Beware the Silver Eyes PT2


This chapter might get disturbing for some readers in the flashback part of this. If you feel uncomfortable, I don't blame you, nor do my fellow co-writers. Let's just say we draw inspiration from TV shows like Criminal Minds and Hawaii Five-O, and anime like Death Note, Devilman Crybaby, Berserk (The 1997 anime and original manga) and Goblin Slayer.

Seriously though, if you feel uncomfortable while reading this we won't hold against you, choose to skip the flashbacks and get into the Reina vs Kuriruzu fight. You have been warned.


-Sometime Ago; 64-28 Jabba Road-

Izuku and Katsuki found the address to where it was supposed to be. Both were taken back as they saw the navigation app lead them to an abandoned mall, just near the outside of the city. The abandoned mall had been surrounded by a barbed wire fence, with signs attached to the fence wall. Some of the signs were warning signs that warned others of vermain on the premises, while most of them had read "Keep Out" and "Trespassers will be prosecuted"

"I remember this place." Izuku said as he looked around the area, "It was supposed to replace the Wookie Outlet Mall, but they found out Villains were running it, and they were trying to scam people. The Pro Heroes and the police ended up shutting the mall down on the week it opened."

"Nouki is somewhere inside this place huh?" Katsuki concluded as he glanced at her phone.

"Why would someone want to meet her here?" Izuku couldn't help but wonder aloud.

"Let's find out, shitty nerd!"

Before Izuku could react he felt Katsuki grab a hold of the neck of his shirt and found himself flying over the fence, almost hitting the barbed wire. His face planted on the floor as he let out a groan.

"Kaa-chan!" Izuku said as he recovered, trying not to be too loud, "Don't do that without giving me warning!"

"Think fast Deku!" Katsuki soon said before he threw Reina's and his bag over the fence. Izuku let out a squeak as he quickly scrambled to catch the two bags. After rolling up his sleeves and stretching a little, he used his Quirk to fly over the fence with just one blast. He landed on the ground with ease before he took his bag and hers from Izuku, making him jump.

"You're slow Deku!" He said, "Move your ass already!"

"O-Okay!" Izuku said as he stood up moving forward.

The two of them proceeded to enter the abandoned mall. Much to their surprise however they found the boarded up door opened slightly; They couldn't help but find this odd. They stepped inside and they could almost swear they were walking through a movie set of an apocalyptic setting. Many of the stores within looked to be either ransacked or destroyed.

Graffiti had been seen written across the walls at almost every corner and the air felt cold as there had been no heat provided; there was barely any light as they had been using their phones to see what had been ahead of them. Rats scurried across , eating whatever garbage had been left on the floor.

They stepped on broken glass and what looked to be used needles; Izuku couldn't help but shiever at the sight of them.

"I guess… Other people tend to come around here." Izuku said fearfully as he gulped, "... Did Reina-chan get herself involved in this?"

"Like hell she would let herself sink that low!" Katsuki said, "She may be an idiot but she's not stupid!"

"Still… What do you think she's doing here, in a place like this?"

"Why do you think we're here in the first place Deku!? Shut your mouth and keep your eyes--"

They both had been startled when they heard the sound of an agonizing scream. Immediately they knew who the voice belonged to as they quickly followed where the scream came from; they picked up the pace as they heard the sound of something heavy falling onto the floor. Eventually they found that the scream came from what had used to be the food court, that was on the lower levels. Slowly they made their way down towards the runned down escalator so as to not draw attention to themselves as they entered the desolated area.

They quickly ducked behind a seating booth as they saw a familiar girl skidding across the marble floor, still wearing the outfit the hospital provided, though it had been stained with dirt and red now. She had been barefoot as they saw fresh cuts on her; her face had been flushed with red due to the fever caused by the wounds and she had been visibly sweating. She stood up from the ground, struggling to do so as whoever had hit her approached her.

The person that approached her was a teenager, who looked to be in highschool, standing at a height of 7 foot 3. His had been covered by a dragon's mask as he had worn nothing but black. Two people stood behind him, wearing masks over their faces.

"That mask belongs to--!" Izuku whispered.

"The Black Knights?" Katsuki said just as surprised as Izuku was, "What the hell are they--?"

"Did you honestly think you would get away with this!?" They heard the person, who was assumed to be the leader, say to her aggressively before she hit her again. The two of them jumped when they heard Reina cry out in agony.

The person said to her as he grabbed her hair roughly, "You know what we do with traitors right?"

"Go to hell you son of a bitch!" Reina spat in his face, "I wasn't going to let you or your people get away with murder!"

