Chapter 61: Dream's Ailing Sweetheart Wei Jie

Mr. Wei jie naturally saw the surprise in The eyes of Le Lin jie, as expected, she also knew the dream.

But if it's a dream, why does she know it? Why does he know it?

But if it wasn't a dream, how could it not have happened in this world?

In any case, since this dream had been his childhood nightmare for many years, so that the world said that he was useless medicine stone, that is the dream to destroy the human mind.

He was young and had not walked out for a long time. How could his sweetheart walk out now?

He light sigh, look to her eye color belt seriously, "people say I 卫玠思 dream is sick, so young when the body is weak, up to now, still sickly appearance has not cleared. How could I not know what that nightmare was doing to you? It's just... The early o..."

He gently grasped her hand and put it in her heart. She felt the steady and powerful beating of her heart. The trembling from her fingertips made her eyes blink for a few minutes.

"It's just... The early o... Do you know my heart? Here... Have you been dreaming about you for ten years? Here... Have you ever been sick for ten years in a dream of you, of your refusal to be negative? If it were not for le, I went to wei's mansion to interpret my dream in my childhood. Even then, I will die of depression. I understand, of course, how it hurts and frightens you, but..." He took her hand a little closer.

And she felt the heart beating under the fingertip is a few minutes faster, only to listen to his golden chimes of sound from the deep murmurs.

"Just, Ah Lin, I hope you understand that no matter what this dream is, I am not the me in the dream after all, and you are not the you in the dream. After all, the dream is wrong, you and I are memory erasure, and in this world, who is likely to repeat the past?" His corners of the mouth pull up radian, looking at her eyes is so serious, although the orbit is small red, but he is very sincere.

"Uncle treasure... You dreamed about me?" Le Lin did not believe that looked at Wei Jie, could he also know her jie and his dream?

"Dream..." Jie Wei jie was shocked by Lelin's questioning. He took a deep breath, as if to exertion all his strength, and gripped her hand more closely to his heart, "I have been thinking about you day and night. How could this be a dream?"

This made Lelin blush. She did not want to listen to his romantic words. She wanted to know what kind of dream he was sick with and what kind of relationship he had with her dream.

"Ah lam..." He naturally also knows her low eye to take the excuse in the shy, he is willing to answer for her doubt answer puzzled, just beg her not because of the dream too real and alienate him, he can not bear, more can because of her escape and carry three feet sword, anger kill the person who gets in the way!

His eyes flashed a harsh color, and soon changed into sincere eye color, deep feeling staring at her, "WHEN I was young, I dreamed of you, is a woman with a clever smile. Vaguely remember the first dream, as if you were dressed for marriage, when the rose was in bloom, I stood under a tall building, looking at you in the boudoir of joy and look forward to.

This sentence let Le Lin's eyes stare big, he knew! He had dreamed it too! Her dream of being married? !

He naturally felt her consternation, it seems that he and she really source quite deep, the original childhood dream of this scene?

Or, in fact, in another life, they did, but this time, they changed their fate?

Although he had this idea in mind, he was willing to put aside her fears, and hoped that she would be willing to marry him Weijie as his wife.

"When I dream again, it seems that the world has changed. I try to protect you, but the people are displaced and there are people everywhere. Even if I protect you, I will eventually separate you from me because of your weakness. This dream is my most memorable dream."

Mr. Wei jie closed his eyes and took a deep breath, as if he had been severely stabbed in the chest. He did not want to say anything, because this was the jie where his real nightmare lay, as well as the jie where Le Guang had honored him and as well as the jie where the whole world knows the source of his illness.

But he had to say it, especially with her in the dream, and he had to say it.

He wanted him to face it, he wanted her to face it, he believed she had dreamed it, too.

Somehow, he could sense that some of their memories, especially in dreams, were identical.

"And then what? She asked, here her heart clenched tight, she also dreamed here, here is the beginning of her displacement, but also the dream of her life stain.

"Then... I vomited blood and fainted that day because of my breath. When I woke up, I did not know where you had gone. At that time, I had lost the vitality, all day long in the muddle, carrying a pot of wine, clothes were stained by layers of wine filth, originally blue shirt eventually into ink clothes. My hair is unkempt and I smell bad, but I don't want to take time to bathe. I just want to find you as soon as possible." His words are so weak, but let her heart heavy a few minutes, also choked to breathe.

