I Pledge...!

Reina couldn't remember the last time she saw so many people gathered in one place. As she entered the school grounds, she saw a crowd that went as far as the eye could see. Stands sold food and merchandise, and fireworks went off left and right. She had mixed emotions about today; they had excitement and at the same time she was nervous about the whole thing. On the one hand she was looking forward to competing with her friends at every event, and of course showing off to other people.

At the same time, she was really nervous about today. Everything had been on the line for her; she had something to prove to the whole country about her Quirk, though she wasn't sure if she could pull it off well. She didn't know if she would be able to keep it under control or collapse under pressure from everything; she didn't know if there was a chance she would pass her time limit and take her toll on the Quirk. Honestly she hoped that wouldn't be the case.

The last thing she wanted was to go worry about a bunch of certain people she knew.

She met up with classmates and quickly got changed into her PE outfit; though she kept her PE shirt unbuttoned revealing her dark gray tank-top and she had on her red hat. She was armed with her sword, and even her silver gauntlets that she used for her Hero Costume, as she clenched her hands testing how it felt. Most of her new friends were surprised to see her armed with her usual gear.

"You're really going to use these Reina-chan?" Chouko asked curiously.

"I was under the impression that we weren't allowed weapons." Eijirou pointed out.

"Normally that would be the case, but it's alright." Reina reassured them with a smile, "I was able to sign the proper papers beforehand. And Nezu-chan gave me a condition if I make it into the combat event."

"Even so… Isn't the sword a bit much?" Ochaco asked curiously.

"Really?" Reina said with a shrug, "I don't think so."

"At least, you got to have your equipment!" Mina complained, "I tried to get permission to wear my costume, but they said it wasn't allowed."

"Well to keep everything fair we can't." Mashirao said.

"This is a bit nerve wracking wouldn't you guys say?" Rikido asked, "Does anyone have an idea what our first round is going to be?"

Floyd suggested, "Maybe a Multi-Man Melee?"

"Or maybe it's gonna be like that anime with the ninjas!" Gio said with a smile.

"Why would it be either of those things?" Sero asked.

"Really it shouldn't matter." Fumikage said, "No matter what comes our way, we have no choice but to deal with it."

"Good point." Mezo said.

"Couldn't have said it better myself Fu-kun." Chouko said with a smile.

Soon enough the door opened, revealing that it was their Class Representative Tenya. "Is everybody ready?" Tenya said, "We'll be entering the arena soon!"

"Oh boy it's almost time." Reina said nervously, "God, why is the wait so long!?"

"Just try to stay calm okay?" Izuku said as he was sweating out of nervousness, "We can do this!"

"But your just as nervous as I am!" She pointed out as she began to sweat as well.

"Reina, Midoriya, Aihara."

Floyd, Reina and Izuku turned to their fellow classmates, which had been the Todoroki twins; Shoto and Fubuki. "Oh, Todoroki-san. Fubuki-chan." Reina said.

"Do you guys need something?" Izuku asked curiously.

"Whatcha need?" Floyd added.

Fubuki looked nervous about something while Shoto's expression remained with a sternness before he said to the both of them, "I speak for myself and my sister, so I'll say this once… Looking at things objectively… I think she and I are stronger than the three of you."

Izuku, Floyd, and Reina were taken by surprise at this as was everyone else in the room at this sudden statement from Shoto.

"Well… You're not wrong." Reina said, rubbing the back of her head.

"Y-yeah." Izuku added as he stammered.

Floyd added as he said casually, "No contest here."

As Shoto spoke he took one glance at Reina and Floyd, "Your parents are famous Pro-Heroes, and you were adopted by Aizawa-sensei." Finally he looked to Izuku, "But All Might… He has his eye on you doesn't he?"

Reina, Izuku and Floyd's eyes widened at this immediately thinking if they suspect All Might's little secret. Shoto soon continued, "I'm not trying to pry about it, if I or Fubuki see one or the other down the line I just want you three to know… We're going to beat you."

"What!?" The three of them said in unison.

"Whoa now, is the best class making a declaration of war?" Denki asked.

"That's a bit extreme!" Gio said.

"Hey Todoroki!" Eijirou said, putting his hand on his shoulder, "Why are you and Fubuki-chan picking a fight all of a sudden? We're just about to start!"

"There's no point in picking a fight between our own classmates." Chouko had tried to reason.