Izuku and Katsuki turned to one another as they had no idea what they were talking about. Though it hadn't been long before their attention had been drawn back to Reina, when they saw the person holding her by the hair.

"Oh you have quite the mouth on you huh?!" The man said to her angrily, "You know what happened to the last dude that fought back, right? Couldn't even talk for as long as he lived. You could've just sat by and done as you were told, but no… You lead my best people into a trap, and them to the police on a silver platter!"

Reina gave out a couple of coughs before she said, "I couldn't let them do it! Stealing, blackmailing and vandalizing is one thing, but… Killing students from UA is crossing the line!"

Izuku and Katsuki's eyes widened at this; These people tried to kill other students from UA? It was something unbelievable.

"UA? Who were they again? Oh yes, the elite runts." The person said, as he pulled out what looked to be a knife, "Heh, serves them right anyway! Looking over us common folk like we don't exist! Full of spoiled brats who come from rich families who love to play heroes but no one knows what happens behind the scenes!"

"That's hardly a reason to kill them!" Reina told him as she struggled to stand back up, "I don't even care if you bastards got dirt on me, I couldn't stand by and watch!"

He held the knife to her cheek as he grabbed her hair again, "Oh, you don't care huh? Then maybe you wouldn't care if we took your life then?"

Izuku's eyes widened in horror at this, "Kaa-chan! They're going to kill her!" He whispered as he couldn't help but cling to him, "We gotta do something!"

"Don't talk to me, shitty nerd I'm thinking!" Katsuki whispered to him as he started to survey the area around him.

Two of the guys' lackeys started to look fearful at this.

"H-Hey Boss! She's just a kid! Don't you think that's going too far?" One of them asked.

"SHUT UP!" Shouted the boss as he smacked his comrade; he let go of Reina as he did this.

"Sir he's right!" He said, "That guy, Overhaul, told us that we can't do anything to her! What if he ends up--"

"I SAID SHUT UP!" He shouted as he cut one of them on the arm before he proceeded to brutally hit him with only sheer force and continued cuts, causing Reina to freeze up.

Izuku put his hand over his mouth so as not to make a sound as they watched the scene play out before them. Both him and Katsuki tried to think of what was the best course of action to help Reina out of this situation. It wasn't long when they spotted an empty food stand across the way far from where Reina had been and they had the same idea as they saw what looked to be an old construction platform, only held together by metal bars.

"Kaa-chan…" He said.

"Yeah, I know." Katsuki said before he pointed to an item next to them, "Hand me that can."

The leader soon turned back to Reina as she tried to get away. He hit her on the back and pinned her to the ground, holding the knife high in his hand.

"OH NO YA DON'T!" He said stuffing her face into the floor, "You ain't escaping from me. I'll make you suffer so badly, you're gonna wish you hadn't done what you did!"

"I'd do it again in a heartbeat if it meant they could live." Reina said despite being scared of what was going to happen right now as tears were threatening to fall.

"Hey now, playing the hero just like in the movies huh?, You sound just like one of those UA brats before I killed her. Good thing we had a little fun with her before that happened. I'll admit, her boyfriend made the perfect shield for us before he went to waste. Till Death do them part I guess."

Reina's eyes widened at this, "You--" She said, "--You're no Villain, you're a monster!"

The leader merely snickered at this, "Hey, this is how the Villains business works kid! Once you get in, anything goes! Rape, murder, blackmail, robbery, any kind of crime really. It's nothing but a--FREE FOR ALL!"



The leader soon stopped what he was doing as he had been drawn to a sound just on the other side of the food court. He clicked his tongue as he stood, not before kicking her in the gut causing her to cough up blood.

"STAY THERE!" He yelled before getting two of his men up, "GET UP SLACKERS! HELP ME CHECK OUT THAT COMMOTION!"

Thus the three of them left as Reina bled onto the floor. Once they were far enough, Izuku and Katsuki quickly moved, sticking low to the ground as they approached her as she laid still.

"Hey, Nouki!" Katsuki whispered while he shook her gently, "Can you hear me?"

"Reina-chan!" Izuku whispered, "It's us! We're here to get you out of here!"

They took notice as she breathed soft yet raspy; the sweat off her brow dripped onto the floor. "She's unconscious." He said to Katsuki before he felt her forehead, "This isn't good, her fevers get worse."

Katsuki clicked his tongue at this before he mumbled a curse. He removed his jacket so as to protect her from the cold. "Quick Deku, get her on my back!" He told Izuku as he turned around, holding his hands out. Izuku merely nodded before he worked quick. Taking Reina from under her shoulders he gently eased her against Katsuki, quickly making sure the coat didn't fall off of her.

