All of this things happened in a millisecond with the world still in a frozen state in my mission, I coated Isabella in my bioelectric field so the sudden change in position does not cause her harm. Though the smoke guy managed to fire a shot but it got mishandled due to my intervention, I extended my senses and used my telekinesis to stop it on it's path and then the world resumed.

The two villains fell in the artificial pond in the course which was used to show the play, the splashing bought everyone out of the confused state and quickly took action immediately Sophie froze the pond to stop the movement of the assailants and seems the shockwave alerted other hero's in the vicinity and are heading towards our direction at a rapid pace.

When the smoke cleared everyone became shocked due to the huge crater there damn! I controlled the power to blow them away but this is one sided beatdown. "Yonah honey are you alright you didn't get hurt did you ". Ma was checking my body by putting her hands all over my body I could see everyone was shocked and surrounded us with a look of worry ."Quick Let's evacuate there might be other villain's in the vicinity".

Isabella was crying in my arms who was promptly taken by William and Sophie in a family hug, Sophie was looking at me with a wary expression it's like she is processing what to say and analyzing the situation.

We made our way to the safe zone Hero's making their way to the site with Ambulance and Sheriffs arriving just shortly after, we were getting checked by the medics with great care it was almost infuriating except the free ice-cream. The Sheriff took statement from or parents and left to analyze the scene lecturing and interrogating the organizers. It was quiet a hectic day with me encountering my first villain I really went overboard looks like adrenaline rush really hit the fan.

I must properly train my instincts looks like anger management is the main issue, I could not get my head straight and did something completely out of character now how am I going to explain this Huff!. I'll just say it happened suddenly because I got scared.

Sophie seems to have finished her report now looks like it's time for questions.

!!!!!Sophie POV!!!!

I was completely distracted by my fans clinging and asking me for auto graphs, I signed a few but left quickly giving the excuse I was with my family to help them understand I was not available. The shockwave tore me away from the fans to look promptly toward the direction were my sugar bun was , I was frozen stiff as it was close to my little sunshine but it missed rather it did not make contact with the target as my looking at the ground I could see the little boy of Martha seems to holding my daughter away from the initial position. The member of the stragglers which seemed to escape my clutches like a rat two years ago as I was protecting a civilian thrown away by him, damned rapists those perverts never learn. But the concerning thing is the fact how the little boy knew he was coming does he have and awareness quirk no that shouldn't be as it seems the whip made by the villain stay still as it was frozen in place Telekinesis? that should be the case maybe that should be the case . I quickly took action trying to freeze him but he canceled his quirk and moved away. The second perpetrator released smoke to blind us curse! that bastard! I have to stop them! but suddenly my hair of my back stood up, my instincts screaming saying to run away I saw in the smoke two red dots and the next second a huge flash ensued blinding all of us. I was scared MY BABY ! I scream so this everyone , the next scene left me petrified as the huge crater blazing like a meteor fell from sky as soon as the smoke cleared I captured them Immediately. What in the world was that?. Is Jonathans son a METAHUMAN?.

Sophie: Jonathan we need to talk.

Jonathan: Is there something of important matter?

Sophie: What quirk does your son have?

Jonathan: We don't know that yet.


Jonathan: Calm down Sophie what are talking about my son is only two, he is yet to show and exhibit any changes thought there are occasional outbursts but we cannot confirm yet of now, we need to do some tests, and what do you mean moving away?. You saw him running fast? he does that sometime so we have to ban him from doing so.

Sophie: Looking how you are explaining calmly I assume it is not the first time you dealt with his power. He looks like he is four and far stronger than any one of age with that much firepower comparable to midranking heroes imagining what his future would be makes me shudder, everyone believes it was a meteorite that fell from the opening of the tent you have to be careful in the future and his awareness is incredible with his intellect. Too smart for his age.

Jonathan: Yes! I am well aware that is why I plan to keep him restricted for the time being with his usage, his power grows day by day I am afraid some unsavory people may try to rope him with money and quirk marriage disgusting it may seem but I have to prepare for the future. Sophie I hope You keep the matter under wraps I know it is lot to ask but please I need this favor.

Sophie: Yes! I'll make sure to keep it cool for the moment make sure he does not attract attention.

Martha: What is it dear? Sophie are you alright ? How is everything?

Jonathan: Looks like our son had a sudden outburst with his power.

Martha: Dear lord looks like I have to feed him Brussel sprouts again to keep him in line.

Sophie: See you Jonathan, take care Martha. (I should keep it quiet or it would be troublesome with those TRINITY group who maintains the line of metahumans as in my line of work things does not work well with those people interfering).

[Hmm your thoughts are interesting looks like I have raise my expectations telepathy really is handy, but miss you do not need to worry nothing in this universe can scratch me, she is coming toward me what is she going to say].

Sophie: Thank You Yonah, Be sure to be not butting in dangerous situation or you parents will get sad.

She messes with my hair and reunites with her family. Then John ,William and Benjamin approaches and we exchange pleasantries and say goodbye.

Milo: Let's play again Yonah! we enjoyed a lot today with Betty and and Isabella Bye!!.

[Man she is soo bubbly even in this crisis, Hmm looks like Isabella isn't approaching me looks like she saw it doesn't matter].Betty said bye and with that out of the way we head towards home.