"We're not here to play at being friends." Shoto said, prying Eijirou's hand away from his shoulder, "So what does it matter?"

"Fubuki-chan?" Reina said looking to his sister behind him, "You don't think that too do you?"

Fubuki looked at Reina still with a nervous look on her face as she signed to her. Shoto had soon translated for her, "She says, it's complicated."

Floyd couldn't help but say with confidence in his voice, "Yeah, you're right on the money."

"Todoroki-kun." Izuku soon started to say, "... I don't know what you and Fubuki are thinking when you say you'll beat either me, Reina-chan or Floyd-san… But I won't lie when I say you're both better than us. I think you and her are the most capable people…"

"... Izuku-kun makes a good point…" Reina added, "... Objective wise, you and Fubuki-chan are better than we could ever be…"

"Hey, you two come on." Gio said, "Why are you being so negative?"

"Probably it's not the best idea right no--" Eijirou said before he got cut off by Izuku.

"But, everyone here--!" Izuku said, "--The students from the other courses are aiming for the top with everything they got! Neither of us… Can't afford to fall behind!" Izuku looked at Shoto with determination, "I'll be going for it with all I got!"

"The same goes for me." Reina had said, "I'll be going all out. So don't think taking me down will be easy."

"And you better watch out, my dude!" Floyd said with a smile, "I'll show you what I learned back in the states when the time comes!"

The twins glanced at one another before Fubuki's expression changed to a look of determination herself, as she nodded. "Yeah." Shoto said.

Thus the whole class was silent, all of them remained completely unaware of the look Katsuki was giving. Soon enough Momo came into the room, "Alright everyone, it's time!"

All of the students started to make their way out of the waiting room and towards the stadium of which they would be able to compete. Most of the students chatted amongst themselves while Gio was seen walking and playing a game on a handheld device, and Floyd had been practicing with a couple of quick sketches as he walked. Reina held to her sword, unsheathing a little looking at the characters written on it's blade, still having a bit of anxiety in her still at the thought of the Sports Festival altogether. She tried to keep herself calm by taking a couple of deep breaths, though she still felt her heart racing a bit.

She was brought out of her own thoughts and nudged her a bit; she turned to see that it had been Katsuki. "What's that look for?" He asked in his usual tone of voice, "You look like you're about to crap yourself."

"And should I feel any different?" Reina asked as she started to sweat again, "How can you be so calm about this whole thing?"

"Because I'm me, isn't that reason enough?" He replied.

Reina laughed a little at this, "Of course you'd say something like that."

"Oh yeah, by the way…" Katsuki started to say, quickly noting the expression on her face, "... Don't you dare talk down on yourself like that. You'll do great today."

"... How do you know that?" She asked him.

"... Because… You're the strongest person I know." He replied, "You'll show those people who you really are; And you can bet your ass you'll prove those bastards wrong when you're out there."

Reina found her face getting flushed with red as she realized that he just commented on her. Katsuki turned red too as he realized what he just said, as he quickly looked away from her, to hide the blush from her. "Don't be weird! Don't be weird!" He immediately said in his thoughts as he tried his best to contain himself as his body shook.

Reina cleared her throat as she soon said, trying her best not to make her voice stammer, but failed to, "Th--Thank you Katsuki-kun… And… For what it's worth… You'll do great too…"

Katsuki's face turned even redder; as he bit his bottom lip he finally turned back around, not even caring if she saw his blush, "Just letting you know this right now so you don't forget! If I see you down the line, don't expect me to go easy on you! I'll come at you with everything I have, so you better be serious and give it your all out there! If you half ass it than I'll kill you!"

Reina's eyes widened slightly before she gave him a smile, "Don't worry, you won't be disappointed. I'll give you a fair fight if we so happen to cross paths."

All Katsuki did was smirk before he said, "That's all I needed to hear."

Just than they jumped when they heard Floyd shout, "HEY! PISS FOR BRAINS!? YOU BETTER NOT BE SAYING WEIRD STUFF TO REINA-CHAN!"

"I'M NOT, QUIT ASSUMING CRAP!!" Katsuki yelled back at him.

"OH YOU REALLY WANNA DIE HUH, BUB?!" Floyd shouted as his quirk came out.

"BRING IT YOU WOLVERINE WANNABE!" Katsuki shouted back with his hands beginning to spark.