Katsuki put his hands under her legs and adjusted his hold on her before he stood. Just when they were about to make their way back up the escalator—


Izuku and Katsuki turned when they saw a light flash onto them. They turned and realized that they had been spotted. "Oh crap!" Izuku exclaimed fearfully.

The leader yelled as he soon pulled out a gun, "PUT THE BITCH DOWN! I'M NOT DONE PUNISHING HER!"

"LIKE HELL I'D DO THAT ASSHOLE!!" Katsuki yelled.

He held out one his hands and created a huge explosion as to both blind and stall them, nearly bringing the whole roof down.

"MOVE YOUR ASS, DEKU!!" Katsuki yelled before he started to sprint; Izuku had been quick to follow behind him, running as fast as he could.

The explosion had been quick to die down, though the leader looked less than thrilled.

"DON'T JUST STAND THERE!!" He yelled to the two of his lackeys, "GET THEM AND BRING HER BACK!!"

With hesitation the men started to go after Katsuki and Izuku, giving the two of them chase.


-Present; UA Sports Festival-

Most of the crowd started to cheer at the fact that Reina started to finally use her Quirk. However most of the students from the other courses were just confused, as they saw her eyes were now of silver instead of her usual odd eye color, and she had a cold look in her eye as she had a small smile on her face.

"Does Reina-chan seem… Different to anyone?" Tsuyu asked.

"Yeah…" Ochaco said, "... And look at her eyes, they changed color."

"Could that be a part of her Quirk…?" Tenya wondered.

"Why do I feel like we're staring at a different Reina right now?" Denki asked as he shivered.

"I'm getting a dominatrix vibe coming from her now." Mineta said, "I didn't realize her taste ran in THAT direction."

Floyd gulped as he turned to Izuku, noticing the look he had on his face, "I got a bad feeling about this,man."

Izuku didn't seem to have heard him as he said with a gulp, "Those--Those eyes…" He thought to himself, "They're the same as back then!"

Katsuki said nothing as he stood still; he tightened his grip on the charm. Eijirou noticed the look in his eyes as did Chouko as they both wondered why he had a certain look as he focused only on Reina.

On the stage Kuriruzu had no idea why, but she had been shakin where she stood. And she didn't do anything as of yet, right now she was only stretching!

"What the hell is going on!?" She exclaimed in her head, "What's wrong with me!? She's supposed to be nothing more than a scared little girl! Why am I even shaking!? Why is she giving off this kind of aura!?"

She jumped when she heard Reina breathe what sounded to be a relaxed sigh as she cracked her neck. "It's been awhile hasn't it?" Reina said, shaking out her hands, "As always I've got him to thank for this. Wonder how long it's been? Two, maybe three years at least? I remember clearly... Last time I was like this I had to save their asses after they saved mine. It was really troublesome, but it was worth it to let it all out of my system given what they were trying to do."

Kuriruzu's body shook when Reina made eye contact with her. "Wha--" She soon said, "--What are you!?"

"Now that's a ridiculous thing to ask." Reina said, as she attempted to move her paralyzed arm only to have it flop in the air, "I'm still the same girl you declared war on."

"No, you can't be!" She said, as she shook, "The Reina Nouki I remember was practically scared of her own shadow! She was intimidated by me and everyone else around her! How can you be her right now!?"

Reina let out an annoyed sigh, "That's really hard to explain, and something I hate telling people, considering that I'll only be like this for a short while. So…" Reina's grin seemed to have grown a bit wider as she licked her lips again, "... How about I just show you instead--Ma~hi~chan~?"

Before Kuriruzu could react, she found Reina suddenly fly towards her, leaving behind a pair of craters from where she jumped. She almost didn't have time to block her, just as she went to kick her. The kick had been so powerful it sent Kuriruzu flying, nearly out of the ring; Class 1-A jumped at this.

"What brute strength!" Fumikage said just amazed.

"You're telling me!" Chouko added, as she looked at her cousin.

"That can't be from her Quirk right?" Ochaco asked.

"When did Rei-Rei get so strong!?" Mina shouted.

"She must've been holding out on us." Kyoka suggested as she watched closely.

"Seriously, are we looking at the same girl from our class right now?" Rikido said, "She seems almost more violent now, you know?"

Koji couldn't help but nod at this as he didn't know whether to cheer for his classmate or be fearful. Fubuki looked to her as well, but she couldn't help but feel worried as she watched her go after her opponent with full force, giving her no time to attack at all.

