Hi. This is Megan Spirat and I'm Sabrina and Lily's mom. Before this story starts I just wanted to tell you about my past life and what happened as I became an adult and had my 2 daughters.
I have dark brown hair and blue eyes and I grew up in Wisconsin. When I was a little girl I was a school nerd and loved to learn but things started to change after elementary school and my parents moved us to Mississippi. In jr. high school I was pretty confused and mixed up cause I was trying to focus on living in a brand new place as well as school but things started to get better after the first few months of high school.
When I was a 15 year old freshman I was just lost and had no idea where any of the classrooms or bathrooms were and everyone was laughing at me when I kept on coming into the wrong room. Suddenly a guy (who was around 17 years old) walked up and said he'd help me. His name was Keith and until he graduated he helped me around the school 24/7 and I really knew where everything was by then. After graduation Keith and I stayed friends but when he was 21 he had to go to a college in Wisconsin. He said he wanted to be a lawyer someday. We had both moved out of our parent's house(Keith never let me meet his parents) and I had gotten a job as a waitress.
When I turned 24 one of my best friends(named Ashley) I made at a different restaurant I worked at was secretly making the food for herself and eating it at lunchtime without paying. Our employer caught her but Ashley just didn't think it was fair for her to be fired so she hired a lawyer. It surprised the daylights out of me but her lawyer was KEITH!!! The case took around 1 year and I was a witness, but in the end Ashley lost unfortunately. Keith and I started dating a little while afterwords when I was still 24. We were starting to feel connected during the case. Dating Keith was really awesome but his job always made him much more busy than I was. He also went to visit his dad a lot but he never let me come with him. After the first year I just started getting pretty bored. I began chatting on a dating app to only look for friends to chat with while he was busy. One boy a little older than Keith named Ben kept on sending me romantic messages and I kept on telling him that I wasn't there to date and that I wasn't single. I think that Ben was the one that became my online best friend until the day Keith saw that I was using the app. He got furious and didn't believe any word I said so I told him that we should take a break for a while/few months and only be friends and then see if we feel good enough to get back together and work things out. I told him I promised not to use the app or date anyone during that time.
After our relationship break we felt better and got back together again and then a year later when I was 27 we decided to stop using birth control and try to have a baby. We tried for nearly 3 months but my pregnancy test was negative every time so I guess that it was too early and I was wondering if Keith would ever propose.
After around one more year of dating I was really getting bored of Keith always being busy and never letting me meet his dad. He let me meet his mom but still never gave me proof that he was truly hanging out with his dad or friend. I just HAD to start using the app again and I made more friends again and Ben was back to chat with me. He was being sarcastically romantic again.
Around a week later we went on vacation to Florida (I was 30 and it was December 1989) for 2 weeks where I had a feeling Keith might propose but instead he asked if we wanted to have another shot at having a baby. I agreed and we had sex over the last 3 days but he didn't propose. The pregnancy test was also negative again.
When we got off the airplane he saw that I got a message from Ben who now had my phone number and that's what overdid it. When we got to the car he screamed "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU STILL CONTACTING THAT GUY?! You promised to never use the app again!!"
"Well maybe I wouldn't need to use it if you weren't always so busy at work and hanging out with your father and friends that you never introduce me to. I wonder if you're secretly dating another girl!!!" I said and then he said that our relationship was over and he drove away without me.
I knew that Ben lived in the same area that I did so I called him and asked if he could take me home. Ben said "Of course!" And came right over. On the way to my house I gave him the details of the story that just happened and he told me that he secretly liked me a lot and asked if we could hang out that night. We had sex as friends over the next few days. I became pregnant the week after we had sex so I guess Ben was a better baby maker.
Ben and I started dating around a month later and Our daughter was born a little early on 10/25/1990 and we named her Sabrina. She has my color hair (it's a little red too) and Ben's beautiful eyes and face. Ben proposed to me when Sabrina was 2.5 years old and and we got married a few months later. Ben is 4 years older than me and I didn't know him as long as Keith but he is 100% better.