"SERIOUSLY!?" Reina shouted, "RIGHT NOW!?"

"WHOA GUYS DON'T FIGHT HERE!" Gio yelled as he went to break them up.



"LET ME AT THE ASSHOLE!" Katsuki yelled trying to get Denki to let him go.


"Why do they always do stuff like this?" Kyoka asked Reina.

"I have no idea." Reina said with a shrug.

Lena soon heard down the hall, "Hey, what's taking so lo--" She cut herself off when she saw Katsuki and Floyd about to start a fight. She soon yelled, drawing up a weapon for herself, "Okay you two--KNOCK IT OFF!" She hit them both on the head making the two of them hit the ground hard.

"Ow…" Katsuki groaned.

"Can I get one day ONE DAY without you guys murdering EACH OTHER?!" Lena yelled as she held her bat. "YOU REALIZE HOW MUCH PAPER WORK I HAVE TO DO BECAUSE OF BOTH OF YO STUPIDASSES?! ESPECIALLY BAKUGOU!"

Floyd moaned in agony as he replied, "Oh, that's gonna say how in the morning.."


"Are they gonna be okay?" Izuku asked.

"Not after the sports festival they aren't!" Lena said "When this is over I swear, your gonna-"

Before Lena could finish, she felt a chill in the air as if someone was looking down. "Hey, Aihara-sensei?" Toru said, "Who's that at the end of the hallway?"

"Hey booger breath. Are you here?" A voice familiar to Lena asked. Lena started to cringe as she said "Oh shit...not him."

"Is it just me, or does Lena-senpai look scared?" Reina asked as she leaned over to Izuku.

"I think she does." Izuku replied.

"That's a bit hard to believe…" Ochaco added.

"What could have Aihara-sensei looked like that I wonder…" Tenya said.

They soon saw someone step forward into the hall stepping towards Class 1-A. They saw it had been in a man, who looked to be in his mid-thirties, having the same colored skin as Floyd and Lena. His hair was black that was spiked up slightly and he wore a casual black suit on. He had a blue beret on his head, and he had an art tablet attached to him, and a sketchbook on the other.

"Hey Lil Bro Floyd! Lil Izu! And Rei-Rei! It's been a long while! How are you doing?!" He said with a smile.

Reina, Izuku and Floyd soon recognized the voice.

"Wait a minute… Isn't that--?" Reina started to say, before she was cut off by Floyd.

"Big Brother Aaron?!" Floyd said with a smile as he got up off the floor.

"You have a brother!?" Gio exclaimed.

"Aihara did say he has a big family." Momo told him.

"At least he doesn't have 10 sisters..." Chouko said, sounding relieved.

"What are you doing here?" Izuku asked, "I thought you had a mission in Germany!"

Aaron replied with a smile, "Yeah! Already finished in the nick of time!"

"Wow, that's the power of Art Frenzy for ya!" Yuga said with a smile.

"Oh yes, butt brain." Lena said with a forced smile "Sup ugly?"

"Is that supposed to be a smile?" Aaron said with a smile of his own. "I see this is your newest job after that restaurant fiasco huh?"

"For the record buster, that dude was groping on me and other female waitresses!"

"I did try to warn you but you wouldn't listen to me."


"Wow, and I thought you and Bakugou-chan were worse-ribbit." Tsuyu said, turning to Floyd.

Floyd laughed a little before he said, "Yeah Big Brother Aaron always tried to keep Lena out of trouble but trouble follows him too. Been like that since they were kids."

"So Aaron-san, what brings you back to Japan?" Reina asked as she approached him.

"Why the school festival of course!" Aaron replied as he pinched Lena in the ear, "Wanted to wish you, Izuku and my little brother good luck in this! Not to mention it's been a while since I saw my darling lil sister here!"

"I'll give you the count of 5 to let go or you die." Lena said with a scowl.

Aaron merely said with a smile, "that's nice"

Floyd said to his brother with the biggest grin on his face, "Thanks Big Bro!"

Katsuki finally stood up from the floor rubbing his face, before he finally noticed Aaron. "Oh it's you." He said with a sneer.

"Nice to see you too, Bakugou." He was all he said as a greeting. He soon looked at his watch as he saw the time, "Hey, what are we standing around talking for!? You guys gotta get into that stadium!"

