My World Explored

[When do you think I should open my eyes]


I slowly open my eyes, making a big deal to open them slowly like I was still half asleep. Seeing my eyes open my father runs on over to check on me. I can see his eyes widen and a smile start to grow on his face as he notices my open eyes. Something I hadn't noticed or cared about—it was almost impossible to sit up, so as I went to sit up to properly great my father, I found myself struggling to even lift my head up.

[ok okay I get it, divinity near head equals bad time I got it]

Before I realize it my father is right next to me checking my temperature with his hand, and instinctively flinch from his touch, I can't tell if he is using divinity to check the temperature and I'm not sure if my brain can afford to go through another coma dream like the last one. Noticing I flinched my father opens his mouth, closes it, then opens it again to say,

"So, you are awake Tyro, I'm glad you have finally awoken"

He says this with a solemn concerned look on his face, like me waking back up is a problem for him, which clearly leaves me with some apprehension at first, but once again going back to my memories I can see that me and my family were never close to begin with. In fact, some of my friends that have since moved on from this backwater village used to ask if I was adopted.

[Don't pretend you haven't snooped around my memories; you know I'm not]


Getting caught in conversation with this… voice in my head leaves me just staring blankly into space which my father picks up on immediately.

"Are you ok Tyro? Your head doesn't hurt right?"

"No, I'm fine Dad…"

"Ok, I need to check on the status of your heart and brain, so I'm going to inject some divinity into you, ok?"

"Actually Dad, I seemed to have awoken some mana, and for some reason its stuck in my head right now, do you think it's possible to not check my head right now, I'm not sure what will happen when the divinity mixes in with the mana"

His eyes narrow down, and he looks at me for a couple of seconds before saying,

"Ok, I don't know much about mana or forms of mana sickness so I will have one of my friends from the city come in and check your head for abnormalities, so for now I will just check your heart for any remnants of the snake poison, as that seems to be the most likely reason for your most recent failure"

Ignoring the increasingly annoying voice in my head I just nod my head and close my eyes while my father injects divinity into my chest. Knowing this will take a minute I decide to sort out the information in my head. My dad's name is Louis, and my mom's name is Lien. I was bitten by the snake was I was eighteen, my body took until I was nineteen to fully decompose and leave me like this, and then it was about 4 months before a priest could come by and attempt to implant a divinity seed within me. After that according to the voice I spent 6 months in a coma that would mean that I'm about nineteen years old. Interesting.

[We don't have birthdays in this world… wait a second aren't you from this world?]

Silence. They are clearly ignoring me, but whatever chances are this voice isn't from my world, but that's fine, it isn't the weirdest thing about them. Not exactly sure anything about them.


"Dad are you almost done?"

"I can be done now, but your mother is going to make me come back and do a more thorough exam on you once she gets back from her trip to the city, I will contact her and have her guide my friend from the city to our village. So, sit tight until then, I don't want you hurting yourself again."

After saying that, my father lets out a deep sigh before walking out of the room at the same brisk pace he entered.

[So, what did you want to discuss with me]

[You are a demon? I mean that would explain the failure of the divinity seed but why me? Why are you inside my head, how can I get you out and once again why me?]

My voice sounded calm and steady, which surprised me because I was royally peeved. I mean this thing pretty much just ruined my life. See my family and I lived on what was generally referred to as the holy continent. There were two large continents in my world with many smaller islands in between the two, and I knew nothing about the other one outside of they existed and were pagan enough that this continent was called the holy one. This continent followed The One Religion, which believed in one Divine God. There was a human pope who ran the holy empire, which had armies filled with millions if not billions of people. Supposedly there was a smaller army of priests whose divinity was so great they grew wings and this army was privately commanded by the pope. It honestly sounded a bit cool and was the main source of trouble for me. See the Holy Empire was not something you could just laugh off, if you were a country on the Holy continent you were either the Holy Empire or you were its vassal. The Holy Empire's goal was to spread the One Religion across the entire globe and eradicate heresy aka anything remotely daemonic aka me. So, in simpler terms I was completely and utterly boned.

[So, any ideas, cause if I die I'm dead, but if they discover you they are definitely going to try and extract you out of my mind and then torture the ever loving daylights out of you, and that doesn't sound like fun to me, being honest]

[I mean you're a super weird daemonic entity, why don't you just shield yourself from view and then teach me how to use some mana, problem solved without having myself run off into the woods.]

[Ok, you do realize how noticeable I am. I mean I'm a chest and arm and leg on a wheelchair, people are going to take notice of that!]

[Ok, lets pretend this goes down as you think it will, I somehow get on a boat and make it to a deserted island, what will I eat and drink? How will I survive?]

[You want to turn me into a monster? I refuse I still want to live among people at some point in my life.]

All I can do now is let out the worlds biggest sigh and think about how I can get myself on a boat and row my way to an island as half a body. Wonderful. But hey, worst thing to happen to me is that I will die, and I've done that before and it wasn't so bad the first time around.