"Promise Broken"

Fabio stops his car at a few distance away from Paulo's house. Paulo steps out of his car and was about to go home while Fabio called him once to say something to him.

"Hey amigo will you going to be at the St. Dioreno street at the bar after your dinner ?" Fabio asked him.

"Umm..... By the way why are you asking this ?" Paulo asked him instead what was his reason to ask him this.

"Well... actually me and all our teammates are going to be there to spend some quality time together. So would you like to join us ?" Fabio invites him to a drink and to hangout with his teammates.

"Well thank you so much for inviting me, it was so nice of you but not today I think so." Paulo rejects to his proposal.

"You'll have fun mate, I assure you." Fabio insists Paulo to come.

"No.... amigo it's not about fun, I mean its too late now my family might be worried about me." Paulo explained the reason of not coming with him as Fabio also understands.

"Ok amigo I understand you go home." Fabio said after that he and Paulo said ciao and then heads his way back to his home while Fabio again called out his name.

"Hey Paulo." Fabio said and Paulo turned around to listen what he want to say.

"If father throws you out of the house then don't worry come to my house, I am always there for you and before you ask I am saying this because its too late than usual your parents might be furious." Fabio made a joke of it while both of them laughed and Fabio finally left and Paulo heads to his home.

Paulo reaching to his home at some distance of his way he saw someone standing in the entrance of his home, there were three persons standing but Paulo couldn't recognize them. As comes much and much closer, he get a better view of it. He almost comes closer to his house he saw Catherine at the garden of his house standing with his mother Kesi and his sister Cara who were trying to console to her, at first Paulo never understood exactly about the situation but when he saw Catherine wearing a party dress he finally realize that today was the dance party and he has to go with her as her dance partner. Catherine just looks away and saw Paulo, as soon as she saw him, she had gone totally ballistic after seeing him coming so late. She can't control her frustration, anger and her emotions as she feels betrayed by him. Cara and Kesi also realised about Paulo's presence both of them were also upset from him as they waiting for him such long hours.

Paulo also then also acknowledges that all of them are very angry as he was also blaming himself in his mind that how the hell he can even forget about this one special night for his friend and his promise that he made to her. He went straight to her to apologise and explain her everything but Catherine just simply turns her back towards him, Paulo calls her name continuously and wants her to listen to him at least once and goes behind her but Catherine went back to her house and shuts the door right infront of of his face.

"Cathy !, Cathy ! open the door please open the door." Paulo pleading her to open the door and talk to him.

"Just go away ! I said just go away you liar, you... you lied to me I don't want you here just go." Catherine shouting at Paulo and tells him to leave but still at the wants to explain her everything.

"Cathy !, Cathy ! listen I know, I know you're angry right now and you should be angry at me because I broke my promise which I made it to you but seriously believe me I really forgot about it, I really can't remember that, please Cathy swear to god believe me I never did that intentionally, I never want to do that." Paulo trying to console Catherine but she doesn't seems to understand anything as her mother also came to look what happend.

"What are you trying to say huh ? are you trying to justify that its ok that you forgot about it and never did that intentionally huh, is that what you are trying to say, then listen Paulo I am not gonna be ok with it whether you forgot it or not but it seriously affects me that you don't even me in your life that's you never even remember just a simple promise that you made to me, just go you're not understand anything just go." Catherine being upset with him tells him about his faults.

"Cathy, Cathy please listen to me, look there is still some time left we can still go there." Paulo try his best to calm Catherine but it doesn't go in any positive way.

"Now ? no seriously now you want to go with me, now want us to be there ? Ok before just look up to the clock and what's time right now." Catharine tells him see the time as it was 10:00 pm already and the party is ended as well.

"Did you seen it huh ? Do you it's 10 in night the party is over already so tell where you gonna take me now and why." Catherine taunting Paulo for his mistake but Paulo also admits his mistake and tried to ask her to forgive him.

"Cathy I know what I did was totally wrong I shouldn't do that but..... just give me a chance to explain myself please." Paulo insists her.

"Wrong ? Paulo it wasn't just wrong it was totally irresponsible, totally pathetic, totally neglectful you don't even remember a single, simple thing and I know why because you only care about yourself, yourself only Paulo just yourself." Catherine blaming Paulo.

"Cathy, can you just stop all this ? please can we just talk." Paulo insist her to have some conversation so that he could make her understand about his situation.

"Talk ? so you want to talk huh ?" Catherine asking him.

"Yeah please !" Paulo said.

"Well I just don't want talk you but also I don't want to see your face as well just go, go you don't need explain anything to me and from now we will never go to out together, we'll never have sort of fun which normal friends suppose to do nor I'll ever ask you to do me any favour you just mind your own personal stuffs so do I from me our friendship is over we're no longer friends at all you understand ?" Catherine tells him that their friendship is over.

"Cathy after my family you're the only one who most important to me in my life with whom I share everything my every problems, my every happiness, my every sorrow with you please don't do this please." Paulo pleads her not to break their friendship.

"If that's the case then you should never what you did, Ok so you're not going from here so just stay here I'll go from here." Catherine said and after that she goes to her room Paulo standing at the door feeling upset while Kesi and Cara also left him there alone and goes inside of their house.