"In my dream, I am like a fool, like a crazy fool, twittering your name every day, stumbling, colliding with people, I do not know the southeast or northwest, I do not know the day tomorrow dark, only a mind to punish themselves, only a cavity willing to look forward to your appearance. Even..." Mr. Wei jie smiled at himself and said that the dream was so painful that he could hardly breathe and speak for a long time. He could only pause and postpone the event.

Breathing a little easier, he went on slowly. "Even... I would rather be beaten by a group of beggars, crawling on the ground with wounds, to atone for the sin of losing my beloved wife! Even though I knew I deserved it, I didn't want to lose her. Therefore in my lost heart crazy this period of time, I also dispersed the family wealth, exhausted family property to find someone to find her whereabouts, until... A day..."

He raised his eyes, eyes dense, and her tears dance opposite, sure enough, she also dreamed of this scene, right?

That scene, really too much pain, pain he can't stand.

He held out his hand to, as she brushed away BinJian broken hair, voice, nasal is very heavy, the gentleness of the discourse is soft suchou dialect words, "one day, I know her in a tall building in south of yanzhou emerged, despite the broken limbs were sitting on a bamboo chair, although I in order to meet this time, the filth of the wash away for months, with the most elegant attitude went to meet her home. But that day, I was still angry, still angry..."

His breath is unstable, hand slowly stroked her cheek, for her gently wipe away tears, this action is that kind of gentle, "when I see her to mouth, skills, beg to live under the opportunity, so embarrassed, so bad, let my reason is gone. Although I have been hiding my martial arts, but that day, I was angry one day, also like a man, do a husband should be like."

His tears now fell on the back of her lightly raised hand, and her hand shrank, hesitated, or wiped the next tears for him, and he was holding the hand with his tears, and he looked at her, not as if he were looking at her.

"That day, I was really crazy, like a blood drinker, everywhere I went, there was blood. That day, I really angry, like a cold-blooded shadow guard, wherever he went, the chicken and dog do not stay. That day, I really pain, like a lost husband, see, full of anger. But that day, I forgot... I forgot to protect the one person who deserved to be protected, the woman who was my wife. I forgot to... My anger is nothing compared with her sorrow!"

When his mouth bends, a drop of tear falls into his lip flap, and he is to continue to say, is that kind of sincerity, "I in the dream, how stupid, actually only kill all things that make me angry, but forgot to care for that moment, that woman's heart is about to collapse. The dream of me, how stupid, even just to clear all let me insult things, but forgot to maintain that moment, that will give up the proud woman."

He cocked his head and looked at her, under the words, let she covered her mouth, is so pain, "so I just immersed in their own grief, just immersed in anger and shame belongs to the man, forget about the family when my hiatus, I forget to senior, if wife has such an opportunity, and how to protect it. Just cause, I was hit by the family unprepared, just cause, I was forced to marry shan shi female, just cause she would rather set fire to burn herself, also do not want to look for a long future with me!"

He suddenly caught her in his arms and lifted her chin with a strong hand. "Maybe I was stupid in the dream. The thing I had experienced was so clear and so sad, but it was a dream after all. After waking up, ten years of dream, nature knows the symptoms, nature knows how to break the situation. I just want to tell you that no matter how sad things are in this dream... For this life, for this moment, for you and me now..."

He paused, the eyes are full of firm, but also have confidence in the future, "I will naturally abandon the last life will only talk about ignorance of the stupid, natural ability to plan for you and me long, and you have to do is to believe in my ability, steadfast waiting for me, occasionally full of confidence to help me. So you and I have time to live, you understand?"

"Uncle treasure..." She had never seen him so serious and stern, not even in the Golden Valley Garden, not even in the Jia LAN Temple.

"I just want you to know that a dream is a dream, no matter how real it may be, no matter how much it reflects on this life, it can never be the same again! And I will not let it be as it was in my dream, nor will it end as it was in my dream! I'm not stupid, and I can't be stupid and do nothing! And you must know that my resolution will never fail me or question me. Do you understand?"

"I..." She no longer need concubine to distance each other, can only subconsciously say a.

'You are a woman after all, and you don't need much of what you do. I just want you to wait for my name, the rest, you don't have to think about it. But I just want you to know that the ending between us can't be as bleak as it was in our dreams. Since I am sick because of dream, dream wake ten years, nature can cure the disease, and since you are the medicine, you should know in addition to the inevitable result of dream! And I won't let you question me! '

He squeezed her chin, grasped her wrist, looked her in the eye, and did not want her to flee.