"THAT'S WHAT THEY WERE DOING UNTIL PISS FOR BRAINS AND FLOYD HERE STARTED TROUBLE!" Lena yelled before she was bonked on the head by Aaron.

Aaron soon said to Class 1-A, "Well if we're done here. What do you say we get going?!"

"Yeah!" The whole class cheered.

With that being said, the whole class stepped forward, into the blinding light before they were greeted with a huge crowd that had been cheering loudly at the classes that came into the stadium. Reina's expression brightened a little when she heard a familiar voice over the speakers just before they stepped outside.

"Pay attention, audience!" They heard Hizashi, who had also been known as Present Mic, say, "Swarm mass media! This year's high school rodeo of adolescence you all love, is about to begin! Everybody!? Are you ready!?"

The crowd cheered loudly at this just as Class 1-A and the other classes from the same course stepped into the arena.

"It's time to introduce the students from the first year stage!" Hizashi said with enthusiasm, "These are the students who overcame the enemy attacks with hearts of steels! The Hero Course! Class 1-A!!"

Just as they came into view from the camera's and everyone's eyes, the crowd couldn't help but cheer loudly making most of Class 1-A praise the cheers; only two of them seemed nervous, and that was Reina and Izuku as they both shook as they walked.

"Oh goodness me…" Reina said as her voice quivered, "... They're so many people…"

"All these eyes… Just staring at us…" Izuku said, with his voice shaking too.

Floyd jumped onto the both of them putting his arms around their shoulders, as he waved to the crowd. He said to them encouragingly, "Just smile and wave you two. Smile and wave."

Floyd gave a lot of waves and smiles while he winked to the ladies. Some of them blushed, some of them screeched as they fainted while others couldn't help but groan in disgust at this. "Oh dang." Gio said, "I guess you don't have that many fans."

"Bite me." Floyd said with disdain.

In a next second Gio bit him on the shoulder which made most of their classmates jump while Floyd let out a screech.

"DUDE! JUST A SAYING!" Floyd yelled as he tried to get him off of him.

"But you said bite you." Gio said as he pulled back

Floyd yelled at him as he bonked him on the head, "I didn't mean literally!"

"I wonder if we'll be able to do our best today with all these people watching…" Ochaco said.

"... In any case, this is all part of training to become a Hero." Tenya said.

"Man, everyone's going overboard with the praise!" Eijirou said, "It's making me a little nervous!"

"Me too." Chouko said, "How about you Bakugou-san? Aren't you nervous?"

"Nah." Katsuki said with his usual smile, "I'm just getting more into this."

"Of course." Reina and Izuku said in unison.

Floyd said to Katsuki sticking his tongue out to him just as they stood in front of a stage that had been at the center of the stadium, "Show off."

"They haven't been getting much as much airtime, but this class is full of talent!" They heard Hizashi say, "Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the Hero Course, Class 1-B!"

They turned and saw the crowd of students from Class 1-B come to where they were standing. There Reina caught a glimpse of a familiar girl with quills instead of regular hair, shooting a glare over in her direction; Reina shrank a bit at her gaze as she looked away from her. Another student from that Class looked at Floyd in a way. she played with her long blonde hair and her horns as she blushed. While Floyd, considering he hates Class 1B as a whole, gave a threatening glare to their direction. The girl shrunk as she looked away from his gaze.

The next set of students from each course came into the stadium, gathering around the stage just as Hizashi had announced them. "Next up, from general studies, Classes C, D, and E! Support course, Classes F, G and H are here too! And the business course, Classes I, J, and K!"

The crowd cheered as the students gathered around, most of the students started to chatter, when they noticed Reina in the crowd. Reina could swear she started to hear them talk about her, of course most of them had been negative comments. Despite the crowd being loud with their cheers, she could hear the words being said about her.

"It's her, the little scammer."

"That damn teacher's pet."

"They really allowed her to come here."

"She's going to cheat her way to the top, just like how she got into this school."

"They should probably just ban her altogether."

Her body shook at their words as she squeezed her sword; She put her hands over her ears to try to block them out but she couldn't. Katsuki took notice of this as he did the only thing he could think of. He put his hand on her head, making her freeze up. She felt him give a couple of pats, as she couldn't help but turn pink at his actions. She smiled in gratitude to him which made him avoid her gaze.

"It's time for the player pledge!"

