Chapter 49: Where is the partiality

Although Jia Mi's face is not good, but this wang Dun is in the end langya wang's descendants, this was humiliated by Sun Xiu anger, is no matter how restrained.

Angry, scowling, and fat as he was, Wang Dun brushed wang Yan and Wang Rong aside, ignoring how ungentlemanly it was for his two elderly Cousins to fall to the ground. All he knew was that his woman would not be bullied.

At this time, his eyes were full of bloodshot. Before his two Cousins got up, one of them rushed forward and raised his clenched boots to give Sun Xiu a round earscraper. This big earscraper suddenly knocked out one of Sun Xiu's teeth.

Sun Xiu covered her cheeks and stared at Wang Dun in anger. But this was not enough for Wang Dun. He had to open his bow with both hands and clenched the soles of his shoes.

The king opened his mouth and said, "You son of a bitch, how dare a woman touch me without opening her eyes! Say, who gave you the nerve! Say, who gave you the nerve! You son of a bitch!"

Wang Dun's untidy teeth sputtered all over Sun Xiu's face because of the large gap between the teeth. The spittle also had a sour taste of the night, which made Sun Xiu almost dry heaved out.

But this nauseous action angered Wang Dun even more. He lifted his foot and kicked Sun Xiu to the ground. He pounced on Sun Xiu, vowing to beat her to death.

Looking at this posture, how could Wang Yan and Wang Rong allow Wang Dun to lose his mind so?

After all, sun Xiu was sima Lun's first counsellor, and the king's trusted confidant, Langya, had to give some face to him.

"Chu Zhong!" Wang Yan grasped Wang Dun's wrist.

Wang Dun character chuzhong, small character AH Hei, official to Yangzhou governor, this time back to Beijing to worship the ancestors of your Majesty, I did not expect ah Hei is still so rash.

"Yifu, let go of your hand, I'll beat this little brat to death today!" Wang Dun which allow Wang Yan stopped him, must be with the strength, a strong shake, will Wang Yan jilted a stumbling stumblesimal, stumbled a few steps came to jimi to hold on to a firm foothold.

"Chu Zhong, how can you do this? !" Wang Rong immediately rebuked him and grabbed Wang Dun's hand. "Do you know what you just did?"

"I don't care what I did. All I know is that I can't touch my woman!" Wang Dun's angry face all twisted, soon about to shake wang Rong's hand, but hear pei 頠 loudly rebuked.

"Uncle, how can you be so disgraceful? Do you know how many people in this Temple are watching you?" Pei 頠 stopped Wang Dun's way, in the end is today's queen Jia Nanfeng's cousin, but also the country's son of wine, natural Wang Dun to give some face.

"YiMin... Are you going to stop me, too?" Wang Dun, though still very loud, did not move.

"Stop you? Do you know, uncle, how many people are watching you right now? After all, Sun Xiu was a close aide of the King of Zhao, so... I'm afraid not." Pei 頠 words let Wang Dun lift high eyebrow, his heavy breath is still clearly lingering anger.

Le Lin could feel the sneer around Mr. Wei Jie, and turned her head dully to look exactly at the smile which had not yet been extinguished.

This side face is indifferent, the corners of the mouth of the side face is aroused, the corners of the mouth of the side face is aroused unilaterally, it is that kind of weird, in that look in the eyes is full of disdain, there is also a trace of revenge pleasure in disdain.

Mr. Wei jie did not expect this even sneer is so nervous.

She bit her lip and turned her head to look at Mr. Wang Dun, numbing herself to divert her attention from the jie.

"What Yi min said is right, this matter, chu Zhong you do so is really not safe." Wang Yan immediately said, "After all, this dog depends on the master, and this song Wei tonight is not much of a thing..."

"Nothing much? Can't you see? Or blind?" Wang dun immediately retorted, which infuriated Jia Mi, who was watching.

Jiami has always been the first of the 24 friends of the Golden Valley garden, the habit of commanding him, how can allow his father-in-law's clan brother in front of him so bad?

How could wang Dun be allowed to abuse his father-in-law like this?

Isn't that a slap in his face?

"Chu zhong, almost on the line." Wang Rong or again grasped wang Dun's hand, this Wang Dun has not choked, but heard the cold voice of Jia Mi came.

"Yangzhou governor, although you are chang Yuan's cousin in the future, you should look like an elder in the end. In front of our younger generation, such a manner of bearing, I'm afraid it will spread, it will not be good for your reputation." This sentence of jia Mi success let furious Wang Dun is more angry.

"Is that so? I have a bad reputation? What do you mean, Changyuan?" He squinted, looking at Jia Mi, "I langya wang matters, when to start you a jia outsiders fingering? Or, because sun Xiu is a good dog of the King of Zhao, do you insist on protecting him for the benefit of your Jia family?"

Sun Xiu bit her teeth, but could not say anything. She could only sit down on the ground and look at Jia Mi, waiting for her reply.

Jia Mi glanced at a dull sun Xiu, and then looked at wang Dun in rage, raise chin, that kind of pride, "protect short? Yangzhou governor afraid is said too, today this Sun Xiu for their own mistakes, let you beat, also let you scold. This dozen also dozen, scold also scold, why still can't go away?"

