Don't look in mirror

I don't know why I feel going bathroom, between of night. It's just like..just like someone is calling me...

No way. Can't be

I live alone in this penthouse.

I went inside looked myself upon mirror...oh gosh why do I look so bloody and dark? I even bath hour before, So how? Just like that person is unknown to anyone. Darkness is spread all around room, switching on lights... It's not turning on? Minutes before it was all right? What took place now?

Looking again upon myself, it's like that person standing in mirror is not me it's like.... Wait! Why's that person inside standing far from mirror were as I am too close!

Oh no oh no it's coming near...

I dash towards door trying hard to unlock it.... Stop stop I didn't lock it up. Heck! It's lock from outside.

"Who the hell is their outside?"

No no nobody can visit here I have locked the front door upon it the house in mid of forest with darkness on who will step here?! Nobody ever did.

I feel someone presence behind...

Door opened up....

Nobodies there?!

It's getting colder behind me


Who's voice is that?

I turn around


Two alive one passed out. Are they really alive? No their can't be anyone. One left the world Two entered the world belonging to others...

How?! And who?
