Chapter 64: Sudden but Manageable

Le Lin had not yet reacted, but saw Mr. Wei jie rubbing his thumb and index finger together, eyes calculating, and looking at the door of the Yue Jie Jie from a distance, but did not utter a word. And she was so dull looking at the Wei Jie, from I do not know thoughtful Wei Jie unexpectedly is so arbitrary appearance.

His thin lips were pursed, and one side of his brow was furled. His half-smiling face was confident and conspiratorial.

Such a he, if moved rabbit, quiet if virgin, malicious if xiuluo, good if bodhi.

So charming, and so seductive.

Her trance looked at the eyes of the sweetheart, her Jie Jie Wei, was such a sweetheart:

Bookish, gas from China, Huabao recite, recite time, years similar;

Qian on the road, strangers, people meet, see childe, child jade;

Ya Zhou Zheng, zhengqi report, report Ran Hao, Haoyue Ming, Ming is not;

Water clear, che Qingshan, unlined upper garment element, element without dust, dust do not provoke.

Abdomen book, zhou Zheng, gas elegant, clear quality, no dirt and no dust.

Such Wei Jie, no doubt, is the purest existence between heaven and earth, and jie is undoubtedly a jade goddess.

He has a lotus in his heart, a flower a world, the world has a pattern, bureau hidden road, road born lotus, flowers and fragrance, fragrance from the bitter cold, to drink a cup of wine, wine in the story is long, long long wish, wish you xiang Xiao.

His heart has green leaves, a leaf a bodhi, holding a lamp to watch the tide, he gave Heluo to figure, figure zhonghua front, edge said the recent rong, Rong xiandi yao, Yao Jin su Fu Zan, Zan Jun belly book, writing half life return, return is still young.

His heart has a quicksand, a sand a universe, kun fixed sundial Chen, Chen Star crapmus crapmus, wei yuan Shangshu make, make the solution of the world, the matter in the meaning is wonderful, wonderful zai is also wonderful Hua, Hua Calyx title words, words reciting jun Confucian and elegant, elegant Tibetan power and name.

Such weijie Jie, she did not know how to use the words to describe full of joy and stunning.

And she heard people say, within a zhang is a husband, can rely on, can rely on, hand in hand for life, spend time together;

People also say that a foot away is a friend, can be wine, can be a song, laugh at each other, the rest of my life.

In this world, after all, husbands and friends are separate, clear boundaries, absolute barriers.

Because of this, the world's most protection, the most care, the most partial protection, the most partial protection, the most maintenance, their husband is always their own.

She felt happy and happy to have such a husband.

This man, and he, she likes her WeiJie childe, he bear inside collect, abdominal fuhai, speaks eloquently, tongue can is lotus, thinking agility, work weeks, unassuming, homemade self-abnegation, pondering deliberating, treats people sincerely, to be warm, calm atmosphere, drawn, elegant, classical man's knowledge, courage, insight, knowledge, understand the counsel xiao tactics to protect the family, not promiscuous, devoted, He is such a man of character.

He is such a good and wonderful man, how can she not drunk in his time?

And he is like wine such as tea man, and his days together, always make people back to gan unforgettable.

This life is like wine, when the first wine, let people trample, not edges and corners can not be smoothed; Fermentation, bitter and acerbity, non grinding self can not stop; When aging, mellow back to sweet, not reluctant to say.

This wine, like life, is roughly to eliminate temper, accept the environment, adapt to the environment, change the environment, achievement of the environment.

This life such as tea, the beginning of the boil, the boiling water sharpen, non nature change can not stop; Stuffy tea, bitter and astringent, not to throw away the beginning can not sip; When drinking tea, tea sweet back, not impatient not to tell.

This tea, like life, is basically to change oneself, to understand the situation, to enter the situation, to influence the situation, to control the situation.

One hundred years of life is full of joys and sorrows, hardships and sweet. After all, I have wronged myself, obeyed time, tamed my temper, sublimated my years, and glorified my life. I have written down the name of a family, the name of a country, and the life cycle of Chinese glory.

And she is glad that this hundred years, with this man like wine like tea hand in hand together, write down the family name, carry forward the glory of China.

She reached out her hand imperceptibly, and immediately felt that he knew each other, with each other, is so beautiful, is that kind of precious.

She grabbed his hand and when he looked back in surprise, she slowly said, "Uncle, in this life, if I wake up from my dream, I would like to follow your husband and wife."

"Ah lam? Why is it so sudden?" He looked at the little woman in surprise, but caught a glimpse of tears in her eyes.

"Uncle bao, you don't know, I just looked at you like this, already caught in the vortex of time, don't want to get away, only to accompany you to destruction. Do you know, I can fight side by side with you happiness? I shouldn't have..." She choked a few words, "only I hope you take care of me, we have a long future."

How long will it take? She said, "Why?"

Mr. Wei jie looked at Le Lin in astonishment. He put out his hand and wiped the tears that fell on his heart for her. He wondered why she cried so well?

She may not know, her a drop of tears, enough to burn his heart, let him put down all the bottom line, is willing to give her a full perfect.