Floyd couldn't help but say, as he watched his best friend fight, "I don't know whether to be scared or excited she's winning… Something ain't right about this." He turned over to Izuku and Katsuki, noticing the expression the two of them made.

Izuku looked fearfully and with worry to Reina while Katsuki had a concerned look in his eyes as he stood still.

Floyd couldn't help but think to himself at this as he eyed the two of them, "H-Hey. What's wrong with you two?"

"Reina-chan…" He heard Izuku say nervously, "... You have to be okay…"

Yo Earth to Izu!" Floyd said to Izuku as he snapped his fingers.

"Come on Reina…" Katsuki said softly as his body shook a little.

After what seemed like an eternity, Kuriruzu finally went to attack back; She managed to push Reina back before she removed five of her quills from her head. She kept some of them as she threw them towards her.

Reina didn't let this stop her however as she with a wave of her hand the quills either ended up getting sliced or stopped in mid-air.

"You're gonna have to try harder than that if you want to take me down, Mahi-chan." Reina said, in a taunting voice as her look and smile seemed cold.

"DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME THAT!" Kuriruzu shouted as she charged, moving to punch her right in the face.

With Reina lifting her hand, Kuriruzu found herself stopping just mere centimeters away from her cheek.

"What in the--!?"

Kuriruzu cut herself off when she looked at her wrist. Even though nothing was there, even though Reina possessed no extra limbs of any kind…

She noticed something wrapped around her hand. She looked at Reina fearfully just as she started to speak again.

"You should know something about me Mahi-chan." Reina said as she noticed her nose started to bleed, "I consider myself to be someone who is selfless. The reason why I was holding back was because I didn't want to hurt you accidentally, despite how much you and most of your classmates hate me."

Kuriruzu's expression changed, from a look of fear to a look of confusion, before she let out a scream as she flipped her onto her back with whatever was holding her. "However…" Reina said as she headed over her, "... Even a person like me has a tipping point. I can handle what others say about me, or what you say, hell, even the pain sometimes… But…"

She lost her smile as she gave what looked to be a sneer, her silver eyes now bearing no reflection, "...When someone tarnishes one of my precious treasures well… That's when the safety's taken off the gun…"

Kuriruzu managed to get a hit on her as she had kicked her in the face, causing her to stumble a little. She felt that she had gotten free as she managed to stand herself back up; with a gulp Kuriruzu looked at her , having a sneer of her own.


Reina ground annoyingly at this, "Jesus… You remind me of a certain group of people that REALLY got on my nerves. Too stubborn and prideful to listen to yourselves talk is what you and those guys have in common. Aw well…"

A faint trail of blood had been seen just underneath her bandages, dripping just down her face, which Reina had been quick to notice as she wiped some of it away, "... I don't have much time left anyway… Might as well make it short and sweet."

Class 1-A looked up to the screen and noticed that blood started to come from her forehead. "Reina-san's head bleeding?" Momo said, "Was she injured before?"

"Other than that kick, I don't think so." Toru said.

"It was just like that in the second event too." Chouko thought aloud.

"Yeah…" Eijirou said, as he scratched under his chin, "... Weird…"

While Class 1-A pondered at the thought as to why her head had been bleeding, Izuku, Floyd, and Katsuki knew EXACTLY what this meant for their friend.

"Oh no…" Izuku said.

Floyd said with panic in his voice as he understood the situation, "Now I see what you're afraid of.."

"Reina…" Katsuki said still in a hushed tone, though he was worried about her too.

Thus the two charged at one another, both of them going at full force.

The two of them were quick in their movements as they started to punch and kick at one another, though Reina had proved to be a bit faster than she was, while Kuriruzu managed to get two hits on her, she managed to get five hits. She had been kicked up into the air as Kuriruzu gave her yet another look to kill. With the quills she had been holding she threw them towards her.

Reina quickly flipped back dodging a couple of her quills, before she made a dash for her sword. Kuriruzu practically made it rain quills as she pulled ten; throwing one at a time while she still had been in the air. With but a summer salt, she nearly managed to dodge a set, just as she had gotten the sword from off of the ground.

Just as Kuriruzu landed on the ground she let out a laugh, "Are you serious?! You still can't move your right arm! You won't be able to use your sword as well as you do!"

Reina chuckled, "Whoever said I was just right handed?"

Before Kuriruzu could ask, Reina had flown towards her with the help of her Quirk.

With a spin Reina went to hit her on the head, though Kuriruzu quickly ducked. That didn't stop her from attacking again, as she swung her sheathed blade. Just as she moved it created a small crater just from the sheer force Reina had been projecting from her physical strength.

