It was Tuesday and this math class was boring me until I got sleepy because three days ago our dear neighbor makes a lot of noise at night, he was about to knock on the door but my mother told me that we had to give him his space. . Which I had to go back to bed to cover my ears.

I was sleepy and hungry.

-Miss Sambers? –I heard my teacher's voice, she raised her head from her, she hadn't even given me that she had it down – I could continue to solve this problem.

I smiled nervously at the attentive gaze of my classmates, great, what else could happen to me?

Outside of the classroom, he was walking with Abigail towards the cafeteria.

-You can find a place for us, I'll buy food.

I nodded and went to sit on one of the back tables and laid my head on it waiting for my friend.

I had to do group work and that was stressing me out, there was an exam that I also had to finish before the weekend since we were going to visit my uncles.

"But how lucky you have been," I heard my friend. Good luck.

I rested my chin on my arm.

"Well, I did understand the class," he shrugged, dismissing her. Also, I can't sleep.

I put my head on the table tired.


"The new resident who has moved in next to my house is making too much noise," he murmured.

"The new what ...?" - Asks my friend raising his head -. Repeat it

"That the new resident makes a lot of noise at night." His mouth forms an "o" from him and lowers my head. I'm sleepy.

"The limits to make noise are until five in the afternoon." She raised her head and I saw her bite into her sandwich. So now you can send him to hell, call the police.

I laughed while she stretched me, Abigail was like that, she was a medium size, her shoulders were a bit wide since she was thick but she has a very formed body because she did a lot of exercise, a striking bust that she used to do . She took advantage when it was necessary and sometimes she saw a problem, her white skin tone highlights her moles, her light brown eyes highlighted her features, she is beautiful but her character was very strong, she did not have much tolerance so whoever makes her lose her will see it with your fists.

"My mother says I have to wait for her to settle down." She stole the potatoes. We must also understand it since when we moved we did the same.

I remember my mother's words.

-And when will be that?

I chew thinking.

"I don't know exactly that." I wipe my fingers on the napkin to cross her arms. But everything has a limit.

-Of course, if it continues like this, let me know that I will knock on her door and tell her to go to hell with her noise because thanks to that the teacher will continue to attract your attention -if I can imagine it, I laugh and deny, this woman-. Besides that she does that long?

It's what I ask myself in the middle of the night.

-I guess I improve the comfort for him.

-But why at night?

Asks my friend wiping her lips

"I don't know either," she was right because at night and not during the day. You may not have time in the day.

I answer thoughtfully.

"Or maybe," my friend exclaims in a mysterious way.

-He's a vampire, "she says, raising her eyebrows in amusement. And at some point when he is distracted she approaches me slowly–. Suck your blood.

We both laughed, her and her imagination

"You wish it existed," she nods happily. Also, if it were, people would begin to disappear …

"Well you never know," she shrugs off men. Hopefully you can solve that problem, I will come to your house to do work in the afternoon at the latest at two.

I nod thinking about the information that we must present

-Please use the door – I beg him

-I do not promise anything – she says laughing

He scowled at her and she watched two anxious women approach.

-We finally found them – July half shouts, resting her hand on the table -. You know our friend is being harassed by Nicolás so let's blow him up.

Now here the conspiracy begins.


After talking with my friends, I decided to leave some books at the library that had already been read. I went from history books to horror and suspense. I just can't stop thinking about the story I'm reading now "the hidden woman" by Karin Slaughter, so much mystery that it makes I want to stay here to continue reading. I think in the past the character will how disturbing it can be that it is the worst thing that can happen to a person.

I know about ...

I trip over someone and they dropped the books.

-Excuse me, don't fix it- I apologize as I bend down to pick up my things

- Don't worry, I'm distracted too - he also bends down to help me for which I appreciate.

We rejoin

- I'm Karl - introduces himself

I look at him and he has freckles on his cheeks he's a bit tall.

-Yo Amy - I smile

-So terror and mystery? - He says pointing to the books.

-Oh yeah

- You are not afraid?

- They are just stories - I answer calmly

- They are also realities.

I said goodbye to Karl, I put down the books and changed for others "They are also realities" - I thought -

He knew it yet he didn't think about it in such a profound way as ... how was it possible to cause so much pain? Why don't you feel at least a little remorse? What makes you feel this way? In most of the books that I read about murders they always describe that they are passionate, that being bathed in the blood of innocents makes them marvel ...

Amazed to feel that in addition to being damaged they can do the same or worse.

But why?

What do you think?

Perhaps the damage they suffered makes them think that everyone should go through the same thing to understand them, there are also cases that they come from a good family that there are no oddities in their lives, almost the perfect life, only that as time passes they realize their darker tastes and perform acts that start making the start of their heinous and sick mind.

And so they are news.

I sighed to observe the time I had to get home to receive my companions.


After having lunch with my family, I went up to my room for the work materials, I was waiting for my group and my dear friend Abigail since she was the only one with whom I shared the classroom.

While the others made a scandal every time they came looking for us.

-Daughter I'll go buy some things – with my cases in her hands, I looked at her attentively -. Do you want me to bring something?

"Oh, bring me some caramel brownies." I approach her smiling knowing that she would refuse my request. If you can bring me 4.

- What do you mean 4? She, "she exclaims indignantly, patting my ass, I complain about her action -. How funny, one is enough.

"Mom," I complain. Why? I pout while I lean on her trying to convince her. Please.

She seems to think it and denies sighing.

"I'll bring you two so you don't argue." She kisses my cheek while she smiled gladly -. Dylan will be at his friend's house so they can do their work in peace.

-It's fine –

I said goodbye to my mother and got ready to prepare the soda, take out a cookie package for my guests, once ready I also arrange the room so that they can be comfortable, I took out my mother's decorations to put it in the other room, I see the Picture where the photo of my father and I as a child is a little inclined, I place it and smiled.

-Where is my cellphone?

I wonder as I touch my pockets and I don't have it, I remember leaving it carrying.

I went upstairs humming a song, when I entered I see the object and disconnect it, I put my charger away while I check my messages and Loisa advises that they will arrive in 15 minutes to which I respond with a face, well we are almost complete.

Now thinking about it, I had to increase two more sheets to….

I raise my head when a gentle breeze passes my neck, I move a little however I feel as if they see me?


I tried to turn around but some hands on my back stopped me causing my body to react and my throat to open.