An Opportunity Opens


A young girl let out a groan as the alarm on her phone went off. She turned on her side as she reached out to pick her phone up off the floor. Pressing a button on it, the alarm went silent as she looked at the time. "Ugh…" She groaned, before she put her hand on the side, "... I wanna sleep some more."

Just as she said this the door suddenly slid open, revealing Ryuko who jumped high into the air. "Reina-chan~!" Ryuko said in a sing-song fashion as she threw her arms around the girl named Reina, making her let out a squeak of some kind.

"Ryuko-chan, why do you do this?" The girl named Reina said as she let out a groan.

"It's time to get up and go to school!" Ryuko said as she sat herself up, "We made you breakfast, so get on your uniform, wash up, and come into the kitchen!"

"Okay, okay." She said as she sat herself up, "Just give me a second to get ready."

"Of course!" Ryuko said before she got out of the room to give her some privacy.

Reina took a deep breath as she looked in the mirror, fixing her bed head a bit; She moved some of her bangs out of the way, revealing the black eye on her forehead, which looked into the mirror and blinked every now and than.

"You better not cause any problems for me today, good old Quirk of mine."

She started to brush her hair to get rid of the tangles, before she went to get her uniform for UA which hung from a close hanger just on her closet door. Once she got on her uniform, tied her hair back into a ponytail and wrapped a set of bandages around her head, got on her hoodie and red baseball hat, she headed into the kitchen where Shino and Ryuko, two members from the group known as the Wild Wild Pussycats as they greeted her with a smile.


My name is Reina Nouki.

I'm fifteen years old, and am officially a student at the famous academy known as UA.

This world I live in, is basically like that of a comic book; everyone in the whole world has a super power, or what we like to call a Quirk.

No one knows why, or how, but like some things in life, humanity just learned to live with it, and thus we live in a superhuman society where people can become two things.

They can either be a Hero, or they can be a Villain.

Me? I'm training to become a Hero; my Quirk on the other hand, some people might say it's more of a Villain than it is that of a Hero.

Let me explain.

My Quirk is a mental type Quirk which is rare as far as I'm told, and it's known as Mental Manipulation; the source of it all is the third eye I was born with. I can manipulate the minds of others, and make them see things that aren't really there. The only problem is I can't control it, as it can affect both good and bad people which is why I hide it whenever I go out; which is a lot.

Though at the very least I'm not entirely helpless.

Not only do I have my training from my Guardian, but my Quirk comes with a secondary ability. Normally when I have the third eye out, I would make things move without even touching them. But thanks to a certain someone's training I did over the summer, I can use it without having to show it.

Okay, there's a limited time when I use it, but hey it's better than nothing right?

Oh yeah? Did I mention that a couple of friends of mine go to U.A like I do?


Reina finished everything on her plate as she wiped her mouth with a napkin that had been nearby. "Thanks for the meal." She said as she went to grab her bag before heading to the door after putting on her red hat, "I'll see you guys after school."

"Oh hold on a second Reina-chan!" Shino said. She went over to Reina handing two things; A bento box and what looked to be a pager.

"A pager Shino-obasan?" Reina asked, "I got the bento box, but what would I need this for?"

"It's just in case something happens and you lose your phone." Ryuko reasoned, "It's better to be safe than sorry."

"Promise you'll hold onto it?" Shino asked her with a smile.

Reina looked at the pager before she put it in her skirt pocket, "I promise and thanks." She said with a smile.

It hadn't been long before they heard a knock at the door.

"Hey Reina-chan!? Are you ready yet!? Let's get going!" A familiar voice said on the other side of the door.

"Kay!" She said, as she went to the door, "See you guys later!"

"See you tonight!" Ryuko said as she waved with a cat-like smile on her face. After Reina put on her rollerblades and pads, she opened the door revealing two people. One was a boy with freckles on his face with his hair green and a bit wavy, while the other had a hair like a paintbrush and was an African-Japanese. Both of them wore a UA uniform like she did, but obviously it was the boy version.

"Morning Izuku-kun, Floyd-kun." Reina greeted with a smile as she shut the door behind her.

"Morning Reina-chan." The boy named Izuku greeted as he smiled back.

"Nice to see that you woke up on time for once!" The boy named Floyd said as he put his hands behind the back of his head.

Reina laughed sarcastically before she said, "Gee, you're hilarious."

Izuku soon looked at his watch, "We should go, if we hurry we can catch the train."