"She's not as strong as All Might, but damn is she packing!" Gio said amazed by this.

"She's got her on the ropes now!" Mina said cheerfully.

"I didn't know she was also left-handed when it comes to her blade." Tsuyu said, "Reina-chan really is full of surprises."

"Go Reina-chan!!" Ochaco cheered, "You got this!!"

"Keep it up!!" Kyoka added.

"Reina-san!!" Fumikage and Momo yelled.

"Keep going, Reina!!" Sero, Denki and Eijirou cheered.

Koji and Fubuki pumped their fists in the air as if they were cheering themselves.

"You can win, Reina!!" Toru, Chouko, Mezo Tenya, and Mineta shouted.

Izuku, Floyd, even Katsuki had been surprised when their entire class cheered, when by all accounts they should've been afraid. If Reina had her mind right now she would be even more surprised that she had gotten the opposite reaction.

Despite their fears, despite their concerns, despite their questions that one of them had at least, they turned back to Reina down on the stage with all doubts and such gone.

"FIGHT REINA!!!" The three of them yelled loudly.

Reina kept on dodging Kuriruzu as she attacked, and pushing her back, with her sheathed sword, a punch or a kick. She soon found herself near the edge of the ring, with Kuriruzu too pissed off at the moment to even notice. Reina seemed to have an idea as she gave a smile yet again.

"I'M GONNA MAKE YOU PAY FOR LOOKING DOWN ON ME!!" Kuriruzu shouted as she went at her with her quills.


She pushed her hand away and managed to get behind her. Kuriruzu got out another quill and thrusted in her direction--

"Won't be needing this now." Reina said, dropping her sword suddenly. Using only one arm she grabbed her wrist; Kuriruzu found herself being pulled down when Reina got on one knee.

"Gotcha." She said with a wink.

Kuriruzu found herself being flipped into the air before she fell onto her back courtesy of Reina. The whole crowd had gone silent and the cheers of Kuriruzu had died down. She wondered why this could be as she scrambled off of her feet after getting out of Reina's grip. It was than she realized why as she looked down at her feet…

She was out of the ring.

Nemuri sighed with relief and happily said just as Reina stood up, "Kuriruzu Mahi is out of bounds! The winner of the first match is Reina Nouki of Class 1-A!"

At this the whole crowd cheered at Reina's victory; Class 1-A immediately did the same thing, though their cries of victory had been considered louder than the rest.

"SHE DID IT!!" Mina cheered, "REI-REI DID IT!!"

"HOORAY FOR REINA-CHAN!!" Ochaco yelled as she hugged Tsuyu.

"Thank goodness, ribbit!" Tsuyu said.

Fumikage couldn't help but sigh with relief, "Good job Reina-san."

"Thank God…" Chouko said just as relieved as her cousin was.

Gio cheered as he put an arm over Floyd's shoulder, "SHE DID IT BRO! REINA-CHAN WON!!"

Floyd yelled as he fried a confetti gun he drew up with the help of his Quirk, "YEAH! THAT'S OUR REINA NOUKI!"

"And you were afraid she was gonna lose~" Gio said to him teasingly.

Floyd bonked him on the head at this, "QUIT TELLING LIES! I'LL END YOU!"


"Yeah man, save it for your match at least." Sero said.

Floyd said to their Class rep as he put his head down, "Sorry, Tenya.."

Katsuki finally breathed out a sigh as he sat down in his chair, running a hand through his hair. "No need to look so nervous anymore man!" Eijirou said to Katsuki giving him a pat on the back, "Reina managed to pull through."

"Quiet shitty hair." Katsuki said in his usual tone of voice giving him his usual glare.

"That was quick!" Eijirou said surprised at this.

Down the stage Kuriruzu had still been left stunned as she stood frozen. Reina looked at her right arm and saw that she had been able to move it, which made her smile; she noticed that her vision started to get a little fuzzy.

"Just in time huh…?" She said as she heard a familiar rattle in her head; the world around her turning black and gray in her vision.

She turned over to Kururizu as she had looked at her as she started to distance herself after picking up her sword, "For what it's worth… I'm glad that we fought. It satisfied me till the very end."

Finally Reina stopped just as she was near the center of the stage but not far enough as she was still within earshot.

"Just do yourself a favor in the next second… And don't do something your gonna regret."

With that said, Reina fell on one knee as she let out a groan, grasping her head; taking Kururizu back a bit. When she picked up her head, her eyes changed back to that familiar odd color, and Kururizus was surprised…

She looked confused.

