your fault?" Si Ma Yu cast his anger on the Wei Jie instead of his prayers.

"I know I am wrong." Mr. Wei jie hurriedly lowered his head.

"Say? You should know how to make amends!" "Si Ma Yu shouted," Gu wants That Jali to know what price it will pay to rob gu's woman!"

"Your highness... Just be calm..." "Sima Ying gang said, but was yu yu choked back.

"16 uncle, this jia home bully too much, all in solitary head shit, solitary return a little an not rascous which kind?" Si Ma Yu quickly walked a few steps and grabbed Wei Jie's collar, "Shu Bao, you ask, what can you do?"

"Think, my Lord." Mr. Wei jie said respectfully and ceremoniously.

Si Ma Yu released the restrictive rein on Wei Jie, and Wei Jie walked slowly and jie, thinking as he walked, just as Cao Zhi was doing a seven-step poem.

"Your Highness, today I sent a message to Lord Wang Kai and Lord Shi Chong on behalf of my uncle, saying they were fighting for wealth. There is something to be done in this matter, to save your Highness's city." Mr. Wei jie smiled.

"Even it up?" "Sima Yu's angry face calmed down," you can talk about it."

"The world knows that Shi Chong has more money than Wang Kai and my uncle. If Shi Chong fails in his struggle for wealth, it will inevitably lead to suspicion of The Queen Jia. At this time, the Queen Jia will not be popular, and the Queen Jia will also hate Shi Chong for this moment. If Shi Chong has another accident, I'm afraid... The room will be under siege." Words from Wei Jie let Sima Yu settle down.

Although Sima Yu was a whirlwind leader with a quick temper, it was the owner of the prince's palace all the time. How could it not be wise?

"If Shi Chong fails to fight for wealth, will there be some accidents? What was the accident?" "Sima Yu slowly accepted his temper and began to rotate his eyes," is it green beads?"

Green beads... This green bead has been sima Lun counsellor Sun Xiu peep, if Sun Xiu humiliate green bead in the street, it is lively.

There is also the Wang Dun is pursuing a golden valley garden house, called Song Wei, green Pearl's apprentice.

Wang Dun and Wang Yan were brothers and they were also good friends.

This green bead good dance, Song Wei flute, is the Jin dynasty romantic elegant people yearn for the spectacular scene.

If Song Wei was also mollified by Sun Xiu, I am afraid that Wang Yan and Wang Dao would also hate Sima Lun, right?

"Si Ma Yu instantly became bright," that Sun Xiu was really an interesting man, loving Green Beads and Song Wei, and not afraid to offend the Wang family and jia family, but who can invite Sun Xiu?"

Si Ma Yu looked at Sima Ying and Sima Rui, after all, Wei Jie in the mourning period, although not heavy filial piety, can not eat wine.

"Not as good as, minister come." Sima Rui sighed, "Left and right, my position in Langya is shallow. I invited Sun Qiu just to find out what my great-uncle likes, but I never thought that Sun Xiu could not drink well and something bad happened to her."

Sima Rui even thought of an excuse. Sima Yu nodded in satisfaction and looked at the look of Wei Jie, which had gone just moments ago. "Uncle Bao, but I don't know when your uncle dou Rich? For what?"

"If I return to the crown prince, my uncle is betting that Only Wang Kai and Shi Chong can hold grandfather's coffin." Mr. Wei jie replied modestly and politely.

"Thus, I am alone in waiting for good news." "Sima Yu" smiled at the corners of his mouth.

Now this second day, people were shocked by the news that Wang Ji, husband of the princess, was going to fight with Shi Chong to become rich, there was a lively look, naturally attracted a large audience.

Wang Ji was really a formidable personage. The ditch in front of the hospital was paved with copper coins. The copper coins paved the road more lavishly than Shi Chong used to pave the road with red silk.

The world called this ditch the golden ditch.

Wang Ji sat on an ox-cart, waiting for Shi Chong and Wang Kai's arrival. This time they were just like shi Chong and Wang Kai's fight for wealth many years ago. They all drove the ox-cart around the hospital to see who was fast.

Wang Kai was riding in an oxcart. Eating grapes, he lifted the curtain with a smile and said, "Son-in-law, do you think Ji Lun dare to come?"