"Last one there is an expired mochi!" Floyd said before he started running.

"Hey!" Reina yelled before she started to go after him with her rollerblades, "That's cheating! You're not supposed to have a head start!"

"H-hey!" Izuku stammered before he ran after them too, "Wait for me!"

Thus the three of them started to race towards the train station, with Floyd taking the lead despite the fact that Reina was on rollerblades.


These are my two best friends.

The one with the hair like a paintbrush is Floyd Aihara, and the cute green haired boy is Izuku Midoriya. I've been with these two since middle school, and as you can tell we get along well.

Izuku-kun I met in my first year in middle school, and Floyd-kun I met when I was in my second year.

Between you and me, Izuku-kun used to be Quirkless, that is until our final year in middle school when we met the Symbol of Peace himself All Might. He gave him a Quirk called One for All, which gives him crazy super strength.

The downside to that, since he's still new to the Quirk his bones literally shatter when he punches or even so much flick his finger when using it.

Though that doesn't stop him; that's one of things I like about him as a friend. He's like a brother to me, and he thinks of me like I'm his sister, which is nice.

Floyd-kun came from America along with his family when his Quirk started to show up. His parents are both Pro-Heroes, and he wants to be like them someday.

He and I at first didn't get along when I beated him in a race during middle school PE, though after we finally talked to each other we got along and saw that we had more in common.

His Quirk allows him to draw all sorts of stuff, to help out when it comes to battle such as weapons or tools. It can get a little messy when it comes to the ink he produces though, but Izuku and I don't mind it as much as the others though.


The three of them managed to get to the train, with Floyd beating them to it. Though they had to look forward to a crowded train since it had just happened at rush hour at the time. They managed to find space as they stood between the gaps of people and holding onto the railing provided.

"Quit smiling Floyd-kun!" Reina said as she stood with her rollerblades on, "The only reason why you won is because you had a head start!"

Floyd laughed as he said sticking out his tongue, "Now, now Reina-chan! It's not my fault I have the Supersonic speed of Kayefi Dee!"

"Kayefi who now?" Izuku asked as he tilted his head a little.

"You are so going to get it when I come over to your house to play Smash!" Reina grumbled as she squinted at him.

"That reminds me." Izuku said before looking at Floyd, "Did you pre-order that new Hero game Floyd-san?"

Floyd replied with a smile with a peace sign, "Hehe, seconds before the sale began, my guy!"

Right when Reina was about to ask, the train suddenly came to an abrupt stop making the three of them stumble. Reina's hand suddenly slipped from the handle causing her to fall back into someone, causing whoever it had been to grunt.

"Oh, I'm sor--" Reina said before cutting herself off. She saw she had fallen into a familiar boy with blonde spiky hair and red eyes; he looked just as surprised as she was. "Katsuki-kun!?" Reina exclaimed as her face turned a little red.

"Reina!?" The boy named Katsuki exclaimed as his face turned red as well as how close she was, "What are you doing here!?"

"Hey, are you oka--KAA-CHAN!?" Izuku started to ask before he noticed Katsuki.

"DEKU!?" Katsuki soon yelled, making Reina jump.

Floyd soon yelled, noticing Katsuki too, "PISS FOR BRAINS!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON THIS TRAIN!?"



"I DIDN'T EXPECT TO SEE YOU HERE EITHER!" Katsuki barked back.

"Guys, don't fight here!" Reina said.

"We're on a public train, you two." Izuku said nervously.


The train came to an abrupt stop again as the four of them found themselves falling on top of each other. Everyone gave them an awkward look at the fact that they were in a pile, and Reina just happened to be on top of Katsuki which made his face go red as a cherry; Reina found herself blushing too again at the fact her nose was practically touching his.

"Uh…" Reina said awkwardly as she found herself struggling to look at him, "... Good morning?"

"Ye--yeah." Katsuki said, trying to avoid her gaze as his face was still red, "That's what I meant to say before."

"STOP MAKING GOO-GOO EYES AT REINA-CHAN!" Floyd yelled at Katsuki.

"GO AND DIE YOU INKHEAD LOSER!" Katsuki yelled back at him as he tried to move.

"Seriously?" Reina said as she tried to move as well but couldn't, "Right now?"


That's my other best friend, Katsuki Bakugou, and he's been Floyd-kun's rival since middle school. He's also Izuku-kun's childhood friend, but let's just say their relationship is a bit complicated now.