"Huh?" Reina said as she looked around, stumbling slightly as she stood, "What happened?" She groaned as she felt an intense ring, "Ow my head… Why does it hurt so much?"

"What…?" Kururizu said, getting her attention, "... The hell kind of game are you playing…?"

"Mahi?" Reina said surprised, "Wait, how are—-"

"Are you doing this on purpose? Are you trying to make fun of me…?"

"Make fun of… What are you saying? I don't understand what's…?"


Everyone had been taken back when Kuriruzu threw the quill she had been holding towards Reina despite the match being over and done with.

"REINA-CHAN WATCH OUT!!" Izuku yelled when he saw this.

Floyd shouted afterwards, "WAVE DASH IT!"

Reina let out a scream as she didn't know what to do at that moment and shut her eyes and covered her face. Luckily a cement wall appeared in front of her just in time courtesy of Ken Ishiyama AKA Cemantous; the crowd gasped at this and Class 1-A and B especially had been left shocked.

"Ken-san!" Reina exclaimed.

"Are you alright?" Ken asked as he went over to her.

Reina modded hesitantly and before she could say something, Kuriruzu went to charge at her.

"THIS FIGHT ISN'T OVER!! NOT UNTIL YOUR DOWN ON THE GROUND!!" She yelled, with her eyes filled with rage, pulling out another quill.

Someone managed to get between her and Reina before anything could happen. A familiar man wearing what looked to be a samurai outfit had blocked Kuriruzu's attack, looking less than pleased by what was happening.

"Oda-san?!" Reina said out of confusion and shock.

"GRANDPA?!" Floyd shouted from where he sat.

"THAT'S YOUR GRANDPA?!" Class 1-A excluding Izuku shouted.

"That old Lead samurai is here too?!" Katsuki said, just surprised.

"Why are you people protecting someone like her?!" Kururizu shouted as she was quickly restrained by Ken and Nemuri, "She's playing you all for a fool! I'm doing you all a favor!"

Oda sighed and turned to the girl, saying with an angry look of his own, "It's more like your doing yourself a favor.."

"The hell do you mean-" Before Mahl could shout she saw the look in Oda's eyes and froze for a second. The same enraging look that would strike fear in the heart of any enemy or anyone who antagonizes anyone close to him, including his family and friends.

"That same selfish attitude is how all heroes fall into villainy. The way you berate others because of your pride and boasting about your Quirk brings distaste to the role of being a pro-hero. Rest assured I'm not just speaking on behalf of her or my grandson you insulted.." Oda said to her in an enraged yet calm demeanor, "Here's a lesson for you..Kuriruzu was it? Know your place!"

With his hand he broke the quill Kuriruzu was aiming at Reina for, while Kuriruzu just took in what he had been saying.

"The next time you lay a hand on her again... I'll see that UA expels you from the premises, guaranteed!" Oda told her. "Unless you change your ways… You'll never be a great pro-hero.."

Reina on the other hand was still just confused as to what was happening as she had been struggling to stand.

"I don't understand… Why is this happening…?"

When she blinked she noticed the familiar boy with the red hat emerging from behind Oda. He approached her, taking her hand.

"Don't fight it, Rei-chan. It's okay." The boy said gently as he put both of his hands on hers, "It's time for you to sleep. Don't worry about anything else for now. Shut your eyes for awhile."

Reina found her vision becoming fuzzy as she looked to the young boy suddenly becoming relaxed; in the next moment she found herself falling into a black abyss with the ones around her calling her by name.

-Sometime Ago; Jabba Road-

Katsuki and Izuku managed to get far ahead from the Black Knights with Reina in tow. Izuku couldn't help but look back as he was worried about being followed.

"Keep looking ahead Deku!" Katsuki yelled to him, "We're almost out of this place!"

"Ri-right! Sorry!" Izuku said as he picked up the pace, "Look Kaa-chan! There's the door!"

They saw where they came in, and started to run a bit faster, though just as they were within reach, a gunshot suddenly, nearly hitting their toes.


Katsuki and Izuku saw the leader in front of them, holding a gun in his hand, having what looked to be a crazy look in his eye. He said to them threateningly, "Give me back the girl, she still has yet to be punished."

"Back off ya bastard!" Katsuki said as he tightened his hold on Reina, "I ain't gonna hand her over! Especially to the likes of you!"

The leader clicked his tongue at this, "This bitch deserves this for going against us! If you were in my shoes. You do the exact same thing!"

"Like hell we would, you goddamned psycho!" Katsuki yelled at him.

"W--We're not gonna let you do this to Reina-chan!" Izuku said to the leader, despite the fact that he was afraid, "She doesn't deserve this kind of treatment! Especially from someone like you!"