The students were drawn to their voices as they looked onto the stage in front of them. Most of the boy's started to get nosebleeds when they saw a familiar woman, with long black hair and wearing a skin tight suit with a black breastless leotard with translucent black thigh-high stockings and a pair of black knee high boots. She had crystal blue eyes with glasses, and had a pair of handcuffs on her wrists and with the utility belt around her waist.

"Oh no, the umpire this year is Nemuri-san." Reina said as she facepalmed herself at the outfit she had on.

Floyd said as he drooled a little, "Who?"

"She's also known as the R-Rated Hero, Midnight to the public, and one of the pro-heroes I've known since I was a kid..." Reina told him, "... As you can see she lives up to her Hero name. Also..."

She slapped the back of his head as said to him, "Eyes on the game, Romeo."

"Excuse me Princess." Floyd said as he suddenly had on a green pointed hat.

"Where did you get that hat?" Gio asked.

"What in the world is she wearing?" Eijirou asked as his face was a little red.

"Well, that's the R-Rated Hero for ya." Denki said as his face was red too.

"Is it really okay for her to be a high school teacher even though she's R-Rated?" Fumikage asked curiously.

"YES!" Mineta yelled as he had his thumbs up.

Floyd and Reina hit him on the head as they both yelled, "EYES OFF YOU PERVERT!!"

"Quiet now everyone!" Nemuri said, "Representing the students is not one but three students from Class 1-A! Please come up to the stage… Katsuki Bakugou, Reina Nouki, and Floyd Aihara!"

The Class looked to the three of them surprised; Katsuki had a neutral expression on his face while Floyd and Reina were both shocked.

"Wait, what!?" Reina exclaimed as she started to sweat up a storm again.

Floyd soon said with a smile, "Alrighty!"

Katsuki soon walked ahead of them, and soon Floyd started to follow, while Reina walked up to the stage hesitantly.

"Alright bro! Go tell 'em what for!" Gio said with a smile.

"I didn't think the three of them would get to say the pledge!" Izuku said, shocked.

"Yeah I didn't think so either!" Sero added.

"Well, the three of them did tie up at first place in the Entrance Exam." They heard one of the students say from general studies.

"In the hero course, why am I not surprised?" Another student said with a bit of harshness in her tone of voice.

"Of course they would choose the Terrible Trio." Another student said a sneer. "A cheater, a foreigner and a bastard."

"It's obvious those guys hate us." Denki said to his classmates, "And we have Bakugou to thank for that."

"Yeah… He just had to go and aggravate them." Mineta said.

Reina stepped up onto the steps with Katsuki and Floyd and noticed a single microphone standing before them. Reina let out a gulp as her body shook even harder when she looked at the crowd. "I actually have to say something to the people here!?" Reina exclaimed in her thoughts, "This is insane! What do they expect me to say!?"

"Floyd Aihara?" Nemuri said as she motioned him to step forward, "Won't you start us off?"

Floyd nodded with a smile as he stepped forward to the mic. Reina was surprised as ever as she saw Floyd say to the crowd with a confident smile, "I pledge on this day to not only win this for me, my friends and the amazing Class 1-A, but for my family here too! Both here and in the states! I pledge to give it my all--200%! PLUS ULTRA!"

The whole crowd cheered and chanted Plus Ultra as Floyd gave one more wave to them. He quickly made his way off stage before he turned to Reina, "Good luck Reina-chan!"

"Next to speak, Reina Nouki!" Nemuri soon said, making Reina freeze up slightly at this. She stepped up to the microphone moving her arms and legs in sync with each other. She nearly tripped on herself when she hit the mic but quickly caught it before it could hit the ground; some of the students behind her, snickered at this as she fixed up the mic, while there was some awkward chatter in the crowd just in front of her.

Even up in the box where Shota and Hizashi sat they noticed how Reina behaved. "Oh boy, she's nervous." Hizashi said awkwardly.

"Of course she is." Shota said, shaking his head.

Reina straightened out the mic and laughed nervously at this. She tried to form words but had difficulty doing so as her hands shook. She felt like her tongue was glued to the top of her mouth as she tried to say something. Any word that came to the top of her head became clear, though as she tried to move her mouth to say something out loud she couldn't bring herself to do it. She felt her heart race as she tried to calm herself down. Though she felt as though she was drowning at this point as she felt her vision go fuzzy.

Different thoughts seemed to rush to her head as she felt herself on the verge of freaking out.