His Quirk is he can make explosions, thanks to the sweat he produces from his body. Most of the time he tells people off, and occasionally starts a fight with Floyd-kun now and again, but the thing is he never wants to start a fight with me.

I'm serious, I'll get the occasional pinch on the cheek, or even him calling me Lollipop head or idiot, but he's never had a quote on quote violent outburst with me, not even once since I've known him

Not to mention, between him, Floyd-kun and Izuku-kun, if I ever feel like something's bothering me, I'll go to him for help, or ask him for advice. He's surprisingly good with that kind of stuff.

I don't know what it is, but there's just something about him that makes me drawn to him in some way.

I can't really explain it, but when I'm around him now, my heart beats like a jackhammer; It wasn't like that before, but since the Villain attack, it's like that now.

The other thing is that, it's almost as if I've known him my whole life, you know?

It's a bit strange to me, honestly.


Reina just laid there on top of Katsuki as Floyd and him continued to argue, despite her and Izuku being in close proximity with one another.

"I'll beat you from head to toe, you nuclear disaster!" Floyd shouted.

"I wanna see you try, you damn American Loser!" Katsuki yelled.

Reina groaned out of annoyance as she said, "Guys, you do realize we're in a doggy pile right now right?"

"Yeah, shouldn't we maybe try to get out of this first?" Izuku asked with his voice muffled.

"It's your own damn fault! You fell right into me!" Katsuki yelled.

Floyd said to him as he flipped him off, "OH, UP YOURS YOU TRIGGER HAPPY BASTARD!"

Just as they went to untangle themselves from the mess, they realized that the train had stopped right where there were supposed to get off. "OKAY, WE MIGHT WANT TO MOVE NOW!" Reina yelled as she quickly stood knocking Floyd and Izuku off of her in the process, "Gah! Sorry guys!"

"It's okay, but we might want to run!" Izuku yelled as he got his bag heading towards the train doors along with Reina.

Floyd yelled as he dragged Katsuki behind him, "YOU HEARD THE MAN, TRIGGER HAPPY LOSER! MOVE BITCH!"

"DON'T DRAG ME! I CAN RUN YOU KNOW!" Katsuki yelled as he shook himself out of his grip, before he ran ahead. Thus the four of them ran out of the train just as the doors closed and the train departed. "Holy crap, we made it." Reina said as she caught her breath. Though it wasn't long before she looked at her watch as she screamed at the time.


"IT'S THAT LATE ALREADY!?" Izuku shouted.

"ARE YOU F***ING KIDDING ME!?" Katsuki exclaimed.

"EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF!" Floyd suddenly yelled as he ran ahead.

"NOT AGAIN!" Reina yelled as she dashed with her rollerblades, "DON'T LEAVE US HERE!"

"REINA-CHAN! FLOYD-SAN! WAIT UP!" Izuku yelled as he ran after them.

"GOD-DAMNIT DON'T RUN AHEAD LIKE THAT!" Katsuki yelled following behind them posthaste.

All four of them were just dashing towards UA, nearly knocking over a couple of students as they dashed at full speed. They managed to change shoes before they headed up the stairs running towards their classroom, making some of the students that were out in the hall spin. Just as they managed to reach the classroom, Reina opened the door with a bit of force.

"GOOD MORNING!" She yelled before she fell over face first on the ground courtesy of Floyd, Izuku and Katsuki, and they found themselves in a dog pile again, "Ouch…" She groaned.

A girl with silver hair and a pair of wings approached them as she and a girl with brown hair helped them up off the floor; Their names were Chouko Shoichi and Ochaco Uraraka. "You guys just made it, Aizawa-sensei and Aihara-sensei haven't arrived yet." Chouko said.

"Yeah, you guys timed it perfectly!" Ochaco said with a smile as she didn't realize that Izuku's face was red when she went to help him up.

"Really?" Reina asked before she sighed with relief, "Thank God, I won't get a scolding."

"Ditto." Floyd said as he sighed with relief as well.

"Yo, dude!" A teen with huge unkempt burgundy red hair said to Floyd as he waved to him, with his Switch in his other hand; This young man was named Gioco Terebi, though many knew him as Gio, "Check out this new game I bought!"

Before anyone knew it, Floyd was suddenly over at Gio's desk looking over his shoulder at the game he had gotten. "Bro! You got the demo for DMC5!?" Floyd exclaimed.