"Gone? O... Long yuan, your words, I don't understand, which is called beating and scolding me?" Wang Dun was furious and laughed. "People say that your Jia family has always been perverted and has no right to interfere in anything. Now it seems to be true. Just, if you want to make peace, you also want to see if I'm willing to smooth things over!"

"What do you want?" Jammi, apparently unable to bear this insolence, snapped a few minutes.

"What do I want? O... Is that how a junior of yours talks to an elder?" Wang Dun will spread his anger on the body of Jia Mi.

"The younger generation? Yangzhou governor, on official position, I am secretary supervisor, in the end official level, you see I don't salute I never blame you, you are talking about my not?" Jia Mi's voice undoubtedly stimulated Wang Dun again.

Wang Dun's hands shook and pointed at Jammi. "You know how to say that. You want to marry my daughter, and yet you treat me so recklessly. Yifu, did you see that? This is Jammi, and you want him to be your son-in-law? In my opinion, such a wise husband really can not afford, let alone!"

This sentence obviously poked in jia Mi's dead point, big Jin dynasty who do not know, Jia Mi love Wang Jingfeng, this destruction of his jia Mi marriage natural point explosives.

"Is that so? Why not? O... Yangzhou ji Shi, you pour to be able to say very much, but you just shake off my this old father-in-law, almost fall to the ground, right? When you're angry, you can call anyone names, okay? Can't I do my father-in-law some justice? This version of your speech, when really unreasonable!" This paragraph let Wang Dun more angry rise a few minutes.

Words fall, a boot lost come over, Jia Mi can escape, did not think wang Dun said but hit people.

People around laughed again.

Wang Dun naturally know his anger but throw boots some of the matter of shame, but he would like to let Jia Mi shut up.

I never thought I'd be so humiliated today, but I'd have to endure the humiliation of Jammi.

"Old... Old..." Wang Dun's rage flame heinous of shake a finger, point to Jia Mi, "old husband is to want to let this Sun xiu pay this some price, did not think of you actually so humiliate old husband! How dare you humiliate a man of langya's royal family!"

Wang Dun covered his chest. At this moment he was sweating profuse. The chest pain made him breathe deeply, but he couldn't get rid of it.

With their brows furrowed, Wang Yan and Wang Rong looked at each other and quickly approached again, one on each side holding Wang Dun. "Ah Hei..."

"Ah Hei" was wang Dun's handwriting, and his eyes were full of tears. "Yifu, I have suffered such humiliation today. How can I be the king of Langya? How could it be!"

Just say that finish, a mouthful of blood spurts out, he nearly faint of quiver.

"Black o..." Wang Yan quickly embraced the tottering Wang Dun.

Wang Dun said: "This Sun Xiu must be detained for questioning to appease my hatred!"

Wang Dun's words let Jia Mi wrinkle eyebrow, imprisoned for questioning? This is to completely turn against Sima Lun, the king of Zhao...

What is this? If my aunt found out...

Jia Mi at the moment think also don't want to say: "Yangzhou governor, this detention can, this prison afraid is not."

"Can't you put him in prison?" Wang Dun mouth hang smile of looking at Jia Mi, breath is thick, the whole person is that kind of weakness, but it is that kind of malicious severe, "he so humiliate me, still can't accept prison? Some reason? Jia Mi, in your heart, this Sun Xiu is not as noble as my Langya wang? Or later, you want to use the power of the King of Zhao to suppress my Langya wang family? Or do you want to give me lang Ya Wang Xia Wei?"

At this moment, the eyes of Wang Rong and Wang Yan flashed, and Wang Dun fiercely rebuked: "Or, do you think you can rest easy by marrying into the royal family of Langya? O... You think you can control langya's royal family so that you can be the head of the twenty-four friends of the Golden Valley Garden and follow your lead? I think you are delusional! Delusion!"

Wang Dun deliberately send difficulty, want to let jia Mi be a difficult person namely, because of just that kind humiliate him, he wants to let his two Cousins know clearly namely, if follow Jia Mi right now, later inevitable go out follow.

This langya wang and Chen County Xie's name, how can be humiliated and contemptuous to go?

The glory of this house, the face of this house, shall not be oppressed!

Wang Yan frowns, is obviously thinking about the value of Wang Dun words, and Wang Rong is a inclined pei 頠, pei 頠 hurriedly pulled jia Mi, "Long yuan, can't be put in prison for trial?"

"How can this sun Xiu be put in prison for trial if he hasn't set fire, committed murder or stolen?" Jia Mi is also to be gas, the moment back sarcastically.

"Ha... Yifu, listen, listen, this Sun Xiu beat me like this, even vomited blood, the fight is not enough to put me in prison for trial! O... It's wonderful!" Wang Yan's eyes lit up with wang Dun's words.

Wang Yan turned to look at Jia Mi, Jia Mi received wang Yan's eyes, hesitated.

But Shi Chong is to grasp the green bead's arm, he would like to know how To do in the end jia Mi, and he Shi Chong and Sima Lun in the end which weight.