"I can't do this! I can't do this! What do they expect me to say!? What am I even supposed to say!? Why am I even up here!? They know I can't do this! This is stupid! This is pointless! What am I supposed to say!? What do I do!? What do I do!?"

Reina had soon snapped out of her thoughts when someone took her by the arm. She was quick to realize that it had been Katsuki, though she still felt her heart race. "Give us a minute." He told Nemuri before he pulled her to the side of the stage.

"Oh God! Oh God Katsuki-kun!" Reina said as she clinged onto his arm as she began to hyperventilate, "Who am I kidding!? I can't do this! I can't say anything to these people! This was a mistake! I should just go while I still have the--!"

"Reina!" Katsuki said, taking her face into his hands, making her freeze up again, "Stop freaking out."

Reina looked Katsuki in the eyes as she still took uneven breaths though it had been soft so Nemuri wouldn't hear her. "You know how to breathe don't you?" Katsuki said as he took notice of her uneven breaths, "So do it."

Reina did as she was told and took a deep inhale before she exhaled through her nose; Katsuki finally let go of her face. "Feel better?" He asked her.

"Still freaking out internally, but I'm a bit better." Reina replied as her hands still shook, "What am I supposed to say right now? Everytime I try to, my tongue is just stuck in the back of my throat!"

Katsuki stood there calmly on the other hand giving her a quizzical look. Reina found her stepping back a bit when she found Katsuki's face close to hers; her nose almost touched his. "What are you doing?" Reina asked as her face turned red for about the fiftieth time today. Only after a moment did he pull back, giving her space.

"I think I figured out the problem." Katsuki said casually.

"And what wou--OUCH!" Reina started to ask before she got cut off when she felt a spike of pain on the side of her head; Turns out Katsuki slapped her. "You're thinking too much up here." He said, putting his finger to her head, "You're already thinking about the outcome, when really you shouldn't."

"Shouldn't!?" She couldn't help but exclaim, before she started to whisper when she saw Nemuri looking in their direction "You expect me to think any different!? I've never done this before in my life! And it's scaring the hell out of me! I can't be like you or Floyd-kun! I can't just say whatever the hell I want to this whole crowd!"

"You're basically repeating yourself at this point, Lollipop Head." He told her, "... Look, you were able to pass the Entrance Exams and fight off a couple of those Villain bastards. How could this be any different?"

"I'll tell you how it's different! One, the only reason why I passed the Exams was because I got lucky, and as for the USJ, I was just acting out on emotions, which isn't very Hero like at all!"

Katsuki slapped her in the head again, which made her cringe again, "Why do you keep doi--!?"

"Stop." Katsuki said cutting her off, "You ain't gonna get anywhere if you're gonna let this crowd get the better of you. This is merely a walk around the block compared, what you, what WE had to go through! The events are gonna be the same thing, because you'll show the world what you're made of! So don't let fear stop you from doing the thing you love."

Reina had been taken back by what he said at the end, and for a moment she could almost swear that there was a fence standing between her and him before her very eyes putting her in a hypnotic state. He noticed that her expression changed but decided not to make a big deal out of it as he continued snapping her out of her trance, as he saw her shake her head.

"If you keep over thinking you're just gonna end up right back where you started. Don't think about what you want to say..." Katsuki said, before he pointed to her chest, "... Say it from right here."

Reina took his words, as she placed her hands over her heart; She felt her breathing go at a regular pace as she was more relaxed than before. She thought about what Katsuki had been saying, and saw that he had been right. She had been overthinking on this, when in reality she shouldn't. Finally she had her words set, and she looked more confident than she did before, which Katsuki was glad to see. Though he didn't show it through a simple smile as his expression remained the same; his eyes however, she saw that it had brightened which was more than enough for her.

Without another word to each other, she stepped back to the microphone as she stood tall and held her head high.

"To those here now, and to those watching at home…" She started to say, making the crowd go silent, "... Today is a new beginning for not only myself, but for my classmates as well. Today's the day that we may hope to take one step closer to our goal, to Pros that are with us today! I will not lie, I have something to prove as well." Reina looked to the crowd sitting in their seats before she set her eyes on the box just above, where she knew the other Pros sat; taking a deep breath before she continued.

