"Truth Revealed"

Fabio reached Paulo's home he stopped the car at some distance, Paulo left his car and want out, he start heading to his home before going he turned around for a moment to say bye by waving his hand, Fabio does exactly same he waves his hand and then he said

"We will meet at some time tomorrow Ok ?"

Paulo replied.

"Yeah Ok amigo see you later." After that Fabio drive his car and Paulo also head to his home. It was night about eight thirty and Paulo opens the door of his house, as soon as he gets in he saw his mother Kesi and his sister Cara is standing there right in front of him with tense look on there faces. He felt something not good, he simply asked them.

"Hey I am back ! Umm.. Is everything alright ?, is there something happened ?" Paulo asked both them but they both remained silent and didn't tell him anything at all, Paulo again asked them and tried to know what happend.

"Is everything fine ? C'mon why are you both looking at me like this ? If something happend please tell me then." Paulo was urged them to tell him something but they were still remains silent meanwhile suddenly Fabian came out of the kitchen with ferocious look on his face and said.

"Don't worry I will tell you, what happend." Fabian starts slowly heading towards him and at same he picks up an umbrella from the stand and start wrenching it and asked.

"So first tell me where were you ?" Kesi then asked him to calm down and said.

"Fabian we can just talk, you don't need to do this." But Fabian replied.

"I am asking something to my son, I am his father and I can ask him about his whereabouts, so please give us some time." Fabian by saying denied any sort of talk with her then he turned his attention to Paulo and again asked him about his whereabouts. Paulo was feeling nervous but still manage to say.

"I told you before that I am working as a librarian in my college I was there." After hearing that Fabian take a harsh and hard swing with an umberella in his hand and he hit Paulo right side of his arm and shouts.

"YOU ARE LYING, YOU ARE LYING TO US EVERY SINGLE DAY." Fabian shouting at him but at the same time he hitting him continuously very hard with an umberella. Fabian was turning more and more violent towards him while Kesi from behind pleading him to stop but Fabian never listened he consistently using the umbrella for beating him.

Later that moment Fabian grabs Paulo's hair and warned him.

"Stop lying to us DO You Understand huh ?" Then he demanded him to tell the truth. He said.

"Now tell me the truth exactly where were you." But Paulo never revealed his secret and kept in saying with a voice full of pain.

"I told before that I am working as an librarian." Listening the lie from him Fabian shoves him away with his hair and then he poked him hard right in the stomach with edge of an umbrella, Paulo fell down due to pain and was holding his stomach and he coughs a bit but Fabian doesn't seem to show any mercy on him instead he tells him to get up. Paulo some how slowly came back to his feet then Fabian pulled his ear very tightly and said.

"I know where were you let me know you, you are playing that ungrateful piece of trash game behind my back, you are playing football behind for such a long time. I given you lease from my restaurant work so that you can study but you are busy in that football and because of that you lied to me, you lied to your family for so many days." Fabian didn't stop he continued.

"I don't want to know that why you went to play that game of football again even when I warned you to not play that game again because it became an old habit of you to always do against my wishes, but you have to tell me why you lied to us, C'MON speak up." Paulo replied him with a grunting voice, he tells him the actual reason of not telling the truth to them.

"Because you wouldn't allow me to play football then, if I told you that before, you would surely make me quit and make me end what I started. I really wanted play football again and never mother and sister because they would also suggest me the same that's why I lied to all of you, I am sorry." Paulo apologised to his family for his mistake but Fabian doesn't want his apology instead he literally demands him that, he again grabs his hairs tightly and said.

"Listen I don't want your apologies or something alright, there only way to redeem yourself for the mistake you made you have to leave that thing. From tomorrow you no longer going there anymore and this will be very final time I am warning you, if you still don't listen then there will be some heavy consequences that you face." Fabian after telling his commands to Paulo he finally releases his hairs then he walks away thinking that Paulo will exactly to the same what he told him to do. Suddenly Paulo replied.

"No Father, I won't !" Fabian was a bit surprised by the fact that Paulo first ever in his life said no to him. He immediately turns his back went straight at him to confront him. He said.

"What did you said ? Can you repeat that again." Paulo said.

"I said that I won't stop going there and playing football." Fabian was really feeling furious and upset at the same time. He said.

"You have to do it, You have to listen and you have to follow what I say because in the end I am one who earn for this house who earn for you Do You UNDERSTAND THAT ! Now to exactly the what I told you to do." Paulo looking down not seeing eye to eye to his father said.

"Dad you had always abandoned me previously from the things which I love to do in which football is one of them but this won't let it go like this, I've got a chance to fulfil my dream and this time I will not back out from it." Fabian knew that this time Paulo is very much serious about it and thus this time he will not listen to him. Hence he plays a dirty trick on him as he made him to make a decision.

"Ok If you had decided to do so, then you don't need to live here with us anymore then." Paulo was shocked by his word he said what and Fabian replied.

"Yeah Yeah if you don't listen what I say to you to do then there is no need for you stay here." Paulo was very much stricken by his words he further said.

"Yes Paulo if you want to stay here with us with your family then you have to listen what day then." Paulo was standing still there very much confused struggling to make his final decision.