Chapter 51: What fear now that the battle is down

Lelin shivered, but she didn't want it. It was full of chaos, in case Jaff took advantage of the chaos to give her another set.

"In this way, you have disturbed Childe Wei." Her reputation will be ruined once or twice.

Glancing shyly at the dignified Mr. Wei jie as she walked forward with a bow, she could not help haggling over the events tonight.

Feelings this Wei jie invited her to the park began to set a trap, think carefully, they walk side by side path are Jaffu and Jemu often haunt.

That is to say, from the outset Mr. Wei jie had hoped to treat her exactly as she could and to arouse Jaff's jealousy, so that she could put a foot wrong, and give him the opportunity to exactly exactly what he could expect from a full gambit.

Later, in this fantasy lake bottom the more qiao, just to see her sister Le Frost and know the dialogue, this Wei jie understand lip jie, natural see a clear understanding. Even then, he had an idea.

No wonder at that time, Wei Jie was so eager to leave the original design chain jie, layout key figures?

How the hell did he get everyone connected so quickly? After all, this man is alive, how can he be like a pawn for him to play?

Or is it a guessing game? Mind by mind?

If so... So Mr. Wei jie will rosemary jie with the aid of her wise, advance handkerchief to Jaffe and Jemi set a game? Because he knew that Either Jammi or Jaf would be the one who wouldn't look back without hitting the wall?

If so, how could a similar molian come to Kwai So coincidentally?

Or... Lellin was stunned and thought carefully that the shape of ink lotus and ink lotus and she are very like.

That is to say... In fact, Wei Jie guessed that two maid jie will come to Kwai Shui, but who is the first to replace her?

What a calculation! What a calculation!

If these are set up, so she will be clear from there, naturally will cause Jia Mi to seize the chase, Wei Jie at all laughed at, also want to pull Jia Mi leakage true form, let Jia Mi arrogant domdomy appearance completely exposed in front of people.

No wonder he is so ruthless to their hands, afraid is to calculate the accurate recurrence of their own hidden disease, this Jia Mi how much will convergence, and his uncle even on the sideline, but at the last moment will also be a family face to save his Jie Wei jie dignity?

But there's no shortage of details.

And all these, in the design of Jia Mi and Jia Fu brother and sister again, carrying the broken bureau of sun Xiu layout ahead of schedule.

With sun Xiu greedy bold and reckless bet, bet Sun Xiu must twist tiger beard, and this time... Want wang Dun to break out only, all all blame can disaster water east lead, and this disaster water also can let jia Mi do things ability exposes person before.

Not only is old family chief produced disappointment to Jia Mi, can let Zhao King Sima Lun, Shi Chong, empress Jia Nanfeng lost reuse idea more.

And Jiami when really insolent used, the first disdainful will also let Wang Yan and Wang Rong produced antisentiment, so far langya wang jia and Jiami vest is a foregone conclusion, with the development of the situation, also let jiami defects were put more and more big.

So, that is to say, Wei Jie design Jia Mi, is to let all people see the insufficiency of Jia Mi, in order to be difficult as the jie comments?

Such fine plan, such a short time, and at the same time for the crown prince palace to test clear langya wang jia, each big family to jia jia's attitude, the attitude of Jia Mi.

It's a chance for the crown prince's office, isn't it?

Such designs, such scheming, she really sighed.

With this in mind, she hurried into the room of Mr. Wei Jie, and just as she wanted to close the door, she was jie wei jie.

She stammered. "Wei Zi..."

"You have a fright tonight. Put on your incense and sleep well." He put his hand on the door, his eyes gentle, like a wave of warmth wrapped around her, "left and right I am outside the door, you can be at ease now."

She's safe with him outside?

She really afraid that one day annoyed him, by his a wrong idea, the whole body.

"I..." She opened her mouth, unable to speak, but her mind was filled with his cruel sneer.

Mr. Wei jie frowned. 'Ah Lin... You'll easily forget what I said."

She had a shock. What did she forget? She had seen what he had done, how could she not be afraid of what he had done, what he had done, what he had done, what he had done, what he had done, what he had done?

"So, everything you do in the world, to me, it's just a smile. But there is one thing I refuse to accept." Jie Wei eyes released harsh, let her close to the door, she swallowed saliva, waiting for him to the following.

He passed her, opened the door, picked up his jade ruyi, came behind her again, at the moment she turned around, the cold jade ruyi lifted her chin, "I don't allow you to have half a minute of doubt and fear of me, if again, I don't mind letting you know my means."

He is not... Not...

She looked at him and bit her lip.

"Do you know? His voice sank a little.

"Well." She nodded, some grievance.

"Go to sleep and have sweet dreams." He looked at the tears in her eyes and his voice softened. "Don't imagine anything."

"Well." She quickly closed the door, walked quickly to the bed, threw back the bedclothes, and got inside, covering her head.

The quilt was full of his smell, she took a deep breath, such a fragrance would have been able to calm all her panic, but because of his plan today, let her still afraid to go.