"... Some of you may be familiar with me. And most of you in a sense… Look at me differently. Today I hope to make you see me, in a way other people in my life have seen me. As who I am. As who I've always been. I'm not looking to take home the gold or anything, but… Today I pledge… To myself, and to those in my class… That we will prove our strengths to the Pro Heroes, to our families and friends watching us! We will show you all what we're made of! We will reach new heights from here on out and for the next three years that will come! We will go beyond—PLUS ULTRA!"

Reina raised her fist high in the air as if the battle had been won. The crowd clapped and cheered loudly at Reina's words, even her classmates cheered for her. The other students in the course had a bit of mixed feelings as some cheered while most stayed silent. Reina turned to walk off the stage, but not before she turned to Nemuri.

"Was I okay?" She asked in a hushed tone.

"Reina my darling you were perfect." Nemuri said with a smile, "I bet even Aizawa is proud of your words."

Reina laughed a little at this, "... Wouldn't that be the day."

Nemuri gave her a wink and a smile before she ushered Reina to go back to the crowd. Just before Reina went back she turned to Katsuki; she noticed that his expression for the first time was in awe, and saw a little pink on his cheeks and seemed to be in a hypnotized state himself.

"Katsuki-kun?" She said, waving a hand in front of his face, snapping him out of it, "Did I do good?"

Katsuki rubbed the back of his neck before he replied turning his head to the side, "... Yeah. You did."

Reina smiled at this before giving him a pat on the shoulder making him jump, "Thanks, Mr. Number One."

With that she proceeded to rejoin her class, as she didn't know that Katsuki gave her a smile while her back was turned. The next thing she knew she was crowded around by her own classmates as she had gotten nothing but praise.

"Rei-Rei, that was amazing!" Mina commented.

"That was the best speech I've ever heard!" Gio added.

"You made a great comeback!" Rikido said.

"You really are the best at improvising!" Sero said.

"I couldn't have put it better myself." Momo said.

Tsuyu had added, "I was a bit worried about you, but you were able to manage after all huh Reina-chan?"

"You really have a way with words don't ya?" Kyoka said with a smile.

"You really are cool Reina-chan!" Ochaco said as she couldn't help but jump a little.

Floyd soon commented as he jumped from behind Reina as he hugged her, "I knew you could do it, man!"

Izuku did the same thing as he said, "You were awesome up there Reina-chan!"

"Th--thanks." Reina said as she was a bit embarrassed at the praise she had gotten.

"Next to speak, is Katsuki Bakugou!" They soon heard Nemuri say. The whole class turned back to the stage as Katsuki stepped up to the microphone. Everyone had gone silent as they looked at Katsuki with a bit of curiosity in their eyes.

"What do you think he's gonna say?" Denki asked.

Floyd had suggested, "Probably something like I'll rise to the top than all you extras! Or "ALL OF YOU ARE SCUM!" Like he usually does."

"Nah, he wouldn't go that far would he?" Gio said as he went to scratch under his chin.

"I really hope not." Izuku said.

They watched Katsuki take a deep breath as they couldn't help but lean forward.

"I just want to say…" He started to say. The next thing he said pretty much put everyone into shock when he said, "... I'm gonna win."

The whole class screamed at this, as they yelled in unison excluding Reina who had just facepalmed herself, "I KNEW HE'D SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT!!!"

The whole crowd of students started to boo at him, shouting insults at him like "Sludge Boy" or "Bastard" or even a bit of both. Even Floyd had something to say as he yelled, "IDIOT! WHAT IS YOUR DAMAGE?!"


"It's not my fault your all just stepping stones to my victory." Katsuki said, pointing downward with his thumb.


"OH F*** THIS!" Floyd shouted as he rolled his sleeves "YOU'RE GONNA LEARN TODAY, BAKUGOU!"

"You really gonna try this, Half-Breed?" Katsuki said on the stage as he put his hands in his pockets.

"HELL YEAH I AM!" Floyd shouted as he got out his quirk again, "NINJAS GONNA LEARN TODAY!"

"Aihara-kun don't!" Mina shouted as she held him back. "You're gonna get disqualified if you fight Bakugou now!"


Reina suddenly punched him dead center in the face, making him fly a good few feet in the air. "WHAT GOOD IS IT GOING TO DO YA IF YOU GET YOUR ASS OUT OF THE SPORTS FESTIVAL BEFORE IT EVEN BEGINS, YOU INKY DINKY DUMBASS!?" Reina yelled, as he face planted in the ground.