"Hells yeah bro! Got it from my uncle who's the developer!" Gio said.

Floyd squeed before saying excitedly, "DEADASS?!"

"DEADASS BRO!" Gio yelled as excited as he was, "HE WAS AT E3 DURING THEIR CONFERENCE!"

"Wait a minute… How did you get it on the Switch?" Reina asked, "I thought it was for the PS4."

"Well, that's quite an interesting story, you see--" Gio started to say before he had gotten cut off by the school's bell. Just as this was heard, Lena and Shota soon stepped into the room after sliding the door open. "Alright kiddies!" Lena said, "Sit down in your seats and let's get the day started!"

The students did as they were told as they sat down in their designated seats. Lena got together the papers they had gotten from the teachers office.

Shota soon said, "We reviewed the results of the rescue training you did. And despite all that took place, everyone did well in each of the exercises."

Lena added as she stretched a little, "Yep, even though a certain twosome wouldn't stop with their damn rivalry."

Floyd laughed nervously as he said, "Not my fault."

"Same here." Katsuki said in his usual tone of voice.

Lena hit them both on the head, making them nearly hit their desks, "TAKE RESPONSIBILITY YOU TWO!"


"YOU DAMN EXTRA! I'LL KILL YA!" Katsuki yelled not even caring about the bump on his head.


"Man, he would even say that to a teacher?" A student, Denki Kaminari, was honestly impressed.

"Talk about guts." Another student named Kyoka Jiro said.

Shota soon cleared his throat getting Lena's attention, "Are you done?" Lena merely nodded before she stood beside him. "Now where were we before Aihara-sensei interrupted?" Shota said; Lena soon showed him the papers, seeing as how for the moment Shota's arms were both wrapped in casts.

"Ah right." Shota said after taking one look at what was written, "We have an announcement to make before the day starts. The rescue training you all endured was just the beginning. The real fight starts here..."

The students tensed up at this as they all each had the same thought.

"A fight?" Katsuki said with a quizzical expression.

"What does that mean?" Reina said a bit scared.

"Don't tell me!" Izuku said.

"Could it be!?" Floyd exclaimed.

"Another Villain attack!?" A student named Minoru Mineta exclaimed as his body shook.

"... The UA's Sports Festival is drawing near." Shota had finished.

"THAT'S A SUPER NORMAL SCHOOL ACTIVITY!" Most of the students shouted out of excitement.

"DAMN IT SHOTA!" Reina yelled to her Guardian, "DON'T SURPRISE US LIKE THAT!"

"Oh man I'm so pumped!" A student with red spiky hair named Eijirou Kirishima said as he stood up from his seat, "The Sports Festival is one of the best school events ev--"

"Wait, hold on a second Aizawa-sensei!" Denki said cutting him off, "Is it really okay to have the sports festival after the Villains snuck inside?"

"Yeah, don't you think it might be too soon?" Chouko asked.

"What if the Villains attack us again?" A student named Mashirao Ojiro asked.

"And what if they come after Reina-chan again?" Fubuki had signed.

Shota had soon replied, "Apparently they think of it as showing UA that our crisis management system is solid as a rock by holding the event."

"Not to mention that as far as we're told the security will be five times stronger than it was in the previous years." Lena added, "But that's not as important as what this means for all of you! This is a huge chance for you, when you participate in this festival! It sure as hell won't be cancelled because a few Villains found their way in!"

"But isn't that a good enough reason?" Mineta said, "It's just a festival of sports."

"Oh, it's anything but that." Reina said to Mineta, surprising him a bit.

"Mineta-kun? Have you never seen the UA Sports Festival before?" Izuku asked as he turned to him, seeing as how he was sitting behind him.

"Of course I have!" Mineta said, "That's not what I meant!" Though some if not most really didn't buy what Mineta had been saying as they all gave him a look, even Lena.

Shota soon started to explain, knowing Mineta didn't quite understand, "Our Sports Festival is one of Japan's biggest events. In the past, the Olympics were called a festival of sports, and the whole country was crazy about them. As you all know, with reductions in scale and population, they're now a shell of their former glory, and now for Japan what has taken those Olympics is the UA Sports Festival."

Lena soon added, "And you should all know that all the top Heroes all around the country will be watching for the purposes of scouting! Like I said this is one hell of an opportunity! It's typical for students that graduate here to join a pro agency as a sidekick."