The leader clicked his tongue as he said maniacally, "Tough shit. We're taking her anyway. We might have some fun depending on my mood. Get em' boys!"

Katsuki and Izuku soon found themselves surrounded by two of the men from earlier. While Izuku shrunk at the sight, while standing his ground, Katsuki couldn't help but smile.

"Damn it." He said, despite the fear in his eyes, "Can't believe I gotta do this, but--" Katsuki let Reina slide off of his back, allowing Izuku to catch a hold of her, stumbling slightly as he did.

"Kaa-chan!?" Izuku exclaimed out of confusion, "What are you—?!"

"Deku." Katsuki said to him as he rolled up his sleeves, "If anything happens to her… I'll never forgive you."

And just like that, Katsuki charged at their attackers while activating his Quirk.


The two of them charged at Katsuki activating their Quirks; Each of their hands changed into blades, though they had a look of fear on their faces when Katsuki came flying towards them. Katsuki attacked them with full force, albeit with a smile on his face.

He pushed the two of them back with the blasts made from his Quirk and knocked them out instantly.

Katsuki merely laughed at this.


The leader let out a growl, before he went to attack Katsuki. He pulled out a knife and charged at him with full speed, giving Katsuki no time to block or even use his Quirk. He only managed to dodge the blade as a cut had been visible on the side of his head.

Izuku could only watch helplessly on the sidelines as he still couldn't believe something like this was even happening. He had been left unaware that Reina began to stir up as he held her in his arms. Her eyes opened slightly as they were half-lidded catching a glimpse of that familiar blonde teen.

"Baku… Gou-kun…?"

Izuku jumped a little before he saw her eyes had been open, "Reina-chan! You're awake!"

"Izu… Ku-kun…?" She said looking at him, "Why… Are you…?"

"Kaa-chan and I were worried about you!" Izuku said, "We came here to save you!"

"N… No… You two… Can't… Be here…"

"We should be saying that to you!"

The leader took notice of Reina being conscious and smiled evilly. After dodging an attack from Katsuki, he fired hitting his arm, causing the boy to cry out and dropping Reina on the ground making her grunt; Her eyes widened in horror when she realized he had been shot.

"HEY!" Katsuki yelled to the leader looking pissed, "NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO HURT DEKU BUT ME!!"

The leader said as he flipped him off, "OH PISS OFF! I CAN HURT WHOEVER CAN PLEASE!"

Katsuki went to rush the leader, but he fired a round, not only in his shoulder but in his knee as well; he cried out in agony and he fell to the floor face first. "Stay down and stay out of the way!" He told him, "The girl is mine!"

The leader went over to Reina, grabbing her roughly by the shoulder and making her sit on her knees. Izuku and Katsuki jumped when he started to hit her using the butt of the gun as she started to scream.

He repeated the process again, and again each time her screams seemed to have gotten more agonizing than the last.

"STOP IT!" Izuku shouted as he grabbed his arm, "YOU'RE GOING TO KILL HER!!"

"GET OFF ME YOU BRAT!!" The leader yelled as he smacked Izuku across the face.

"Izuku-kun!" Reina exclaimed as she saw him fall on his side.


The leader fired a warning shot nearly hitting Katsuki's face, "Did I say you could talk?"

"Stop it!" Reina said to him as she struggled to stand, "They have nothing to do with this! Do whatever you want to me, but leave them alone!"

The leader laughed as he told her as he dislocated her own shoulder causing her to scream, "As one of my best men in the states told me before you gave him to the cops--Snitches get stitches and that's what I'm going to do to your White Knights here after I'm done with you!"

With said, he gave her a hard kick in the stomach, as she nearly hit the door behind her; tears had been seen streaming down her face.

"Reina-chan!" Izuku yelled as tears ran down his face as well.

Katsuki watched in horror at what was happening before him. He felt scared and in one of his rare moments he had no idea what he should do. The only thing he knew he couldn't let Reina die. She just came back into his life, he couldn't just lose her like this. He couldn't do anything at the moment due to the bullets in his arm and leg.

But maybe she could.

The leader held his knife again and Reina against the wall by the hair. He said to her with a devious look as he brought the blade close to her neckline, "Now any last words?"

Knowing full well what was about to happen, Katsuki quickly took action.


Reina flinched at his words and looked in his direction; The leader on the other hand didn't look happy. "I thought I told you not to talk!" He said angrily.


Reina's expression seemed to have changed entirely as something seemed to have shattered in her head. The leader didn't notice this as he pulled out his gun aiming for his head. "I'm sick of you talking you damn brat!"