Everyone was in awe after seeing what just happened, while looking embarrassed again as she laughed nervously.

"Ha! Serves that American right!" Kuriruzu said with a smirk.

"Especially with that prank he pulled the other day on us! Payback's a bitch, huh Aihara?!" One of the students from General Studies said.

Floyd groaned as he said while he flipped them off, "Go suck eggs.."

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Shouted Tetsutetsu "I'LL MESS YOU UP!"

"Try me bitch.." Floyd said with a smirk.

"Geez, What is he? Bruce Willis all of a sudden?" Kuriruzu asked.

"How Vulgar.." Hitoshi replied "Wouldn't wanna face him in the matches for sure."

One of the same students with blonde hair said, "Wow, is this Class 1-A power couple now?"

"WE'RE NOT A COUPLE! QUIT ASSUMING CRAP!" Floyd and Reina shouted with their faces red as a tomato.

"They even shout like one too." The General Studies group said in unison.

"THAT'S JUST COINCIDENCE!!" Floyd and Reina yelled again before looking at each other and said."STOP SHOUTING WHEN I AM!" The two decided to pinch each other's faces as they shouted.

"Oh boy.." Josephine said from where she had sat, which had been with some of the Pro Heroes in the VIP section.

"Here comes the chewing out.." Joji said with a sigh.

In the box where Shota and Hizashi had been, Shota couldn't help but give a sigh as he said to Hizashi, "Remind me to chew out Lead Zeppelin and Caligraphine later?"

"Sure thing." Hizashi said, face palming himself.

Shota couldn't help but look at the two of them, as they both started to argue with each other; He soon had a thought, "Out of all the problem kids in the world, other than Bakugou, that Aihara kid takes the cake. It's no wonder Reina's taken a liking to him."

Katsuki took his leave on the stage to rejoin his classmates, and Nemuri cleared her throat so as to get everyone's attention on her. "Well other than that, let's get the game started right away!" Nemuri said to both the students and the audience, "The first game is what you would call the qualifier! Every year, many drink their tears here! Now here is the fateful first game!"

A screen appeared just behind her showing what looked to be a slot machine that some would see at a casino, stopping at Obstacle Race.

"An obstacle race?" Izuku said intrigued.

Floyd had added, "Hey not so bad."

"... It's just like Shota told me." Reina thought in her head.

Nemuri soon started to explain the event as the screen showed a diagram of what they would be doing, "All eleven classes will participate in this race. The course will be the outer circumference of this stadium--about four kilometers! Our school's selling point is freedom!" She licked her lips causing some of the students to flinch at this while most of the boys had a nosebleed, "As long as you stay on the course, it doesn't matter what you do!"

"I should be excited but why am I scared for some reason?" Floyd said as he squeak.

"What's the matter, Raku-Darling?" Reina said as she teased him while making a baby face, "Not your type of woman?"

Floyd immediately turned red as he went to wipe up the nosebleed, "Shut up, Chitoge!"

"Now everyone!" Nemuri said, pointing to the starting line with her flogger, "Take your places!"

The students soon crowded over at the red gate that shined a couple of green lights. Reina stood at the very back with her classmates mentally preparing herself for what was about to come her way. She started to do leg warm ups and stretched her arms a little with a look of determination.

She started to have a thought in her head, "Shota… Everyone… Just watch me. Today I'll do my best. Even if I don't get to the top… I'll show you that the training wasn't all for nothing. I'll make you all proud"

Reina picked up her head to look forward, and was taken back a bit when she saw someone different in the crowd. In fact it was someone that was familiar to her; it was the same boy she had been seeing, wearing her own red hat. He was standing beside two people. One of them was of herself as a child, as she looked happy to be beside the boy, tugging on his hand. The second was a woman; her hair was purple like her but was in a lighter shade, and the other half of her hair was green unlike her aqua green hair. Her appearance other than her short bob style cut hair was hard to tell as Reina tilted her head slightly.

"What in the…?"

She started to slowly walk towards the people she saw in front of her; her eyes had been focused on the woman in particular as she reached out to her.

"...I've… I've seen her before."

Just as she was within reach with the woman before her, she heard the buzzer sound off causing her to jump; the three people disappeared the moment she blinked.

"START!" She heard Nemuri yell before she was bushed by the ground of students through the red gate.