She clasped herself and shivered, biting her lower lip and enduring successive waves of fear.

Just as she was wrapping herself up, the quilt on her head was lifted. She was stunned and turned her head, only to see him sitting beside the bed, his head tilted, looking into her eyes.

His eyes have no joy and anger, but this light looked at her, the tone is not happy, "you look very bad."

She opened her mouth. "Concubine..." What was she supposed to say? How do I make my panic disappear?

Already enough grievance in her today, it is the design of jia Fu, it is the accusation of Jia Mi, it is element Ling and clear set up, her reputation is gone overnight, she moves after all who offend who?

Moreover, Mr. Wei Jie could hardly restrain his nerves as he threatened her in every way.

Her eyes were red, tears began to fall, and he sighed and lifted his hand to wipe her tears.

Feeling the temperature of his fingers, she turned her face away, hating his touch, like the touch of a cold snake.

"Alas..." Mr. Wei jie finally softened his heart, and he was afraid that he could hardly bear her tears. "You know, your father was so kind to me when I was a child, and even lent a helping hand when MY Family was put to death. Therefore, AS the daughter of a benezer, I must know how to be grateful and repay him."

Be grateful... He said that her father had assisted him exactly on more than one occasion.

Is this assuaging her fears?

She turned and made eye contact with him, she thought clearly, and he said no more, tucking her in, "I'm here, you sleep."

She knew she could not ask the export in any case, could only lift the sleepy eyes, also do not know how long, the heart stretch of the moment, no memory.

Jie Wei stood up and looked at Leland on the bed. Jie Wei gently closed the door and sat down on the little table outside the door. He took the wine cup offered to him by Wang Yu and put his head up and drank it.

Strong drinks down the throat, so spicy, so strong, so happy, just like tonight.

"Shubo, you're a little stronger tonight." Wang Yu played with his wine cup with half a smile.

"But in a moment, this jia in front of the wang is not a person, our uncle treasure is the first big Jin scholar, really let pei 頠 are defeated, is not ordinary." Perry is also happy to drink the wine in hand.

"Just tonight everything, with So close relations with Shubao, I do not know this Jia Queen will point at Shubao?" Pei Xian some worried pondering.

"Will queen Jia? I'm afraid now she's even more worried that it's the prince's palace. However, the prince's palace would like uncle Bao to do so. Just Uncle Bao, since you poke Lou son, can know next, how this basket son become a sieve?" Perry looked curious.

"The prince's palace will soon ask wang Yan's daughter to marry. If she is married on the same day as Jia Mi..." Mr. Wei jie jie raised a wicked smile, as if to see the lively.

"This royal jade butterfly is just labeled Lang Ya Wang Yan's daughter, Wang shi, but I don't know whether it is Wang Jingfeng or Wang Huifeng, but it is a good opportunity to steal a bride. If steal dragon turn phoenix to be able to succeed, this jia Mi is afraid to lose face big, and jia will therefore become a laughing stock, at the time of the family patriarch people to think well." Wang Yu nodded with satisfaction.

"It's just a bit monotonous for a royal wife, isn't it?" Pei Li did not believe his cousin was so skilled.

"Today Li Jiami offended Langya and Sima Lun, the king of Zhao. Naturally, after sun Xiuhe was put in prison, both sides sent forces to mediate. Who is this Jia dispatcher? Who will Sima Lun send? When the emissaries of the two sides strive for their best interests, will the book be sandwiched and even reduced to cannon fodder?" Pei Xian frowned and analyzed again.

"Jia will certainly send Pan Yue, after all, Pan Yue and Le Shangshu the best relationship. And Sima Lun, king of Zhao... It's hard to guess." Perry shook his head.

"Perhaps it was Sima Rui, the king of Langya who drank with Sun Xiu that day? After all, it was the anger of nirvana's royal family, and only the Lord whose land was nirvana's could mediate. This Sima Rui is familiar with all the royal family of Langya." Wei Jie just said exports, Wang Yu a wonderful zai appearance.

"In other words... Sima Rui will take on Pan Yue? It is really worth looking forward to, but Uncle Bao, the prince's palace can not do nothing, right?" Wang Yu was obviously not convinced.

"It is natural that the crown prince's palace should do something. Since the King of Zhao Sima Lun and Langya wang to fight each other, so let this fight skin stop loss in the royal system, can bring happiness for the officials, can bring blessing for the people of the prince's house, will be which existence?" Mr. Wei jie's words let Pei Jie raise his thumb.

"So the children of this family will be on prince palace prince, prince palace when the crowd, natural family patriarchs to sidle this prince palace with a balance of ability, instantly win the support of your family talent ability. And this ability is the emperor's ability, also naturally for the crown prince house zhujun and pepper room jia challenge laid the foundation. Shubo, are you starting the battle for the throne?" Wang Yu immediately understood.

"Now that the drum is beating and the challenge has been thrown, why be afraid to open your arms and strike at once?" Mr. Wei jie put his wine glass jie on the table, eyes and eyebrows are full of pride.