"Who says old husband dare not?" Shi Chong slowly supported the cart and came, the three people looked at each other with a smile, whip, cart galloped.

Because jin dynasty bullock cart heyday, so this bullock cart ran faster than the speed of the carriage.

But this shi Chong is only a skeleton in the end, Wang Ji's 800 li refutation is finally won.

This fight rich, because the speed of oxcart is slow and lose, just like that year Wang Kai lost to Shi Chong.

"The emperor's son-in-law of eight hundred li refute in the end is fierce, in the mouth." Shi Chong knew the fiasco was a foregone conclusion and did not look half wronged.

"How lucky is the old man to beat Kiren? Didn't the great Uncle lose to Ji Lun?" Wang Ji said teasingly.

"That old husband was a miscalculation. If he knew what his grand-son-in-law was capable of, he would have dragged you against Kieren anyway." Wang Kai felt relaxed and happy, but got revenge.

"Uncle Tai jokingly, but today, although lost, know that 800 li refute in the end stay is trouble, just as at the beginning of Ji Lun's anger hit coral. For peace..." Wang Ji bent his bow and shot the cow dead for a moment. He took out the cow's heart with a long knife in his hand and turned his head to Shi Chong, indicating something. "The old man is very good, just like the cow's heart, I am afraid the cow's heart cannot be made as a present to wang Yan."

With that, Wang Ji and Wang Kai left, leaving Only Shi Chong frowning and looking at a dead cow on the ground.

At first, I thought that he would lose the fight, but fortunately, he was able to fight 800 li, but now he had to fight 800 li. He was scolded by Wang Ji in public, saying that he would never give Wang Yan a chance to marry a girl by pulling a cart 800 li.

It seems that the sky will end the Stone family.

Shi Chong wiped the face, jia Nanfeng called to pepper room, and a scolding, this scolding really wish, but Shi Chong also just by.

These days of anger, so that Shi Chongyue felt to calculate the fate of the Gerry, his fortune is declining is really strange accurate.

It seems that Wei Jie that gentleman later or less with subtle, after all, this is the Wei family and jia family private affairs.

But this hungry Ghost festival, green beads to prepare for ancestor worship, they took Shi Chong to go out, just want to ease the days to shi Chong unlucky.

At this time sun Xiu was drinking wine with Sima Rui in a restaurant. "King Nirya, what is the purpose of your visit to Beijing?"

Sun Xiudrunk looked at Sima Rui dimly. He really despised sima Rui.

"Among the clans, great-uncle is the only one favored by your majesty. Naturally, I want to ask Lord Sun, what should the king do?" Sima Rui took out a box. Inside the box was a pearl.

"It's a round and lovely thing. It looks like Nirvana in Fire has a heart." Sun Xiu smiled slowly, "The king of Zhao likes very little, but only likes..."

"Like what?" Sima Rui asked with concern.

"He who wins wins." Sun Xiu meaning has pointed to say.

"So, my king understands, but Lord Sun, how can we do it?" Sima Rui was still in a tangle. Sun Xiu had already crossed Sima Rui's line of sight and saw the lonely green bead.

Sima Rui looked at Sun Xiu without saying goodbye, and bent the corners of his mouth, and the side of the wing also came out of the two, and looked down at Sun Xiu who stumbled to the side of green beads.

Jing Wen is like a pillar, and the ping laughing is like hesitantly. Sima Ying teasingly.

"If I can serve the prince's palace, I will do my best." Sima Rui looked at Sima Ying confidently.

Wei Jie just stared at the downstairs Sun Xiu, raised his chin, looking at the Sun Xiu MAO Jie touch green beads, green beads were evaded, but ultimately is to embrace the beauty, a kiss fangze.

Green Zhu shouted, sun Xiu was knocked to the ground by shi Chong, a little fat. Then Shi Chong jumped up with his fat body, grabbed Sun Xiu by the hair, and opened his bow from left to right, beating Sun Xiu desperately.

For a moment there were screams, wails, and jeers in the street.

Mr. Wei jie rubbing his thumb and index finger together, it seems that the play began, the queen Jia Nan Feng is to choose between Shi Chong and Sima Lun.