"Though a lot of people miss their chance to become independent after that and become eternal sidekicks." Kyoka added, "I feel like that's gonna be Kaminari, since he's dumb."

"Ooooh." Most of the students said.

"Hey! That's harsh!" Denki said.

Shota soon continued on, "Of course, joining a famous hero agency will get you more experience and more popularity. Time is limited. If you expect to go pro then the path of your future will open up at this event."

"This happens once a year, that means you'll get three chances!" Lena said, "No other Heroes can't afford to miss this event. If you understand that, than I better not see any of you slack off! This is one opportunity you can't afford to screw up!"

All the students cheered as they were excited about the Sports Festival coming up. Reina included as she let out her biggest cheer along with her classmates, although--


Reina had been taken back slightly when she saw the familiar boy with the red hat standing just at her desk, with his head on his desk while using his arms as a pillow. He had that familiar smile on his face that seemed to have hypnotized her.

"I know you'll do great Rei-chan."

The minute Reina blinked the boy had suddenly been gone just like that. Reina lost her smile a little before she looked at the old red hat that sat on her desk.


I know the Sports Festival is supposed to be this exciting thing for us, since we can only be in this for as long as we're in UA, but honestly, I have other things that are just on my mind.

That boy… He keeps appearing and reappearing more frequently since the Villains attack.

Katsuki-kun is the only one outside of Shota and the other Pro-Heroes I've known, who knows the side effect of my Quirk.

I see things that aren't really there or have vivid dreams because of it.

I used to get one or the other once in awhile but now… It's like this everyday since the attack; Both the dreams and the hallucinations.

That man… Tomura Shigaraki knew my name.

And I think I might have an idea as to how...


-Later that Afternoon-

Before anyone knew it, it had already been the lunch period as the teachers in each classroom left to have a break of their own. Most of the students in Class 1-A were excited and had chartered amongst themselves because of the announcement made today about the Sports Festival as most if not all were super excited about it.

"Even though all that stuff happened, I'm really getting excited!" Eijirou said.

"Me too!" A student by the name of Hanta Sero said, "If we put on a good show and stand out we'll have taken the first step to becoming a Pro!"

"It was worth coming to UA!" Another student named Rikado Sato added.

Chouko's cousin, one named Fumikage Tokiyama had told them, "Keep in mind that we only receive a few chances, so we can't afford to miss this."

"You said it Fu-kun!" Chouko said, "Everyone here will be sure to do their best!"

"Oh man I'm kinda getting nervous about it!" Toru Hagakure added, "Doesn't it make you nervous Ojiro-kun? We have to do our best to stand out."

"You said it." Mashirao Ojiro said before thinking to himself mentally, "Although the Pro Heroes might not notice you unless you try really hard."

"Oh dear what will I do?" A student named Yuga Aoyama said as he posed, "I stand out just by standing still, so the scouts won't be able to stop looking at me right?"

Floyd snickered before he said, "I'll definitely stand out! Because I'm the son of the two best Pro-Heroes of America!"

"Aren't you being a bit egotistical?" Gio asked.

"NOPE!" Floyd shouted with a smile.

"Man, you and Shoji are lucky." Denki said, "Like you said, you're the son of Calligraphine and Lead Zeppeli, and Shoji has a brawn that stands on its own."

"There's no point if I cannot show my usefulness." Mezo Shoji said.

Kyoka chuckled as she said to Denki, "I think you're gonna stand out the most!"

"HEY! DON'T MENTION THAT!" Denki yelled as he was embarrassed, though most of the students were confused by why he had been so embarrassed excluding Momo.

"Everyone is so into it." Izuku commented.

"Why wouldn't they be?" Tenya said as he stood up from his seat, "We have enrolled here to become Heroes, so of course we would get fired up! Don't you agree Reina-kun?"

Reina seemed to be in her own world as she looked at her red hat; she only seemed to snap out of it when Chouko tapped her on her shoulder. "Reina-chan? Is something wrong?" Chouko asked.

Reina smiled as she shook her head, setting her hat aside, "It's nothing I'm just thinking about something."

"Are you sure it's nothing?" Fumikage asked as he approached her, "You seemed to be in your own world the entire time in class."

"It's alright." She said with a reassured smile before she came up with a quick lie, "I guess I was just thinking about the Sports Festival, that's all."

"That reminds me, Aizawa-sensei must've taken you to see these kind of things when you were a kid right?" Izuku asked.