"Kaa-chan!!" Izuku exclaimed as he went to run towards him, "Noo!"

Just as he was gonna pull the trigger, they were all startled by a sudden breeze. The leader was startled when he saw his own gun sliced in two; the half falling onto the ground.

"Wha--What the--!?" The Leader said fearfully.

"Hey…" Reina said in a sudden cold tone of voice, which left the leader perplexed.

The leader turned back to her, only to meet with a fist, he stumbled and fell to the floor; Katsuki and Izuku jumped at this, before Reina towered over him.

"You really found me that engaging, and you intended to take me by force did you?" She said, the shadow of her bangs covering her eyes, "You horrible sinful man…"

With only her bare foot, she stepped right on his johnnies making him cry out. Finally her eyes that were revealed to be silver gave him a terrifying expression that many could swear would kill a man if given the opportunity, despite the flush of red on her face.

"... I can take all the other shit you do to me, but when you want a thing like that…" Reina said, "... That's going too far. If anything you're the one that should be punished for YOUR actions."

"Reina-chan?" Izuku said, making her turn to him, "... Is… Is that you…?"

Reina still had the cold stare which made him shrink a little; however, his fear seemed to have left him when she gave him that familiar warm smile that she gave him on the day they first met. She soon looked at Katsuki as she still had that smile, "Oh, so you're the one that broke the chains? I should've known."

"Huh?" Katsuki said, confused.

The leader soon said in a trembling voice, "what the hell?! Who the hell are y--"

Reina turned back to him, her harsh stare returning, "You keep quiet you little punk. When I'm done with you, you're gonna be crying to the cops, practically begging for someone to forgive your sorry little ass."

The leader squeaked before he pleaded, "Hey hey! T-take it easy, I was kidding around! It's just a joke bro'

"Then why do I sense a shiver in your voice?" She said, tilting her head in a creepy-like way.

"I-I'm not scared! I'm not scared of you!

Reina this time didn't say anything; using her other arm, she went to relocate her shoulder, letting out a groan as she did to prevent herself from screaming which honestly scared him.

"I was only kidding! I'm sorry! Spare me!"

"Tell that to the girl you raped and murdered and the boy you used as a human shield." Reina said before she turned to Izuku and Katsuki, "You two… If you can still move, you're gonna wanna wait outside. Don't call the police until I'm done."

"Wh--Why?" Izuku asked as he helped Katsuki to stand, "What are you going to do?"

Reina replied as she stretched, "Let's just say this is where it goes beyond the PG-13 rating."

The leader soon said as his body shook; he had been practically pissing his pants at the way Reina had been looking at him, "no… No… NO! PLEASE NO!"

He tried to make a break for it, but something grabbed a hold of his ankle causing him to fall face first. "What was that thing you said to me earlier?" Reina said as she stepped over to him, "You ain't escaping from me? 'll make you suffer so bad, you're gonna wish you hadn't done what you did?" She got up close and personal to him making him squeal, "Those were your EXACT words to me? Wasn't it?"

He pleaded again, "Please have mercy!"

"Hey!" Katsuki soon said, as he had hardly been phased by what was happening, "You're not gonna kill him are you?"

"As much as I want to…" Reina said, cracking her neck, "... I won't. After all… It would affect my future as a Hero wouldn't it?"

"If that's the case…" Katsuki said to her, before shooting a glare at the leader, "... Make this guy pay."

The leader started to cry before he looked over to Izuku and pleaded with him, "Hey! You'll help me right? You'll stop her right?! Isn't she your friend?"

Izuku looked to the leader before he turned to Reina. Knowing that she had been serious about not killing him, he said nothing to the man before he helped Katsuki get outside of the mall. The leader seemed to have started bawling, "PLEASE DON'T LEAVE!!"

Reina cracked her knuckles, as she turned back to the Leader. For a moment the light in the mall seemed to flickered, revealing to the leader something that seemed to have been coming from her back and what had shown to be wrapped around his ankle.

"This is for that couple whose lives and future you and your gang have ruined…" She said stepping dangerously close, "If it hadn't been for you and your people maybe they could have been somebody! maybe even have children of their own!"

The leader once more pleaded with her, "come on! Aren't you taking this too far? I mean they're just UA Brats!"

"If I was staring at a Villain right now, I probably might be." She said, "... But you're not a Villain, aren't you?"

The only thing Katsuki and Izuku heard from within the mall was the man screaming in sheer terror by whatever Reina was doing to him, though he didn't even bother to look back as he had been getting what he had deserved.