Author's Note

This is a collection of stories for an F/GO x GI crossover.

Since they are games, stuff like stats, elements/classes, etc. apply.

Stats don't change when a unit crosses other words, F/GO characters are going to be a lot stronger than most of the GI cast and the GI cast will have generally more health than F/GO characters.

For the GI cast:

Assume level 90 for 5* and lvl 80 for 4*.

The stats I will be using will be taken from different people who main that unit(i.e. Tuonto's for Jean, TonyTo for Hu Tao & Mona maybe Childe too) I'll add the person whose stats I used at the bottom of the chapter.

All characters will start out at C0 with the exception of Bennett(C1 for burst buff) and Ningguang(C1 for AoE dmg)

Weapons will be R1 for 5* and R3 for 4*. As such, stat changes will be made to the stats I use

Example: Tuonto has an R3 weapon on Jean so I'll just tweak the weapon to R1

Story progression will be up to Liyue until further stated.

For the F/GO cast: Assume max ungrailed level for each unit + 1000 fou atk & hp. On my own account, I only have three servants grailed(Cú, Emiya, and Musashi) and of those three, only Emiya is completely maxed out, so those three will have stats that reflect the grailed/fou'd status.

CE stats are applied although no CE's will be changed when the unit is in Teyvat(CEs can be changed in Nasuverse).

5* Event CE's like Overdrive will be MLB. 5* Non-event CE's will not be MLB. All 4* CE's(if any are used) will be MLB. The chosen CE will be the most useful one/ the most used one I see.

Example: Overdrive(MLB) for Ereshkigal

Story progression will be up to EoR until further stated. Note: The story progression will NEVER exceed NA server's progression since I can't read Japanese.

When crossing over:

GI cast are assigned classes

F/GO characters are assigned elements based on their atk animation; tomoe is pyro, skadi is cyro, mordred is electro etc.

HOWEVER, no prominent-element characters like Artoria, Romulus, etc, will just be physical dmg

SPECIAL SERVANTS like Gilgamesh and Emiya who use multiple weapons with multiple effects will simply be doing EVERY SINGLE elemental dmg; Emiya projecting Aestus Estus(Nero's sword) will make him deal pyro dmg with that weapon

TL:DR skills are distributed between technique, e skill, and passive ; elemental skills are expanded, cooldown time is random, bursts are ST if they're an instance type; AoE if they stay onfield, vice versa for NP

using examples because explaining is tough, take Emiya and Childe for instance


mind's eye -> movement technique, not a skill

hawkeye(crit buff) -> 2nd passive, increases crit by 100% for a while when using e skill, gives crit rate up to everyone else

projection -> e skill, increases elemental + physical dmg for a while, cooldown is double that while

UBW -> AoE of weapons dealing physical dmg, lasts for as long as e skill, cool down is 3 times that while, units within the AoE are buffed with increased movement speed


2nd passive -> 1st skill applies def down on enemy when attacking with normal card

e skill(switching atk type) -> increases atk for 3 turns, increase cstar gather rate 1 turn

e skill(phys -> hydro) -> increases arts card effectiveness 3 turns

burst -> ST arts, similar to Yagyu's

I'm too lazy to do actual math and the like so numbers are kinda meh.

Since F/GO is turn based, all battles will be turn-based. It's going to read weird and all, but idk deal with it. :3

5* become 5*s

4* become 4*s

3*->1* become 4*s

BUT rarity doesn't play much of a key factor in GI. It does in F/GO though.

Even when crossing over, stat-changing things won't switch. Servants will always have CE and units will always have artifacts and weapons no matter what world they are in.

This note will be updated as I think of more stuff so check back every once in a while for either an edit or an entirely new author's note.

Thanks and I hope you enjoy!

TL:DR, characters adapt to world battle-styles, rarities don't change, stat-changing items like weapons and CEs don't change

Currently, the only story that is not considered General Audiences is Unreconciled Stars because Jeanne D'Arc Alter tends to curse A LOT. Be warned.