A Million Dreams

-Monitor Room-

"The Hero Team… WINS!"

The whole class had their jaws dropped at this point. They couldn't believe how it all ended and what the results had been. Team A, who were supposed to be playing the part of the good eyes, were practically on the ground, trying their best to keep it all together.

While Team D, who had been playing the part of Villains, were still standing, practically with no scratches on them, minus Floyd.

"What is this…?" Denki said, "... The losers are practically uninjured… And the winners are on the ground…"

"They lost the battle, but they won the war huh?" Fumikage said.

"Even though this is supposed to be training." Asui said.

Shoto, who had half of his side covered with ice, looked to the monitor, eyeing Reina and Izuku in particular as he was impressed by both of their abilities. "Those two really are something else…" He couldn't help but say aloud. He soon noticed that his twin had a worried look on her face as she looked at the girl Reina who she saw had been struggling to get over to Izuku's side.

"Fubuki?" He said getting her attention.

Fubuki turned to him, and he noticed that her body had been shaking a little. "What's wrong?" He asked her, "You're shaking."

It hadn't been long before Fubuki started to move her hands in a certain way that he could understand. "Do you think she was frightened?" Is what she had signed, "Do you think she was scared of him?"

"As I thought you were worried about her." Shoto said, before he replied, "...Just from looking at their combat, she did look scared, but I don't think it was him…"

Fubuki tilted her head curiously as she wondered what he had meant exactly.

"I think… She felt more scared for him." Shoto said, "If you want to, you can ask her yourself."

Lena and All Might looked at one another before they turned to the class. "Okay students. All Might and I are gonna go check on the injured, and have them taken to the nurse's office." Lena said, "All of ya wait right here."

With that, All Might and Lena left the monitor room while the students waited for them to return.

-Beta Ground-

Though Reina found it hard to do, she was able to get to Izuku's side as she held him in her arms to comfort him while he had been unconscious. "Well… We did it." She said, knowing that there had been a possibility that he couldn't hear her, "I don't know how… But we did it, because of you."

It hadn't been long before Reina saw All Might and Lena come onto the training ground with a couple of robots by their side, who had been holding a single gurney. Lena went over to Reina's side and took Izuku from her. "You two did a good job." Lena said to her, before putting Izuku onto the gurney, "Congrats on the win."

"Thank you, Lena-senpai." Reina said before she stood up.

Lena smiled and winked at Reina before she told the two robots, "Take him to the nurse's office."

"I know~" One of the robots said in a sing-song fashion.

Reina soon turned to Katsuki who had not moved from where he had stood, as she noticed his body shaking.

Though it had gone unnoticed by Floyd as he couldn't help but say with anger, "Oi, look what you did, piss head! All of this for what some stupid pride and rivalry?! You could've killed someone today with what you did!"

Katsuki seemed to have blocked out what Floyd had been saying to him, as he looked at his right hand thinking about what had just happened. "My right…" He started to think to himself, "... Deku predicted it… Not only that… He found a way to win the exercise…"

His breathings started to become uneven as he felt his heart start to beat rapidly; he felt as though that he was drowning at merely the thought of what could've happened.

"Does that mean… If we went all the way out… Deku… Would it completely beat--?"


"Floyd-kun." Reina soon said sternly as she placed her hand on his shoulder, "Now's not the time."

Floyd couldn't help but say, "But dude! Did you not see what he did!? He almost killed Izuku! He nearly killed us! And he hurt you! Shouldn't you be mad too?!"

"No, I'm not!" Reina said as she had a look of her own, "Now, I'm not going to ask again. Drop it."

Floyd stayed silent at Reina's sudden authority. He soon said, "Tch, fine... I'll drop it. Only for you."

Reina soon turned to Katsuki who she could tell was in the middle of having a panic attack. Only one thing seemed to come to mind as to get him to calm down. She approached Katsuki and put her arms around him, taking Katsuki back and even Floyd as his jaw practically dropped to the floor.

Floyd couldn't help but say, "Oh you gotta be kidding me."

Katsuki couldn't say anything as he was frozen where he stood; he couldn't even return the hug. Reina had her head to his chest, as she heard his heart beating at an unnatural pace. She could tell he was still in his distress, and she needed to get him to calm down. She took a deep breath and she put her hand to the back of his head to bring his ear a bit closer to her since compared to Katsuki she had been a bit shorter in size. Katsuki had been a bit more surprised at what she did next.

What he didn't expect was to hear a soft beautiful voice coming from Reina herself.

"Every night, I lie in bed

The brightest colors fill my head

A million dreams are keeping me awake

I think of what the world could be

A vision of the one I see

A million dreams are keeping me awake

A million dreams for the world we're gonna make"

Katsuki's breathing seemed to have calmed as she hummed the rest of the song. He had started to calm down as he couldn't believe that she could actually sing. He knew she could draw, that she could handle herself with her sword, and with close combat, but never before did he think she could sing.

He finally moved his arms and this time Reina had been taken back when he had returned the hug; he held her as if he had been afraid to let go of her which she found strange, but she allowed it nonetheless.

Floyd yelled at this, "HEY! HEY! BREAK IT UP!"


Floyd immediately started to cower before he said, "Yes ma'am."

"And I better not hear you complaining about Recovery Girl!" Lena had added.