"You must've been at the front row for everything." Tenya added, "Considering his status as a Pro-Hero in all."

Floyd soon jumped into the conversation as he said, "Oh yeah! You must've had the VIP pass for the Sports Festival!"

"You must've been super lucky!" Gio added.

"Well yes and no." Reina replied before she gave a brief explanation, "They usually have Shota announce the events and fights along with Hizashi-san for the radio or TV; I wouldn't be surprised if he was again this year. When I came here as a kid, I sat up in the box with the other teachers and Nezu-chan."

They looked to each other at what Reina called the Principal; though it did fit him since he was technically a living cute animal. Reina soon brought their attention back to her as she said, "I'm just a bit taken back at the fact that I'll be participating in the Sports Festival. It's kind of like how I felt when I found out I passed the Entrance Exams."

"You'll do well, I'm sure of it!" Izuku said, "If anyone can do their best it's you Reina-chan!"

"Yeah, not to mention you'll be sure to get noticed by a ton of Pro Heroes with that Quirk you have!" Chouko said.

"Shoichi-kun has a point." Tenya said, "Your Quirk is indeed powerful, and incredibly useful. You'll come up with some tricks, I'm sure of it."

"Indeed." Fumikage added, "You're quick to improvise."

"Yup! What he said!" Floyd said.

"You definitely did some mean improvising in the entrance exams!" Gio added.

Reina's face turned a little at her friends' comments; sure she expected Izuku and Floyd to make their usual comments like that though, her new classmates… She expected something different; than again they didn't know what her Quirk could really do. She hid that with a smile, "Thanks a lot you guys." She soon said to herself mentally, "... Though getting noticed by pro-heroes might be exaggerated."

"Everyone…" They soon heard Ochaco say. The group turned to her, but jumped at the fact that Ochaco actually looked intimidating, "... LET'S DO OUR BEST!" She said in an ominous tone of voice.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" Reina exclaimed as she nearly jumped from her seat.

"U-U-Uraraka-san!" Izuku stammered, "Y-Y-Your face!"

"Why do you look scary!?" Floyd exclaimed, "Aren't you supposed to be the cute one!?"

"Who are you and what have you done with the cute Uraraka!?" Gio yelled.

Mina Ashido soon took notice of this, "Huh? What's the matter Uraraka? You don't look as carefree as before."

"Right!?" Gio said, "She looks scary!"

Floyd added, "Like something from a Wes Craven film!"

Mineta couldn't help but turn red as he had a thought, "Maybe it's a PM--"

Before Mineta could even finish, a student named Tsuyu Asui slapped him across the face with her tongue. Ochaco raised her fist in the air, still having an intimidating look on her face. "Everyone! I'm going to do my best!"

"Yeah!" Tenya said as he raised his fist too.

"Uh--O--Okay!" Izuku stammered.

"I don't even know how I should comment on this." Reina said as she shrugged a little, as Ochaco continued to cheer very demonically. Chouko soon had a thought in her head, "That reminds me… I wonder what Uraraka-chan's reasoning for attending UA is."

"Oh yeah…" Izuku said, "... I never asked either."

"I must admit, I'm curious as well." Fumikage said.

"Me too." Reina said, "I wonder what it could be…"

"Why don't we ask?" Floyd suggested.

A little time had passed before the class dispersed to go and eat their lunches either with a group, or just by themselves. Reina and her group decided to eat out in the courtyard as they had set up a small picnic so that they could sit comfortably on the grass. Though it hadn't been long before one of them had brought up the question.

"My reason for becoming a Pro-Hero?" Ochaco said as she ate from her bento box, "You guys want to know?"

"Yeah, it's been on our mind since we first met you." Reina explained.

"Everyone has their reason for coming to U.A." Floyd added, "So what's yours?"

Ochaco soon stammered a bit as she suddenly had a nervous look on her face, suddenly, "My reason… Well… It's because… Um…"

The group gave her a somewhat suspicious look on their face as they saw Ochaco struggle with her words. Though they saw the look on her face as they realized what her reasoning was. "Uraraka-chan!" Chouko said putting a hand to her cheek, "Don't tell me--!"

"Your reasoning is…" Fumikage said.

"For the money!?" Izuku finished as Ochaco laughed with embarrassment.

"You want to become a Hero just for money!?" Floyd exclaimed.

"To boil it down simply yes." Ochaco replied.

