
"Hello, Elena…"

Elena was having the nauseating sensation of having no ground underneath. She could feel herself floating in space.

Her eyelid fluttered. But no matter how much she tried she couldn't open her eyes. It could mean only one thing. She was back to 'that' place.

"Since you are going back to your world, I will be taking back the soul fragment I gave you. You would no longer be able to use the [Negotiation] skill." confirmed the unknown voice.

Elena didn't pay attention to any of her words. Her hands move around frantically as if she was trying to look for something desperately.

"Give BACK!"

She screamed at the top of her voice.

"I thought you already knew about this," the mysterious voice continued, "The soul fragment I gave you belongs to earth. I had gifted it to you to stabilize your soul that was traveling to another world. But now that you are traveling back to you own you cannot keep this anymore otherwise your soul will be destroyed!"

Elena huffed flaring her nostrils. For the first time her sweet face didn't seem so sweet. Their was a hint of anger visible on her face.

"I wasn't talking about that. I don't care about it!" She screamed. "Give me back my Devin!"

The last thing she remembers before falling unconscious was her bonding with Devin and their blissful kiss.

It was supposed to be an ethereal experience for her. She was supposed to bask in his comfort as they kissed. Then probably sink in his eye as she longed for him lovingly and kiss again. Yet all of it ended before she knew it! Devin was supposed to be with her yet he wasn't.

"Oh, that boy. I see. Don't worry, as long as he wishes for it he can travel to your world. After all he has something on him that belongs to your world. But letting you meet him now? I cannot do that. Both of you two are from different worlds. If you meet him in this space both of your souls will reach singularity and destroy each other."

Elena bit her lips. Her pupils shook like crazy as she was brainstorming what she should do.

"But… but…" her voice spluttered. "Devin isn't from the earth!"


But the unknown voice could only sigh.

"No matter what his origins are, he was originally born on earth so that makes him an earthling different from yourself."

Elena's lips parted as she was about to argue again but...

Okay, time to chat is up. Farewell."

The dimensional gate sounded rather annoyed as it chased off Elena. With whoosh her body traveled with unimaginable speed as it drifted through the dimensional tunnel.

"But… But I didn't get the chance to tell him anything about myself!"

She screamed but there was no one to hear her words as her soul fell back into her world.


Devin gained back his consciousness. The feeling he was getting was similar to what Elena had felt. It was as if he was in a dreamy state enjoying zero gravity in his dreams.

His eyelids flickered but they failed to shoot open.

"Where am I?"

He asked himself and was answered by a rather feminine voice.

"Greetings, Devin…"

The voice seemed to ring in his ears. It was as if it was resonating with his eardrums. The voice wasn't too loud but it was rather shrill making it hard to pass unnoticed.

"Who are you?" Devin asked trying hard to open his eyes but for naught.

"You might learn about me someday but for now… you have to make a choice."

Devin raised his brows. He could feel he could move the others parts of his body easily but not his eyelids.

"Yes. The ring you wear doesn't belong to this world. It is trying to go back to the world it belongs, taking you along with it."


Devin rubbed his fingers as he noticed the wedding ring on his index. That is when the memories of came storming into his head. He remembered it all. His and Elena's promise and their loving kiss. Is that why he is in such a strange place? Did Elena trick him? Many thought ran in his mind.

"It was given to you by Elena I presume."

Devin was having a severed brainstorming session so much so that it caused a headache. 'Act then think' That might be his motto but when there are no options for him to take, he always takes his seat and thinks.

But the thinking was for naught as the answer came from the mysterious source.

"If you throw that ring away from your finger then you won't be taken to Elena's world. You would go back to your own world without any problems."

"And Elena? What about her?" Devin asked.

"She will go back to her own world. Alas both of you won't be able to meet again"

Devin took out the ring from his index finger as he caressed it. Was this ring important to him? Such thoughts crossed his mind. The little time he had spent with Elena flooded into his mind as his answer.

*From today, I pledge to be your wife. To be together with you in thick and thin.*

Elena's words rang in his ears. He wasn't sure what he should feel about the situation. He was feeling angry at Elena for tricking him and getting him into this mess. He couldn't help but have an urge to lash at her.

While at the same time the fear of the unknown came in his way. If he wants to punish Elena he has to go to her world... an unknown place. Who knows what kind of dangers might lurk there? Who knows whether he would be even able to survive? Devin had an urge to throw away the ring and get done with this weird and mysterious event.

Devin swung his arms to throw it away... but his hand stopped in between. He remembered something important something that was ingrained to his very core.

'Act then Think! I want to punish her do I not? What's the point of thinking too much of the odds if all it does is make your actions sluggish!'


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