She may not know, her call, enough to clench his heart, let him put down all insist, willing to give her a sincere care.

Perhaps she did not know that she was the only obsession in the world, the only person in the world who could hurt him, even destroy him!

Even if this environment, he is injured to help her carry thunder disaster;

Even if this environment, he a bloody for her kill quartet;

Even in this environment, he was dirty because she was sly;

Even in this environment, he was all dusty and busy for her;

He was willing, just to give her a place of peace, just to make her smile.

He could not bear her tears, more could not bear the tears so hurt him, can only hoarse voice, "Lin, what is the matter?"

"Nothing..." Lelin shook his head and refused to say.

"No matter? How can? You are in tears, so sad, and talking about the coming days, you should know that I always tend to think, naturally will think deeply, will think deeply, you had better tell the truth, lest I think biased." Mr. Wei's words put A stop to Ms. Leland's weeping.

She puckered her lips. "I just felt how happy I was to have your heart. More sigh with emotion, accompany with you to know each other, very glad just."

"Simple as that?" He still does not believe, this wench good of cry out, for a while cry for a while laugh, in the end is which kind.

"We women naturally have delicate feelings, do we have so much reason? Nature is sometimes just pure emotion." Her expression was so serious that it relieved his annoyance.

He said, knocking at the cab. "Nine Forts. Find a restaurant.

"Yes, childe." Nine Castles drove away.

Le Lin glanced at wei Jie Junxiu sideways face, small chest pounding, but he suddenly turned around, "A Lin, you stare at me, but into a fan?"

She was frightened by his sudden question, hurriedly turned away, but he smiled, "Sure enough, you women are sensitive, but also timid as rabbits."

"Who is as timid as a rabbit?" Her feelings and warmth accumulated with great difficulty were confused by his words.

'Your surprised little temper, of course. I'll just eat something later so we can enter the Yuefu." Mr. Wei jie's words surprised Ms. Le Lin a bit.

"Still going to yue Fu? You with me?" She was very strange.

"You go in first, of course, and I'll go in later, but IF you want me to go with you, that's fine. It's just, aren't you afraid of losing your reputation?" He tilted his head, half smiling.

"If I promise you, I promise to live with you for three generations. Naturally, I will be with you and feel more secure." This words warm Wei jie heart, he put away the jangle look, a long time just light HMM.

But the smile on his face is so real, is so bright, like her words to ease a few minutes.

The carriage heard a stall, two people quickly finished eating noodles, then again sat in the carriage back to the gate of yuefu.

At this time le Fu or stay three carriages, Wei Jie and Le Lin jie looked at each other, they naturally know this should not, is not suitable to enter the Yue Fu.

The month hanging liuzhaogou, is already the twilight, seven fort with a decree rushed to open the curtain, wei Jie whisper a few words.

Mr. Wei jie eyebrow giddily, saw the imperial decree in hand, mouth smile deeper a bit.

"Schuncle?" Le Lin felt Mr. Wei jie's good mood, and jie followed the curiosity.

"Huh?" Jie Wei jie hand imperial decree, looking back at her, eyes full of stars, can if the stars.

"But what happened? She looked at him in surprise, still wondering.

"Nature is a funny thing, but guess?" He was in a good mood to play charades with her.

"You should know, MY concubine is not an intelligent woman, how about you, my concubine listen?" Le Lin only wish to see his elated decomposition of the situation.

In this way, he has the beauty of a scholar guiding the country, more assertive and dashing, and a youthful vigor with a full set of feathers.

She was infatuated with such Weijie prince, more willing to see him jie so reckless.

The Qiang people rose up in ten thousand years, sima, king of Liang, wanted to take sima's place, but there was no food and straw to cause the country to have little money in store. Shi Chong did not want to send rations, Sima Lun did not want to garrison the border area, Langya wang did not want to receive provisions. All this, of course, compelled Sima king of Liang to come to qin himself, and of course sima Lun, king of Zhao, had to complain. It's just... Although the king of Liang and the king of Zhao are brothers, in the end he does not know the king of Zhao's nature..." Mr. Wei jie smiled and put on a wry face.

"The king of Zhao has not come. Is Sima Rui here?" Le Lin finally knew wei Jie which kind of smile.

"Naturally, this Sima Rui is not Sima Lun after all. Naturally, many things cannot be accomplished. And tonight Pan Yue is forced music Shangshu for Sun Xiu, and Sun Xiu is Sima Lun heart disease. But Sima used all his strength to cause trouble for The King and Sima lun, so he had no choice but to come in person to defeat all the others and secure the country." Mr. Wei jie said with a smile.

Just then the voice dropped, and an old man's voice, full of rage, shouted from ahead, "Wait! A pack of national borers! Dost thou! Knowing the danger of our country? ! Dost thou! Know that when lips are gone, teeth are cold! You are sinners of your country! Sinners for their own selfish ends! Tomorrow the old man will give a banquet, you can not be less! Zhang Du, with the old husband to see the third brother that bastard!"

This diatribe drew Le Lin's eyes. It was... King of liang, ma? But who was it that Simar was reviling?