"That sounds a bit selfish." Gio said as he played on a 3DS.

Ochaco let out a groan as she said, "I know, I know what it sounds like. You all must have an admirable reason and motivation so it's embarrassing."

"Why?" Tenya asked, "How is having a goal to support your livelihood not admirable?"

"Right, but it is unexpected." Izuku added.

"Yeah, besides you don't seem like the type to do it just for money." Reina said, "There's gotta be more to it than that, right?"

Ochaco twiddled her thumbs a little before she replies, "Well… My family owns a construction company, but we haven't been working at all so… We're flat out broke. This isn't really something to tell other people, though…"

"A construction company you say?" Gio said, "That's a new one."

Izuku soon realized something before he said, "With her Quirk, if she gets a Hero license then it would bring costs way down right?"

"With her Quirk it can come in handy when it comes to construction." Fumikage added.

"You have a point." Tenya said, "With Uraraka-kun's help they would have no need for heavy equipment."

"Yes!" Ochaco said, "That's exactly what I told my dad when I was little! But…"

"But, he told you otherwise?" Reina asked.

"Yes and no." Ochaco replied, "He told me that he'd rather see me achieve my dream, and well… He also said he'd rather go on a vacation with me and mom. That's why…" Ochaco said as she clenched her hand, "... I'll definitely become a Hero and make money, and let my parents take it easy." Everyone in the group had been moved by this kind of motivation as they looked to Ochaco with awe.

Reina seemed to have smiled at this as well as she had thought; despite her wanting to become a Hero for money she had to admit in her own way, it was for a good cause. She couldn't help but admire that as she looked at her with admiration. No wonder I had a feeling we would get along is what she thought to herself. She had been bought out of her thoughts as was the others when Tenya started to clap.

"Bravo!" He said, "Uraraka-kun bravo!"

"That is the best!" Chouko said as she clapped too.

"BEST MOTIVATION EVER!" Gio yelled as he was in tears.

"It is admirable." Fumikage commented.

Ochaco smiled at this as she rubbed the back of her head, once more she was red with embarrassment. Reina, Floyd and Izuku looked at one another as they smiled.


The small group had been drawn to a familiar voice as they had seen a familiar man run into the courtyard just where they were; It was All Might who had been wearing a suit. "YOUNG MIDORIYA! YOUNG NOUKI! YOUNG AIHARA! YOU ARE HERE!"

Everyone had been of course shocked to see him especially, Reina and her two best friends. "Umm… What are you doing here?" Floyd asked awkwardly.

"Is something the matter?" Izuku asked.

"Lunch!" All Might said before he showed his bento box to them, "Want to eat with me?"

Reina, Ochaco and Gio couldn't help but stifle a laugh at this. "HE'S LIKE A MAIDEN!" The three of them thought in unison.

"So how about it?" All Might asked the three of them.

"Sure!" Izuku said, grabbing his lunch.

"Lunch with the Symbol of Peace, how can I say no?" Reina said as she stood up taking her bento lunch.

Floyd added with a smile grabbing his lunch, "Might as well!"

Thus the three of them left the group as they gave them a quick wave when they followed All Might. "Huh, wonder what he wants to talk about with them." Gio said.

"I kind of get Reina-chan, but why Deku and Aihara-san?" Ochaco wondered.

"I heard that All Might was attacked by the Villains in the USJ incident, him, Reina-kun and Aihara-kun rushed in to help." Tenya replied.

"It's true, I saw it for myself." Chouko said.

"It is possible that's what it could be." Fumikage said.

Though as they chatted, the small group had been left unaware that Shoto had been listening as he ate lunch with his twin Fubuki.

-Lounge Area-

The three of them had just assumed they were just going to chill with All Might, but they were surprised to hear not so pleasant from All Might as he changed back into his real form the very moment they arrived in the Lounge Area.

"FIFTY MINUTES!?" The three of them exclaimed.

"Yeah…" All Might said as he started to make tea for the three of them, "... That's about how long I can use my power now. I overdid it too many times. That Nomu was a tough opponent, and it hurt. I can just barely maintain my muscle form for 1.5 hours."

"No way." Reina said, just shocked.

Floyd had added, "Talk abou unreal.."

"Look about that." Izuku said, "I've been meaning to talk to you about that. About what Reina-chan, Floyd-san and I did. Well… We're so--"

They were cut off as All Might started to laugh and was spitting out blood, making the three of them jump from their seats. "You don't have to apologize about that." All Might said as he wiped his mouth, "You and I are very much like young Midoriya."