Floyd said to her, "Okay! Okay! Geez!"

With that being said, she dragged him out of the beta ground and towards the nurses office. All Might had approached the two of them before he said, "Let's return to the monitor room to review the results, alright young students?"

"Yes sir." Reina said. Gently she pushed herself out of Katsuki's embrace, but took his hand as to lead him off of the beta ground; Katsuki didn't even seem to protest at this. "Come on." She said to him gently, "Let's go back."

Katsuki didn't say anything, as he had only nodded his head to her. She felt his hand tightened around her own. She started to lead him out of the training ground when All Might stopped the both of them. "Hold on a second Young Nouki." All Might said, "I have something I would like to say to Young Bakugou, if you don't mind."

"Oh, of course." Reina said.

"Young Bakugou." All Might said, "I know that you're taking the loss hard, but… Whether you win or lose, looking back and learning from your past experiences is a part of life."

Once again, Katsuki didn't respond, he just stayed silent. Reina looked at him with worry as she gave him a pat on the head, like a mother would do to a child. She then proceeded to lead him towards the monitor room. As All Might watched the two of them walk away he couldn't help but eye Reina in particular as he had pondered a thought.

"Young Nouki… Even though Young Bakugou gave you that injury, even though he shunned you away you still want to be able to help him. Instead of being angry like any other person would." All Might had soon said to himself as he went in the direction they had gone in. "You really are just like her, aren't you?"


-Two Years Ago; Aldrea Junior High-

Four years had passed since he had last seen her.

The girl in isolation from the rest of the world.

The girl many people thought to be different.

The girl he called Loli-chan.

At least that's what Katsuki thought of her as. For the longest time, he had been searching for her with every chance he got; he wasn't sure why, but he did. Every chance he got, from when he was in elementary to now, he was looking for her, wondering where she could've gone. He hadn't told anyone about her of course like he did back than; she was still his secret after all as he was hers, hopefully.

As he sat in class, he had looked out the window as he thought of the places he didn't check. It hadn't been long before the teacher arrived in the classroom, and asked those that were standing to sit down.

"Alright people." He said, "Before I get down to business I have an announcement to make. We have a new student that will be joining us today."

Katsuki seemed to perk up at that, and Izuku who had sat in the middle row perked up at this as they were interested to hear that a new student coming in the middle of the year.

"Now I know that this is sudden but the principal made an exception because of this student's unfortunate circumstance in a previous school, though that shouldn't change how you all think of her; she's a transfer student nonetheless." The teacher said, "Come in."

The door slid open and the new student stepped inside, and Katsuki's eyes widened in shock at who she saw. He recognized that girl anywhere, the same aqua green and purple hair, and the same red and purple odd color eyes. It was HER; The girl he met four years ago.

The girl he called Loli-chan.

He almost swore that he had been hallucinating. After all this time of searching, after all this time of looking, she was suddenly right there in front of her, in the front of the classroom.

"This is the student that will be joining us." The teacher said, "I expect you all to treat her well and make her feel welcome."

She bowed to the class in greeting before she said, "It's a pleasure to meet you all. My name is Reina Nouki."

"Reina…?" Katsuki thought to himself, "So that really is her name…?" It wasn't long before he gave a rare smile to himself, "I finally found you."

For the whole day Katsuki found himself staring at her Reina, the whole time throughout class, and even found her sitting on the roof during lunch. He was surprised to see that Izuku or as he referred to as Deku was talking to her.

He wondered if they met before she came here, though it's not like that he cared about it anyway. It hadn't been long before the day came to an end, and everyone had started to return to their homes for the day.

Right when Katsuki was about to head home himself, he saw that there had been a book on a desk; it looked to be a sketchbook. He saw that there were beautiful pictures, most of them were of pro-heroes and the other was of scenry's, landscapes, even an amusement park. He saw that there had been a signature and right than and there he knew it belonged to Reina.

He wanted to talk to her after so long; there were many things he wanted to ask her and many things he wanted to tell her. He even wondered how she would react when he saw her after so long.

He managed to find her at the lockers, putting on what looked to be rollerblades. She put on the familiar red hat before standing up and making her way out. Katsuki looked at her sketchbook before taking a deep breath.

"Hey! Hold on a second!" He called out, making her stop in her tracks. She turned around and Katsuki expected her eyes to brighten and be happy to see him.

Though when she looked at him, he saw that in her eyes, she looked confused which shocked him and left him speechless. Reina looked at him curiously as she tilted her head a little.

Finally she spoke and he was taken back even more.

"You're… In my class?" Reina asked, "Bakugou-kun, right? Did you need something from me?"

Katsuki had struggled to say something before he looked at his hand remembering what he had said to give her. He held out his sketchbook to her before saying, "... You left this behind."

Reina took the sketchbook from his hand and she looked at him in shock. "My sketchbook, I didn't realize I left it." Reina said, "Thanks."

Katsuki wanted to say something, but he found that his tongue had been glued to the top of his mouth. Reina didn't seem to have noticed as she put the sketchbook in her bag, before she had said with her back turned, "Well, see you tomorrow Bakugou-kun." With that being said, she made her way out of the school grounds leaving Katsuki alone there.

His hand shook a little mostly because he felt… Hurt. Something that was rare for him to feel.

"She… Doesn't remember me."