All Might soon handed the three of them the cup of tea he had brewed to go with their lunch. "More importantly…" He said, "I want to talk to you three about the Sports Festival." He turned to Floyd, "You young Aihara, how are you doing with your Quirk?"

Floyd replied as he showed his hands, "Still improving by the second!"

Just as he said this he accidentally sprayed a little ink on the table and floor; though it wasn't on purpose.

"You call that improving?" Reina asked as she pointed to the leaks.

Floyd hit Reina on the head as he said, "Shut up! Don't patronize me!"

"Hey! That's no way to treat a lady!" Reina barked as she pinched his cheeks, "Didn't your mom say to treat girls with respect?!"

"Bite me!" Floyd shouted.

"Okay." Reina said with a shrug before biting his arm, surprising Izuku and All Might at this. Floyd on the other shrieked as Reina pulled away from him.

"OW! DUDE! WHAT THE F***?!" Floyd shouted as he rubbed where she had bitten him.

"You told me to bite you so that's what I did." Reina said with an amused smile.


"Wow, it seems like you two act more like an odd couple rather than best friends." All Might said awkwardly.

"WE'RE NOT A COUPLE!" Reina & Floyd shouted as they turned red.

"It kind of sounds like you are though." Izuku said awkwardly.

"Izuku-kun!" Reina exclaimed, "Really!?"

"Talk about betrayal." Floyd said with a pout on his face.

"Anyway I'm glad to hear that you're improving on your Quirk Young Aihara, just make sure to take Precautions when using it." All Might said before turning to Reina, "You Young Nouki, have there been any incidents with your Quirk? Or have you had strange dreams lately?"

Reina soon answered though All Might saw that it had been with hesitation, "N-no. Nothing like that. I've been practicing with my Quirk, or at least the second ability anyway."

All Might could tell that she was lying, though he decided not to press the subject for now as he asked, "What about your main ability? Have you worked on trying to control that?"

Reina merely shook her head in reply as All Might raised an eyebrow at this. "As long as you have control over your secondary ability, it should be alright. Just remember not to go over the limit when you use it during the Sports Festival."

"Of course, All Might-senpai." Reina said avoiding looking him in the eyes, which All Might noticed as well.

"Now lastly Young Midoriya…" All Might said turning to him, "You still can't regulate the One For All can you? What will you do?"

"Wait, but there was that one time with Nomu." Izuku said, "Back in USJ, when I aimed a smash at the brain villain, there was no backlash."

"Oh yeah, that's right." Reina said.

"Ah, I remember you did mention that." All Might added, "What was different?"

"Different?" Izuku said before he had a thought, "Well, the biggest difference between that and the One for All I'd been using was…"

"Was what?" Floyd asked.

Izuku clenched his hand as he continued, "It was the first time… I tried to use my power on a person…"

All Might took in what Izuku had been saying as he put his fingers under his chin, "It looks like you succeeded in putting the brake on it unconsciously. Nonetheless it's progress, and I'm glad for the three of you." All Might motioned them to drink, which they did before he stood up and went to the window.

"Just between the four of us…" All Might soon said, "... I don't have much time as the Symbol of Peace… And those with Villainous intent are starting to realize this." He turned back to the three of them, "Young Midoriya, I have you this Quirk in order for you to succeed me. Not to mention that you, young Aihara and young Nouki have something to prove as well. The UA's Sports Festival is something Pro-Heroes--No the whole country is watching closely. This is why I bought the three of you here today."

The three teens looked to one another as they wondered what All Might had been saying before he continued on, "Floyd Aihara. You want to live up to your mother and father, as they made a name for themselves back in America. Then, you must show everyone that your Quirk is Pro-Hero material instead of being just a Quirk for that of an artist."

Floyd nodded his head as he had a determined look on his face. "YOU ALREADY KNOW!"

"Reina Nouki." He said turning to her, "I know how people look at your Quirk, but this is your chance to make it right. You can show them that your Quirk can be that of a Hero. You can show them how wrong they are with this event."

Reina had her head to the side as she clenched her fist; she had a determined look of her own as she looked to All Might and All Might smiled at this.

Finally he turned to Izuku, "Lastly you… The next All Might… The fledgling Symbol of Peace… Izuku Midoriya… I want you to tell the world… I AM HERE!"